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Pope's Visit
Ash Ock
#41 Posted : Wednesday, November 25, 2015 4:25:31 PM
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About 5 minutes ago, should be landing any minute. smile

Sent from my Black Nokia 3310
#42 Posted : Wednesday, November 25, 2015 5:25:55 PM
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Impunity wrote:
Who has the Pope's itinerary while in Kenya?

Wednesday, 25 November

• 1700hrs; Arrival at JKIA
• 1800hrs; Courtesy visit with Kenya's President at the State House.
• 1830hrs; Meeting with the Kenyan government officials and members of the diplomatic corps at the State House, speech by the Pope.

Thursday, 26 November

• 0815hrs; Meeting with interreligious and ecumenical representatives at the apostolic
Nunciature in Nairobi.
• 1000hrs; Mass on the University of Nairobi grounds
• 1545hrs; Meeting with the priests, religious and seminarians, St Mary’s School.
• 1730hrs; Visit to the United Nations Office in Nairobi

Friday, 27 November

• 0830hrs; Visit to the Kangemi neighborhood
• 1000hrs; Meeting with youths at Kasarani Stadium.
• 1115hrs; Meeting with the bishops of Kenya at the stadium.
• 1510hrs; Farewell ceremony at JKIA
• 1530hrs; Departure from Nairobi for Entebbe, Uganda.

Accomodation: Apostolic Nunciature
If Obiero did it, Who Am I?
#43 Posted : Wednesday, November 25, 2015 5:35:22 PM
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Journalist: "Are you worried about your safety?"

Pope Francis: "Why?"

Journalist: "There are some people who are targeting Christians"

Pope Francis: “There are good and bad people. To tell you the truth, the only thing I’m worried about are mosquitoes.”



#44 Posted : Wednesday, November 25, 2015 7:03:09 PM
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Merali had to shake hand
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#45 Posted : Wednesday, November 25, 2015 7:32:49 PM
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I know i will probably get a lot of flack for saying this but i am used to it by now. Hehehe. I am really wondering, apart from inconveniencing us for the next few days and making traffic and our lives on the roads hell (pun intended) how does this pope guy's visit add any value to our country? Am really struggling to find any significance of this visit? Isn't this pope guy just some regular schmuck flying around country to country telling people a bunch of nothing? I have seen on TV saying that the pope blessed a severely disfigured man and blessed a child, washed people's feet, isn't that something that any regular dude can do? I mean, i can wash like 50 people's feet, and "bless" like 5000 disfigured people and children, what will that prove? What does his washing people's feet prove?

If Mr. Francis had healed that severely disfigured man, then i might have been the first one to arrive at UON grounds tomorrow for the service or whatever the hell that is going to be, but the guy has absolutely no divine powers at all, is just a regular con. Can't do any miracles. Lol. It's amazing that over a million people will go listen to this guy who posseses no godly powers talk about things that don't add any value to their lives. After the pope leaves, all the poor people that he will have "blessed" will still remain poor and all the disfigured people will still be disfigured. I am willing to bet my left arm on that. I mean, anybody can wash feet, lol, i just don't know why it's special when this conman washes feet. Will he also turn water into wine? Does anybody know? That might actually make me go, i do like me some wine, maybe we can drink and party a little bit after the crusade. Mukiri, do you know if there will be miracle wine? smile
#46 Posted : Wednesday, November 25, 2015 7:37:11 PM
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Na hio gari amepanda na hii mvua
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#47 Posted : Wednesday, November 25, 2015 7:45:51 PM
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A 1500cc honda civic. He's really down to earth. #Lessons to be learnt.
#48 Posted : Wednesday, November 25, 2015 7:55:11 PM
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hamburglar wrote:
I know i will probably get a lot of flack for saying this but i am used to it by now. Hehehe. I am really wondering, apart from inconveniencing us for the next few days and making traffic and our lives on the roads hell (pun intended) how does this pope guy's visit add any value to our country? Am really struggling to find any significance of this visit? Isn't this pope guy just some regular schmuck flying around country to country telling people a bunch of nothing? I have seen on TV saying that the pope blessed a severely disfigured man and blessed a child, washed people's feet, isn't that something that any regular dude can do? I mean, i can wash like 50 people's feet, and "bless" like 5000 disfigured people and children, what will that prove? What does his washing people's feet prove?

If Mr. Francis had healed that severely disfigured man, then i might have been the first one to arrive at UON grounds tomorrow for the service or whatever the hell that is going to be, but the guy has absolutely no divine powers at all, is just a regular con. Can't do any miracles. Lol. It's amazing that over a million people will go listen to this guy who posseses no godly powers talk about things that don't add any value to their lives. After the pope leaves, all the poor people that he will have "blessed" will still remain poor and all the disfigured people will still be disfigured. I am willing to bet my left arm on that. I mean, anybody can wash feet, lol, i just don't know why it's special when this conman washes feet. Will he also turn water into wine? Does anybody know? That might actually make me go, i do like me some wine, maybe we can drink and party a little bit after the crusade. Mukiri, do you know if there will be miracle wine? smile

Weee @Ham, thought we agreed to each his own. In India, peeps there lynched a man who was transporting beef. Turns out they actually believe their god is the cow. So they were avenging by killing the guy who had killed their god. I almost said how primitive ! Then I remembered these guys actually control, own and run our economy.

On the pope, please remember he is a creature of religion. We know all religions are massive and long running scams which actually push people far away from the same God they claim to derive their authority from. Up to here am sure we agree. Where I differ with you is the existence of a supreme being. I am a strong believer in God. Someone is in charge. There is a method to this madness that cannot be random. Don't ask me for evidence.
#49 Posted : Wednesday, November 25, 2015 8:12:13 PM
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Regardless of if God exists or not, there is no point disrespecting an otherwise humble guy who wishes everyone well.
Common decency dictates that we treat one another with civility and respect.
If for no other reason, I admire the guy for his grace and 'down-to-earthness'
Isuni yilu yi maa me muyo - ni Mbisuu
#50 Posted : Wednesday, November 25, 2015 8:45:20 PM
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someone must have duped Papa to shake Meralli's hand...This whole St. Francis of Asisi theme became not-so-credible the moment the Kenyan "Capitalists" were invited to shake hands with the Pope. Only a handshake with 200 walala hois will cleanse Papa from this mortal error
Dumb money becomes dumb only when it listens to smart money
#51 Posted : Wednesday, November 25, 2015 8:47:35 PM
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or maybe Meralli paid a hand and a foot to greet Papa...this is Kenya afterall
Dumb money becomes dumb only when it listens to smart money
#52 Posted : Wednesday, November 25, 2015 8:53:41 PM
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despite his humbleness Papa is 1000 fold bigger than Obama or any other sitting United states or Russian president. He is even bigger than the Queen of England (who is 100 fold bigger than any other sitting US president.Lesson of the day/century..you don't have to fly airforce 1, or ride the beast to be the most powerful man in the world. Even the Chinese respect this man
Dumb money becomes dumb only when it listens to smart money
#53 Posted : Wednesday, November 25, 2015 9:47:21 PM
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Ngalaka wrote:

Regardless of if God exists or not, there is no point disrespecting an otherwise humble guy who wishes everyone well.
Common decency dictates that we treat one another with civility and respect.
If for no other reason, I admire the guy for his grace and 'down-to-earthness'

Don't be so naive. Actions speak louder than words. The Vatican is the richest church on earth. If he really wished everyone well, he would use those billions his church has to help alleviate a lot of people's lives. You can't wish people well by just putting on a show and acting all down to earth when the church that you head has billions of dollars to it's name. The guy has no integrity, he knows this but won't do anything about it. If that were me, i would have donated the billions to the needy on the first day they blew that white smoke through that chimney uko Vatican. My conscience can't let me sit on billions of dollars while the people i purport to care so much for are living in squalor. How does he sleep at night?

There is nothing graceful or down to earth about that. Such hogwash. The guy has no integrity, no conscience, all this 1500 cc honda nonsesne is for the show, if he was really worth his salt, let him sell off of the billions in assets that his church owns and help the needy. Bullshit. Am not that gullible. Common decency dictates that we don't take people for a ride in the name of religion. If he wants civility and respect from me, let him pawn off his church's assets and donate the money to a lot of needy people around the world. But until he does that, i will continue calling his bluff and pouring scorn on his con game. Some of us are not blinded by dumb faith, we have eyes and a brain.
#54 Posted : Wednesday, November 25, 2015 9:57:41 PM
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Fyatu wrote:
despite his humbleness Papa is 1000 fold bigger than Obama or any other sitting United states or Russian president. He is even bigger than the Queen of England (who is 100 fold bigger than any other sitting US president.Lesson of the day/century..you don't have to fly airforce 1, or ride the beast to be the most powerful man in the world. Even the Chinese respect this man

What makes him bigger than all those people you have mentioned? The fact that he is riding around in a cheap car? A lot of people drive cheap cars and even more walk from place to place, are they bigger than Obama and the queen? What contribution has the pope added to the world? And what is the significance of the Chinese respecting somebody? You say it like it's some big deal when the Chinese respect someone. Do the Chinese respecting him make him important? Did you take a poll to conclude that the Chinese people respect him or is it just one of those unsubtianated things your religious freaks say to convince yourself of your many delusional myths? This is very unfortunate reasoning. The brown nosing of this conman that can't perform shit is out of hand. He is just a regular guy who has absolutely no magical powers. None whatsoever. There is no difference between the pope and some guy in Gachie, they are both mortal dudes who can't perform any miracles and can't do shit that nobody else can't do. He is useless, just some schmuck who loves the attention he is getting from gullible folks like you.

Too bad for me, i live in a country full of religious zealots who will inconvenience my daily activities immensely the next few days, just so they can go see a regular joe doing and saying nothing of value to anybody on this earth.
#55 Posted : Wednesday, November 25, 2015 10:54:49 PM
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Clearly there is a problem. Having an argument with the world.
Obama holds the pope in high regard, so does who is who in the world
Uhuru plus nearly all leaders in Kenya, people of all walks in life, common folk et al honour and respect the pope.
I guess all these people, world leaders et al know nothing!

Deliberate distortion of issues - hamna haja.
nough said
Isuni yilu yi maa me muyo - ni Mbisuu
#56 Posted : Thursday, November 26, 2015 5:18:18 AM
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They have have been there since 8PM..dedication!

"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#57 Posted : Thursday, November 26, 2015 6:01:35 AM
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hamburglar wrote:
I know i will probably get a lot of flack for saying this but i am used to it by now. Hehehe. I am really wondering, apart from inconveniencing us for the next few days and making traffic and our lives on the roads hell (pun intended) how does this pope guy's visit add any value to our country? Am really struggling to find any significance of this visit? Isn't this pope guy just some regular schmuck flying around country to country telling people a bunch of nothing? I have seen on TV saying that the pope blessed a severely disfigured man and blessed a child, washed people's feet, isn't that something that any regular dude can do? I mean, i can wash like 50 people's feet, and "bless" like 5000 disfigured people and children, what will that prove? What does his washing people's feet prove?

If Mr. Francis had healed that severely disfigured man, then i might have been the first one to arrive at UON grounds tomorrow for the service or whatever the hell that is going to be, but the guy has absolutely no divine powers at all, is just a regular con. Can't do any miracles. Lol. It's amazing that over a million people will go listen to this guy who posseses no godly powers talk about things that don't add any value to their lives. After the pope leaves, all the poor people that he will have "blessed" will still remain poor and all the disfigured people will still be disfigured. I am willing to bet my left arm on that. I mean, anybody can wash feet, lol, i just don't know why it's special when this conman washes feet. Will he also turn water into wine? Does anybody know? That might actually make me go, i do like me some wine, maybe we can drink and party a little bit after the crusade. Mukiri, do you know if there will be miracle wine? smile

smile I'll make you a deal... Buy me a bottle of Angostura Bitters, and I'll write 'MIRACLE' on your bottles of wine.

Proverbs 19:21
#58 Posted : Thursday, November 26, 2015 6:10:10 AM
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Papa we are still waiting for you on Thika road.Fombe imeisha kwa bar!!!
Hutia Mundu!!
#59 Posted : Thursday, November 26, 2015 6:30:35 AM
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Hutia Mundu!!
#60 Posted : Thursday, November 26, 2015 7:38:06 AM
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Mukiri wrote:
hamburglar wrote:
I know i will probably get a lot of flack for saying this but i am used to it by now. Hehehe. I am really wondering, apart from inconveniencing us for the next few days and making traffic and our lives on the roads hell (pun intended) how does this pope guy's visit add any value to our country? Am really struggling to find any significance of this visit? Isn't this pope guy just some regular schmuck flying around country to country telling people a bunch of nothing? I have seen on TV saying that the pope blessed a severely disfigured man and blessed a child, washed people's feet, isn't that something that any regular dude can do? I mean, i can wash like 50 people's feet, and "bless" like 5000 disfigured people and children, what will that prove? What does his washing people's feet prove?

If Mr. Francis had healed that severely disfigured man, then i might have been the first one to arrive at UON grounds tomorrow for the service or whatever the hell that is going to be, but the guy has absolutely no divine powers at all, is just a regular con. Can't do any miracles. Lol. It's amazing that over a million people will go listen to this guy who posseses no godly powers talk about things that don't add any value to their lives. After the pope leaves, all the poor people that he will have "blessed" will still remain poor and all the disfigured people will still be disfigured. I am willing to bet my left arm on that. I mean, anybody can wash feet, lol, i just don't know why it's special when this conman washes feet. Will he also turn water into wine? Does anybody know? That might actually make me go, i do like me some wine, maybe we can drink and party a little bit after the crusade. Mukiri, do you know if there will be miracle wine? smile

smile I'll make you a deal... Buy me a bottle of Angostura Bitters, and I'll write 'MIRACLE' on your bottles of wine.

Hahaha. Thanks but no thanks. I want the wine that has been turned from water. I have bought a bunch of mtungis of water and i hope we can really party after the mass. Am just waiting for Franco to give me the go ahead ndio nilete hizo mitungi huko. Everybody come down to UON grounds, Mukiri says the pope will turn plenty of water into wine. Leo tutakunywa kukunywa. Alafu, Mukiri and the other guy up there who says that am disrespecting the pope (forgot their name), question, since people won't have food at the mass, do you think Franco can pull that other miracle of feeding over a million people with fish and bread? If he can, tell him to do Elliots bread, it goes well with fish.

Ok. Am having too much fun ridiculing these weak minded religious zealots, let me go do more productive things even though half of the roads are closed because of a useless man being around. Jeez, it's raining too, just peeked outside the window. Will Franco pray away the rain so he can have a good mass ama hana hizo powers? Laughing out loudly
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