Really guys, this wazua thing is a mess.
I would advice you the next time you think of revamping a website, you should use the services of an SEO expert in your team.
The longer it takes you guys to change what guys are talking about, the more likely you get a competitor who will take you to the cleaners.
I know of 2 already and they are smilling with glee. Please don't think sk becoming redundant is not possible. As microsoft and their internet explorer, they were laughing at firefox.
It is simple what needs to be done:
1. Have one colour scheme for the site
2. Remove the blatant google ads...I would advice you to google "google smart pricing" and "google human reviews"
3. Navigation should be easier than it is...this is where you need an seo expert
4. white burning eyes background is a result of terrible colour coding ...please google "css developer" who should be able to get you a good colour the way nothing bad about the white, just the way the colours have been used
Just do this quickly and we may forget about this waria name...for now
Hata wakizima taa