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Around the world with Kariukis (loving couple)
#41 Posted : Sunday, December 22, 2019 6:15:08 PM
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Joined: 5/15/2019
Posts: 677
Location: planet earth

We told you wajuajis but yoi refused to listen. It will be a tall order for them to complete this journey under such planlessness. The blog went very quiet. Wako wapi sasa? If they make it past Mexico I will be very surprised.
Age and family mellows us all over time
#42 Posted : Sunday, December 22, 2019 7:14:02 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 9/23/2009
Posts: 8,083
Location: Enk are Nyirobi
amorphous wrote:

We told you wajuajis but yoi refused to listen. It will be a tall order for them to complete this journey under such planlessness. The blog went very quiet. Wako wapi sasa? If they make it past Mexico I will be very surprised.

Let them live their lifes. Some of us are struggling with fare to kakamega for Christmas sembuse Mexico
Life is short. Live passionately.
#43 Posted : Sunday, December 22, 2019 8:04:24 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/22/2008
Posts: 2,703
amorphous wrote:

We told you wajuajis but yoi refused to listen. It will be a tall order for them to complete this journey under such planlessness. The blog went very quiet. Wako wapi sasa? If they make it past Mexico I will be very surprised.

I hate to admit it but @amorphous has been right from the beginning. This couple did not think this project through.

If you are going to do this as public thing, which means you want people to participate in your adventure and contribute then you must treat it like work. You must generate content that keeps people coming back.

I just checked their Youtube channel and it only has 1,870 subscribers. Their videos are long and have only a few hundred views. Compare that to WODE MAYA the Ghanaian guy who lives in China and travels all over Africa. He has close to 300 thousand subscribers, he generates interesting content regularly and most videos are short. When you generate revenue the travels can be self sustaining. You however have to work to generate content not just think that people will just be wowed by your presence in a different geographical location. You have to make it about your audience and not about you.

A successful example of this is an English Vloger called "Bald and bankrupt". The guy has 1.28 million subscribers. He travels all over the former Soviet Union to places that tourists don't go. He does not simply show where he has been instead he takes the viewers where he is going, he says things like, "lets check out this place". Watching his videos you feel like you are with him where he is. He works hard to show his viewers different places but surprisingly some of his most popular videos are the ones where he does not succeed, is disappointed or he has a bad day or he is stranded in a place with nothing to show and he says he is struggling to find things to say. Viewers must feel like they are part of your journey. You must travel with them.

The only Kenyan I know who could pull something like this off is Bikozulu. If Bikozulu was on a Bike ride around the world many Kenyans would travel with him and they would be looking forward to Tuesday to find out, amefika wapi.
#44 Posted : Monday, December 23, 2019 12:13:44 AM
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Joined: 5/15/2019
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Kusadikika wrote:

I hate to admit it but @amorphous has been right from the beginning. This couple did not think this project through.

If you are going to do this as public thing, which means you want people to participate in your adventure and contribute then you must treat it like work. You must generate content that keeps people coming back.

I just checked their Youtube channel and it only has 1,870 subscribers. Their videos are long and have only a few hundred views. Compare that to WODE MAYA the Ghanaian guy who lives in China and travels all over Africa. He has close to 300 thousand subscribers, he generates interesting content regularly and most videos are short. When you generate revenue the travels can be self sustaining. You however have to work to generate content not just think that people will just be wowed by your presence in a different geographical location. You have to make it about your audience and not about you.

A successful example of this is an English Vloger called "Bald and bankrupt". The guy has 1.28 million subscribers. He travels all over the former Soviet Union to places that tourists don't go. He does not simply show where he has been instead he takes the viewers where he is going, he says things like, "lets check out this place". Watching his videos you feel like you are with him where he is. He works hard to show his viewers different places but surprisingly some of his most popular videos are the ones where he does not succeed, is disappointed or he has a bad day or he is stranded in a place with nothing to show and he says he is struggling to find things to say. Viewers must feel like they are part of your journey. You must travel with them.

The only Kenyan I know who could pull something like this off is Bikozulu. If Bikozulu was on a Bike ride around the world many Kenyans would travel with him and they would be looking forward to Tuesday to find out, amefika wapi.

Excellent points. Funny you should mention Wode. I love his videos and his quirky style of doing things. Another Kenyan with a sustainable plan who is actually doing it (albeit mostly in South America) is Marwa (forgot his youtube name). He has developed quite a following and is funding his travels sustainably via youtube/insta. I used to watch him a lot until his content became all about street women/booty/working girls so I lost interest completely after a while. I liked the old Marwa who would bring videos of his experience being beaten up by police in Dominican Republic after being mistaken for a Haitian Laughing out loudly ! Haitians are hated in DR. But he is very real and does it for the audience as you say which keeps the videos very interesting. I genuinely feel sad for this couple. Remember they only planned for one year! If they are already having financial troubles, no income yet and they have not even crossed over to Central America, things can only get elephant from here on out. I mentioned some horror stories I saw with my own eyes while on the road many years back. People stranded in the middle of nowhere in a strange country an ocean away from home with no income, no place to stay and no way to get home. I sincerely hope it does not happen to this couple.
Age and family mellows us all over time
#45 Posted : Monday, December 23, 2019 8:07:15 AM
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Joined: 5/15/2019
Posts: 677
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This is the dude:

Age and family mellows us all over time
#46 Posted : Friday, April 03, 2020 12:15:50 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 10/23/2009
Posts: 2,375
As@ 22 March 2020

Dear Friends and fans,
Hope you are all well and taking care.

After 21 months of being on the road and crossing 20 countries, we have come to the painful decision to cut short our trip.

We have experienced generosity and love from all over the world. We really appreciate all the people that have checked up on us, hosted, warm meals, fuel.

We have been locked in Nicaragua for the last week. Our short visa validity, security concerns and heightened travel restrictions in the region are making it difficult for us to plan/continue with our travel. Borders started closing two days after we entered Nicaragua. Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala closed for all nationalities.

We have been monitoring the new developments and nothing seems to be changing especially with massive flight cancellations and government directives to close hotels/hostels

As of now: We are now looking for logistics to ship the bikes and then look for flight tickets back home to Kenya.
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt...
-Mark Twain
#47 Posted : Saturday, April 04, 2020 8:46:37 AM
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Joined: 5/15/2019
Posts: 677
Location: planet earth
bkismat wrote:
As@ 22 March 2020

Dear Friends and fans,
Hope you are all well and taking care.

After 21 months of being on the road and crossing 20 countries, we have come to the painful decision to cut short our trip.

We have experienced generosity and love from all over the world. We really appreciate all the people that have checked up on us, hosted, warm meals, fuel.

We have been locked in Nicaragua for the last week. Our short visa validity, security concerns and heightened travel restrictions in the region are making it difficult for us to plan/continue with our travel. Borders started closing two days after we entered Nicaragua. Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala closed for all nationalities.

We have been monitoring the new developments and nothing seems to be changing especially with massive flight cancellations and government directives to close hotels/hostels

As of now: We are now looking for logistics to ship the bikes and then look for flight tickets back home to Kenya.

I told the wajuajis on this thread and they refused to listen. Corona is a convenient excuse to end a journey that was doomed to fail from day one due to a shocking level of naivety and planlessness on the couple's part. I wish them the best as they relocate and pick up the pieces.
Age and family mellows us all over time
#48 Posted : Saturday, April 04, 2020 4:15:15 PM
Rank: Member

Joined: 2/20/2007
Posts: 767
amorphous wrote:
bkismat wrote:
As@ 22 March 2020

Dear Friends and fans,
Hope you are all well and taking care.

After 21 months of being on the road and crossing 20 countries, we have come to the painful decision to cut short our trip.

We have experienced generosity and love from all over the world. We really appreciate all the people that have checked up on us, hosted, warm meals, fuel.

We have been locked in Nicaragua for the last week. Our short visa validity, security concerns and heightened travel restrictions in the region are making it difficult for us to plan/continue with our travel. Borders started closing two days after we entered Nicaragua. Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala closed for all nationalities.

We have been monitoring the new developments and nothing seems to be changing especially with massive flight cancellations and government directives to close hotels/hostels

As of now: We are now looking for logistics to ship the bikes and then look for flight tickets back home to Kenya.

I told the wajuajis on this thread and they refused to listen. Corona is a convenient excuse to end a journey that was doomed to fail from day one due to a shocking level of naivety and planlessness on the couple's part. I wish them the best as they relocate and pick up the pieces.

Wacha wivu..... at least they had the courage to follow their dreams, something most people do not do.
They must find it difficult....... those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority. -G. Massey.
#49 Posted : Saturday, April 04, 2020 5:39:17 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/10/2008
Posts: 9,131
Location: Kanjo
amorphous wrote:
bkismat wrote:
As@ 22 March 2020

Dear Friends and fans,
Hope you are all well and taking care.

After 21 months of being on the road and crossing 20 countries, we have come to the painful decision to cut short our trip.

We have experienced generosity and love from all over the world. We really appreciate all the people that have checked up on us, hosted, warm meals, fuel.

We have been locked in Nicaragua for the last week. Our short visa validity, security concerns and heightened travel restrictions in the region are making it difficult for us to plan/continue with our travel. Borders started closing two days after we entered Nicaragua. Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala closed for all nationalities.

We have been monitoring the new developments and nothing seems to be changing especially with massive flight cancellations and government directives to close hotels/hostels

As of now: We are now looking for logistics to ship the bikes and then look for flight tickets back home to Kenya.

I told the wajuajis on this thread and they refused to listen. Corona is a convenient excuse to end a journey that was doomed to fail from day one due to a shocking level of naivety and planlessness on the couple's part. I wish them the best as they relocate and pick up the pieces.

uko na ujinga mingi. You know most countries are on lockdown so how exactly would they travel? Karibuni nyumbani but they will still be quarantined for 14 days.
#50 Posted : Saturday, April 04, 2020 7:34:19 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/26/2012
Posts: 15,980
amorphous wrote:
bkismat wrote:
As@ 22 March 2020

Dear Friends and fans,
Hope you are all well and taking care.

After 21 months of being on the road and crossing 20 countries, we have come to the painful decision to cut short our trip.

We have experienced generosity and love from all over the world. We really appreciate all the people that have checked up on us, hosted, warm meals, fuel.

We have been locked in Nicaragua for the last week. Our short visa validity, security concerns and heightened travel restrictions in the region are making it difficult for us to plan/continue with our travel. Borders started closing two days after we entered Nicaragua. Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala closed for all nationalities.

We have been monitoring the new developments and nothing seems to be changing especially with massive flight cancellations and government directives to close hotels/hostels

As of now: We are now looking for logistics to ship the bikes and then look for flight tickets back home to Kenya.

I told the wajuajis on this thread and they refused to listen. Corona is a convenient excuse to end a journey that was doomed to fail from day one due to a shocking level of naivety and planlessness on the couple's part. I wish them the best as they relocate and pick up the pieces.

I knew they were desperate when one of them came on Betty Kyalo's show. I wish them well
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#51 Posted : Saturday, April 04, 2020 10:30:17 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 1/10/2015
Posts: 961
Location: Kenya
harrydre wrote:
amorphous wrote:
bkismat wrote:
As@ 22 March 2020

Dear Friends and fans,
Hope you are all well and taking care.

After 21 months of being on the road and crossing 20 countries, we have come to the painful decision to cut short our trip.

We have experienced generosity and love from all over the world. We really appreciate all the people that have checked up on us, hosted, warm meals, fuel.

We have been locked in Nicaragua for the last week. Our short visa validity, security concerns and heightened travel restrictions in the region are making it difficult for us to plan/continue with our travel. Borders started closing two days after we entered Nicaragua. Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala closed for all nationalities.

We have been monitoring the new developments and nothing seems to be changing especially with massive flight cancellations and government directives to close hotels/hostels

As of now: We are now looking for logistics to ship the bikes and then look for flight tickets back home to Kenya.

I told the wajuajis on this thread and they refused to listen. Corona is a convenient excuse to end a journey that was doomed to fail from day one due to a shocking level of naivety and planlessness on the couple's part. I wish them the best as they relocate and pick up the pieces.

uko na ujinga mingi. You know most countries are on lockdown so how exactly would they travel? Karibuni nyumbani but they will still be quarantined for 14 days.

Very true. Victims of the corona that has shut down the planet.
Proverbs 13:11 Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.
#52 Posted : Sunday, April 05, 2020 7:37:48 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 9/23/2009
Posts: 8,083
Location: Enk are Nyirobi
amorphous wrote:
bkismat wrote:
As@ 22 March 2020

Dear Friends and fans,
Hope you are all well and taking care.

After 21 months of being on the road and crossing 20 countries, we have come to the painful decision to cut short our trip.

We have experienced generosity and love from all over the world. We really appreciate all the people that have checked up on us, hosted, warm meals, fuel.

We have been locked in Nicaragua for the last week. Our short visa validity, security concerns and heightened travel restrictions in the region are making it difficult for us to plan/continue with our travel. Borders started closing two days after we entered Nicaragua. Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala closed for all nationalities.

We have been monitoring the new developments and nothing seems to be changing especially with massive flight cancellations and government directives to close hotels/hostels

As of now: We are now looking for logistics to ship the bikes and then look for flight tickets back home to Kenya.

I told the wajuajis on this thread and they refused to listen. Corona is a convenient excuse to end a journey that was doomed to fail from day one due to a shocking level of naivety and planlessness on the couple's part. I wish them the best as they relocate and pick up the pieces.

Go slow on these posts. You might come out as an envious person.

An envious person doesn't want others to succeed. Other people's success make him feel bad.

An envious person suffers from low selfworth. Other people's failures give him a kick because the failures validate his own mediocrity and low selfworth.

An envious person is a selfish person. The universe revolves around his mighty ego. To an envious person, anything that doesn't validate his opinions and needs is misguided.

Envy is one of the seven deadly sins. Punishment for envy as per the scriptural literature is being trappped in freezing water.

Go slow. Recognise the Kariukis' efforts and achievements inspite of the circumstances.
Life is short. Live passionately.
#53 Posted : Monday, April 06, 2020 2:48:39 AM
Rank: Member

Joined: 5/15/2019
Posts: 677
Location: planet earth
murchr wrote:
amorphous wrote:
bkismat wrote:
As@ 22 March 2020

Dear Friends and fans,
Hope you are all well and taking care.

After 21 months of being on the road and crossing 20 countries, we have come to the painful decision to cut short our trip.

We have experienced generosity and love from all over the world. We really appreciate all the people that have checked up on us, hosted, warm meals, fuel.

We have been locked in Nicaragua for the last week. Our short visa validity, security concerns and heightened travel restrictions in the region are making it difficult for us to plan/continue with our travel. Borders started closing two days after we entered Nicaragua. Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala closed for all nationalities.

We have been monitoring the new developments and nothing seems to be changing especially with massive flight cancellations and government directives to close hotels/hostels

As of now: We are now looking for logistics to ship the bikes and then look for flight tickets back home to Kenya.

I told the wajuajis on this thread and they refused to listen. Corona is a convenient excuse to end a journey that was doomed to fail from day one due to a shocking level of naivety and planlessness on the couple's part. I wish them the best as they relocate and pick up the pieces.

I knew they were desperate when one of them came on Betty Kyalo's show. I wish them well

Kabisa. And remember they sold kila kitu..down to their kikombes and chairs before they left. And from their own accounts online, their money has ran out.
Meaning they are coming back to absolutely nothing. I remember some delusional chap saying that they will come back to BMW sponsorship deals Laughing out loudly
Age and family mellows us all over time
#54 Posted : Monday, April 06, 2020 8:15:54 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 9/19/2015
Posts: 2,871
Location: hapo
Wishing them all the best and safe journeys.

What they have done thus far is something I wish I had done when I was younger.

Stay safe.
Thieves are not good people. Tumeelewana?

#55 Posted : Monday, April 06, 2020 6:58:51 PM
Rank: Member

Joined: 3/19/2013
Posts: 344
amorphous wrote:
bkismat wrote:
As@ 22 March 2020

Dear Friends and fans,
Hope you are all well and taking care.

After 21 months of being on the road and crossing 20 countries, we have come to the painful decision to cut short our trip.

We have experienced generosity and love from all over the world. We really appreciate all the people that have checked up on us, hosted, warm meals, fuel.

We have been locked in Nicaragua for the last week. Our short visa validity, security concerns and heightened travel restrictions in the region are making it difficult for us to plan/continue with our travel. Borders started closing two days after we entered Nicaragua. Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala closed for all nationalities.

We have been monitoring the new developments and nothing seems to be changing especially with massive flight cancellations and government directives to close hotels/hostels

As of now: We are now looking for logistics to ship the bikes and then look for flight tickets back home to Kenya.

I told the wajuajis on this thread and they refused to listen. Corona is a convenient excuse to end a journey that was doomed to fail from day one due to a shocking level of naivety and planlessness on the couple's part. I wish them the best as they relocate and pick up the pieces.

I would not call 20 countries and 21 months a failure. They have had a great adventure despite their limited finances. Maybe coming home will give them time to regroup.
#56 Posted : Monday, April 06, 2020 7:22:20 PM
Rank: Member

Joined: 5/17/2008
Posts: 488
Sansa wrote:
amorphous wrote:
bkismat wrote:
As@ 22 March 2020

Dear Friends and fans,
Hope you are all well and taking care.

After 21 months of being on the road and crossing 20 countries, we have come to the painful decision to cut short our trip.

We have experienced generosity and love from all over the world. We really appreciate all the people that have checked up on us, hosted, warm meals, fuel.

We have been locked in Nicaragua for the last week. Our short visa validity, security concerns and heightened travel restrictions in the region are making it difficult for us to plan/continue with our travel. Borders started closing two days after we entered Nicaragua. Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala closed for all nationalities.

We have been monitoring the new developments and nothing seems to be changing especially with massive flight cancellations and government directives to close hotels/hostels

As of now: We are now looking for logistics to ship the bikes and then look for flight tickets back home to Kenya.

I told the wajuajis on this thread and they refused to listen. Corona is a convenient excuse to end a journey that was doomed to fail from day one due to a shocking level of naivety and planlessness on the couple's part. I wish them the best as they relocate and pick up the pieces.

I would not call 20 countries and 21 months a failure. They have had a great adventure despite their limited finances. Maybe coming home will give them time to regroup.

#57 Posted : Monday, April 06, 2020 7:59:30 PM
Rank: Member

Joined: 2/20/2007
Posts: 767
gk wrote:
Sansa wrote:
amorphous wrote:
bkismat wrote:
As@ 22 March 2020

Dear Friends and fans,
Hope you are all well and taking care.

After 21 months of being on the road and crossing 20 countries, we have come to the painful decision to cut short our trip.

We have experienced generosity and love from all over the world. We really appreciate all the people that have checked up on us, hosted, warm meals, fuel.

We have been locked in Nicaragua for the last week. Our short visa validity, security concerns and heightened travel restrictions in the region are making it difficult for us to plan/continue with our travel. Borders started closing two days after we entered Nicaragua. Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala closed for all nationalities.

We have been monitoring the new developments and nothing seems to be changing especially with massive flight cancellations and government directives to close hotels/hostels

As of now: We are now looking for logistics to ship the bikes and then look for flight tickets back home to Kenya.

I told the wajuajis on this thread and they refused to listen. Corona is a convenient excuse to end a journey that was doomed to fail from day one due to a shocking level of naivety and planlessness on the couple's part. I wish them the best as they relocate and pick up the pieces.

I would not call 20 countries and 21 months a failure. They have had a great adventure despite their limited finances. Maybe coming home will give them time to regroup.


Even 5 countries is a success in my book. Few people actually set out to actualise their dreams. Many are waiting for a future time when things are perfect. This time never comes. Planning such a multi country trip must be crazy and for sure one cannot get all things right. It took courage and confidence. Hats off to them.
They must find it difficult....... those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority. -G. Massey.
#58 Posted : Monday, April 06, 2020 8:07:31 PM
Rank: Member

Joined: 11/21/2018
Posts: 564
Location: Britain
sparkly wrote:
amorphous wrote:
bkismat wrote:
As@ 22 March 2020

Dear Friends and fans,
Hope you are all well and taking care.

After 21 months of being on the road and crossing 20 countries, we have come to the painful decision to cut short our trip.

We have experienced generosity and love from all over the world. We really appreciate all the people that have checked up on us, hosted, warm meals, fuel.

We have been locked in Nicaragua for the last week. Our short visa validity, security concerns and heightened travel restrictions in the region are making it difficult for us to plan/continue with our travel. Borders started closing two days after we entered Nicaragua. Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala closed for all nationalities.

We have been monitoring the new developments and nothing seems to be changing especially with massive flight cancellations and government directives to close hotels/hostels

As of now: We are now looking for logistics to ship the bikes and then look for flight tickets back home to Kenya.

I told the wajuajis on this thread and they refused to listen. Corona is a convenient excuse to end a journey that was doomed to fail from day one due to a shocking level of naivety and planlessness on the couple's part. I wish them the best as they relocate and pick up the pieces.

Go slow on these posts. You might come out as an envious person.

An envious person doesn't want others to succeed. Other people's success make him feel bad.

An envious person suffers from low selfworth. Other people's failures give him a kick because the failures validate his own mediocrity and low selfworth.

An envious person is a selfish person. The universe revolves around his mighty ego. To an envious person, anything that doesn't validate his opinions and needs is misguided.

Envy is one of the seven deadly sins. Punishment for envy as per the scriptural literature is being trappped in freezing water.

Go slow. Recognise the Kariukis' efforts and achievements inspite of the circumstances.

Have never come across a normal human being who is not envious.
#59 Posted : Monday, April 06, 2020 10:05:35 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 8/10/2010
Posts: 2,264
amorphous wrote:
murchr wrote:
amorphous wrote:
bkismat wrote:
As@ 22 March 2020

Dear Friends and fans,
Hope you are all well and taking care.

After 21 months of being on the road and crossing 20 countries, we have come to the painful decision to cut short our trip.

We have experienced generosity and love from all over the world. We really appreciate all the people that have checked up on us, hosted, warm meals, fuel.

We have been locked in Nicaragua for the last week. Our short visa validity, security concerns and heightened travel restrictions in the region are making it difficult for us to plan/continue with our travel. Borders started closing two days after we entered Nicaragua. Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala closed for all nationalities.

We have been monitoring the new developments and nothing seems to be changing especially with massive flight cancellations and government directives to close hotels/hostels

As of now: We are now looking for logistics to ship the bikes and then look for flight tickets back home to Kenya.

I told the wajuajis on this thread and they refused to listen. Corona is a convenient excuse to end a journey that was doomed to fail from day one due to a shocking level of naivety and planlessness on the couple's part. I wish them the best as they relocate and pick up the pieces.

I knew they were desperate when one of them came on Betty Kyalo's show. I wish them well

Kabisa. And remember they sold kila kitu..down to their kikombes and chairs before they left. And from their own accounts online, their money has ran out.
Meaning they are coming back to absolutely nothing. I remember some delusional chap saying that they will come back to BMW sponsorship deals Laughing out loudly

Brand endorsement could have come through if they had chosen some of the local brands that are used by boda boda guys like bajaj or the brand made by that makindu guy. That could have also promted a lot of online following and financial muscle.
Politics is just things to keep the people divided and foolish and put your trust in men and none of them can do nothing for you...
#60 Posted : Monday, April 06, 2020 10:11:59 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 8/10/2010
Posts: 2,264
mpobiz wrote:
amorphous wrote:
murchr wrote:
amorphous wrote:
bkismat wrote:
As@ 22 March 2020

Dear Friends and fans,
Hope you are all well and taking care.

After 21 months of being on the road and crossing 20 countries, we have come to the painful decision to cut short our trip.

We have experienced generosity and love from all over the world. We really appreciate all the people that have checked up on us, hosted, warm meals, fuel.

We have been locked in Nicaragua for the last week. Our short visa validity, security concerns and heightened travel restrictions in the region are making it difficult for us to plan/continue with our travel. Borders started closing two days after we entered Nicaragua. Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala closed for all nationalities.

We have been monitoring the new developments and nothing seems to be changing especially with massive flight cancellations and government directives to close hotels/hostels

As of now: We are now looking for logistics to ship the bikes and then look for flight tickets back home to Kenya.

I told the wajuajis on this thread and they refused to listen. Corona is a convenient excuse to end a journey that was doomed to fail from day one due to a shocking level of naivety and planlessness on the couple's part. I wish them the best as they relocate and pick up the pieces.

I knew they were desperate when one of them came on Betty Kyalo's show. I wish them well

Kabisa. And remember they sold kila kitu..down to their kikombes and chairs before they left. And from their own accounts online, their money has ran out.
Meaning they are coming back to absolutely nothing. I remember some delusional chap saying that they will come back to BMW sponsorship deals Laughing out loudly

Brand endorsement could have come through if they had chosen some of the local brands that are used by boda boda guys like bajaj or the brand made by that makindu guy. That could have also promted a lot of online following and financial muscle.

Even scooters are doing it
Politics is just things to keep the people divided and foolish and put your trust in men and none of them can do nothing for you...
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