The Britam Story (Google the Simon Makonde Story)
Figures, dates, etc not warrantied
FY2013 Released: EPS Ksh 1.40
Restated: EPS Ksh 1.21
CYTONN happened:HY2014 Released: PAT Kshs 2.746Bn
FY2014 Released: PAT Kshs 2.8Bn, EPS Ksh 1.47
Register Closure: 03 April 2015
Register Closure:
Restated to 12 June 2015 (announced post earlier closure)
AGM: 30 April 2015
Restated to 26 June 2015
Mauritius HappenedFY2014
Restated: Ksh. 324Mn shave off, PAT Ksh 2.5Bn, EPS Ksh. 1.31
Moussa Rawat resigns as director
Britam Issue public announcement "to clarify..."
Dawood Rawat resigns as director (notice
appears a week later)
Britam CEO......
Pesa Nane plans to be shilingi when he grows up.