Chapter 2
v 1,2 – continuation of his background from previous chapter
v 3 – introduction of 'circumcision' - could this be the issue? Hhhmmm.
V 4 – the false brethren issue again in light of 'circumcision' is there a connection?
v 5,6 – paul did not tolerate the false brethren even for 1 hour.
V 7,8 – paul; apostle to the gentiles (uncircumcised) peter; apostle to the jews (circumcision)
v 9 – flash back to the jerusalem council (story in Acts 15:1-29)
At this point, the issue with the galatians is clear, its about circumcision. Acts 15: 1,5 the 'false brethren' point was 'circumcision after the manner / law of Moses'. But remember there was Abrahams circumcision / covenant in Genesis 17:9-14.
Abraham is talked about in the next chapter.
v 11-13 – peter sold out on this circumcision business and his act led to others including barnabas also to sell out. By this act they were blurring the distinction between things 'after manner / law of moses' and the things after Jesus.
V 14 – pauls criticism about this selling out shenanigans.
V 15, 16 – 'circumcision after the manner / law of Moses' has been overtaken by (Jesus) events. People are now justified by 'faith
OF Jesus'. What is this faith
OF Jesus? (It appears again in Rev 14:12 hhhmmm.)
I forgot to say I am using KJV.
V 17 – if you are now justified by faith do you now keep transgressing the law? God forbid! You cannot transgress the law, you cannot continue in sin if you are justified by jesus. Jesus does not condone sin which is transgression of the law.
v19 - you could not have been alive to god were it not for the law.
V 20 – crucified with christ and live by 'faith
OF son of God' hhmmm. Wages of sin is death, to die crucified in this manner shows the law demanded your death and if you die your death acknowledges the law stands.
V 21 – do not frustrate the grace of God. How is this done? By sinning, transgressing the law. So does not transgressing the law justify you, no. Righteousness comes by faith.
Light Bearer