@jjred my advice is only offered since you need to see reality first in order to deal with such an issue.
Do not take it lightly.
I'm of the view that if he's innocent, he will walk. How he walks is the issue. There are two ways:
1. Settle out of court. In which case you will hate the fellow and possibly yourself. But it is an option based on the realities of the magistrate courts in Kenya.
Don't for one minute trust anyone that says that the judiciary is reformed. His freedom is too important to be grounded on here-say.
But it is an option you should sit down and think very soberly about. Talk to your pastor if you have to. But think about it.
2. Go the full hog and challenge it. This option is best for the spirit but full of many holes in your finances.
Mnandii has some good suggestions. I like the one of moving the case to a higher court. And the ombudsman. Even cops are afraid of being interrogated.
I would suggest you take your time a look for an honest hard working lawyer. You will need him/her. Please don't go for the cheap lawyer who promised you sure success. Go for one who's good and understands the system.
In this case, simama kidete and let the cops have to prove their case.
The truth of the matter is, its a he says, she says case so your lawyer had better be damn good.
My experience is that most lawyers I've seen in those court rooms should be hanged.
I'm for not bribing and sticking to honesty and integrity. But that's just me. I have stood in those court rooms and told a cop in his face that he's a liar and his children should be ashamed.
It is not easy going through the process for a minimum of 1 year when they will do anything to delay the process.
Those are just the facts.
It's up to you to figure out what is best for yourselves.
But don't swallow the cool aid that there is anything easy about your situation. God just handed you another card. Play it wisely and shrewdly.
I can give you horror stories in those magistrates courts so be wise and everything should be fine in the end.
Do keep us updated.
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.