hii uchungu ni ya nini?
The media is on strike. If that is too painful for you to handle, watch kei twedy fo.
I mean the 5 amigos make a living on this forum saying how kei twedy fo will finish shitizen. Now when they're off, they start crying like babies.
Turn on the new and improved KBC and the face east shannels like star TV. What's the problem? Jameni, its only a TV.
Or is it that now the political hacks who pollute real news won't be able to be seen this weekend.
It is the duty of every business to protect its very existence. That is capitalism. The media companies owe it to their shareholders to protect their business. Its not a political party.
So accept and move on. Maybe, tommorow TV will be back and you won't have to watch kei twedy fo anymore.
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.