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"I Will Not Apologize" -- Caroline Mutoko Responds to Plagiarism Claims
#41 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 9:54:18 AM
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What is an average Kenyan radio journo to do? These people play music and mouth inanities all day and deep down want to change the public perception that they're airheads.So,they try to appear cerebral and simply confirm what we have known all along.
That they're average in all ways-mentally and morally.
#42 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 9:57:17 AM
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essyk wrote:
Who's making the loudest noise? Kenyan men.
Majority do not have the slightest clue abt that article.
To be honest neither do I cz I never read some blogs.
But seeing the hate speech projected towards her make me wonder,why the bitterness.
What did she do to kenyan men?
They will never speak positive of her even if she educates 100 orphans.(nt saying she is) but seems as if any negative aspect presents the perfect opportunity to lash out and crucify her properly.

She did wrong.
But that is just an opportunity for people to let out stress, bitterness and anger.
calm down kenyan men.

Ala! Now you are bringing in a new twist. It is not just men who think this is not right.....
Here is what,you do not spend time lecturing people about what is right and wrong and then turn around and COPY an article,post it on your column and feel OK about that.That is why she is being called out on it;i believe partly because of the high horse that she rides and then because she is a professional who should know better.

That said,i think Carol has done great for her country,she may have a few missteps( like we all do)but there is a lot of good in her....
Money Whisperer
#43 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 10:14:34 AM
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Exactly, that's why she is a schupid average gal in make-up
essyk wrote:
The author of that article wrote to The Star and the management apologized and yanked the article.

So why can't the same Star ask her to shut up and stop making references to that article?
This is not about the article anymore.
She's fighting back her haters and that is plain silly cz some people are idle and love engaging in a war of words.
She being a known personality needs to handle this with wisdom rather than engage her fans in exchange.
Somebody in her circle needs to tell her that but seems as if they are all blind.

"Money never sleeps"
#44 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 10:15:06 AM
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Essyk,it would be a good idea to share with us how you came to the conclusion that kenyan men are making the most noise.Despite all her good deeds,it does not give her a license to infringe on intellectual property rights which as alma has put it in polite language is stealing.
#45 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 10:42:38 AM
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@ Mawinder.
Please don't get me wrong.I said she did wrong.
It's Criminal what she did no matter how hard she tries to sugar coat it.
But look at the venom being spit out.
It's not about the article anymore but bitterness and anger.
The name Caro Mutoko seems to stir up bad emotions in men.I could be wrong but again it's just opinion based on online remarks in teh past and now.
Why would anybody call her a childless middle aged woman yet she has a baby girl called Nduku?
Where does her personal life and the article meet?
Aren't we the same people bashing the safcom board for bringing Bob's personal life into the Boardroom?
I am the type who looks for positive things in people.
I once hated caro but I discovered I was hating on her because people were talking ill of her.
I thought she was a ball of steel.Unbreakable.

But as a female I know that there's is a soft lil girl in every tough woman including MK even the late Maathai.
I think we react to the tough personality and judge it harshly, but I guess she does that on purpose.Again I could be wrong.

That aside,I agree with what Famooz said.

That's my daily song.

But again,do professionals in Kenya act professional? Esp Media??
Run a quick scan and search for intergrity and etiquitte and rate.The stats may cause server to stop working so lets not even go there.

Caro must be aware that she represents a whole media house so she needs to stop talking since the management already sorted this mess.
A company's intergrity is dragged through mud with every word spoken.
I recommend a spokeman.
Alfie the dodo?

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#46 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 11:08:32 AM
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kayoh wrote:
What is an average Kenyan radio journo to do? These people play music and mouth inanities all day and deep down want to change the public perception that they're airheads.So,they try to appear cerebral and simply confirm what we have known all along.
That they're average in all ways-mentally and morally.

I hope you remember docs are still on strike so plz try not to choke on your bile.Average?? Morning show presenters are among the most witty and creative people i know.When stations are recruiting an "average" person would not last 5min in an interview.You're the kind of people carol should ignore but i think by now we have all crossed the line so far to the extent we do not remember there being a line...
#47 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 11:09:25 AM
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It is people like Carol who have created a very big industry of copyrighting and non-disclosure agreements.

Those of you who work in offices know of this fellow or gal in your office who takes your idea and takes it to the boss pretending that its theirs.

That is what Carol has done. She stole someone's idea, copied it word for word and pretended it is hers. Worse,she says she does that every time.

It raises a few questions:

How many of her colleagues ideas has she "copied"?
Does she have an original idea in her bones?

But that is none of my business. Like she said only maids, drunks and watchmen listen to her show as she steals the ideas from them.

I'm more concerned about young coders like Masukuma who believe that is how life works. No wonder all the applications from iHub have something to do with M-pesa...Even their names, M-soko, M-gari etc.

When you have a country of copycats, you have a country of dunderheads. Obviously they have a champion in this lady.

Copying is stealing. PERIOD.

She should have apologised and let it rest.

I love arrogant people and to some extent think they are very sexy.

But in this case, hii chinda yote is because she called her listeners watchies and maids and they aren't taking that lying down. heheLaughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#48 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 11:15:40 AM
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Mutoko should find out why she is hated and work on it coz there are so many presenters but none attracts the kind of venom Mutoko attracts.
#49 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 11:50:30 AM
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this business of intellectual property is a self defeating idea that we have been indoctrinated with - We should not care about such things, tuko down and its our way getting back at the owners, I actually don't recognize 'IP', I always encourage people to use proprietary software but never to buy such. Currently on my PC i have software products that would have cost over $50k - AND I AM PROUD OF IT. its my way of getting back to those thieves that have been robbing our continent for centuries - first it was labour then it came to raw materials. Hakuna siku mwafrika atakuwa mzungu - uliza mchina... aligundua hivyo.
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#50 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 11:53:36 AM
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Raise up your hand if you have never been guilty of plagiarism.
Any clean media house? But we know how to cover it up.
Do our kids with access to internet 24/7 understand what that is cz it sounds like Plague.
Teach it in primary school and take action where necessary to avoid embarrassments.
Good day.

Currently on my PC i have software products that would have cost over $50k - AND I AM PROUD OF IT. its my way of getting back to those thieves that have been robbing our continent for centuries -

LOL!! Enters Martin Masukuma King with a DREAM.
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#51 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 12:22:30 PM
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masukuma wrote:
this business of intellectual property is a self defeating idea that we have been indoctrinated with - We should not care about such things, tuko down and its our way getting back at the owners, I actually don't recognize 'IP', I always encourage people to use proprietary software but never to buy such. Currently on my PC i have software products that would have cost over $50k - AND I AM PROUD OF IT. its my way of getting back to those thieves that have been robbing our continent for centuries - first it was labour then it came to raw materials. Hakuna siku mwafrika atakuwa mzungu - uliza mchina... aligundua hivyo.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

But seriously you should not be proud of it. There will never be a good reason to do that. Why should you do that when there are free alternatives available. For example in my case, I have all the software I need but I cannot quantify the cost because it is Linux and free. I cannot possibly begin to pay for the opposite numbers yet I are at par with those that can.

That is the difference when you use others work. If the owner has let his work out to run free in the wild as it were, then it is free. It is NOT plagiarism or stealing if you use it as if it were your own.

That goes for knowledge. For instance Isaac Newton did not own and claim the knowledge of gravity as his own even though the publication on which you read it will claim copyrights over that publication.

But if the owner has not let it out so and wants due recognition for his work where it goes and you do not comply when you appropriate it for yourself, that is just plain wrong. Just look how the phone makers are suing themselves.

We need to lead by example. And from the front.

#52 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 12:43:13 PM
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YesuWangu wrote:
masukuma wrote:
this business of intellectual property is a self defeating idea that we have been indoctrinated with - We should not care about such things, tuko down and its our way getting back at the owners, I actually don't recognize 'IP', I always encourage people to use proprietary software but never to buy such. Currently on my PC i have software products that would have cost over $50k - AND I AM PROUD OF IT. its my way of getting back to those thieves that have been robbing our continent for centuries - first it was labour then it came to raw materials. Hakuna siku mwafrika atakuwa mzungu - uliza mchina... aligundua hivyo.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

But seriously you should not be proud of it. There will never be a good reason to do that. Why should you do that when there are free alternatives available. For example in my case, I have all the software I need but I cannot quantify the cost because it is Linux and free. I cannot possibly begin to pay for the opposite numbers yet I are at par with those that can.

That is the difference when you use others work. If the owner has let his work out to run free in the wild as it were, then it is free. It is NOT plagiarism or stealing if you use it as if it were your own.

That goes for knowledge. For instance Isaac Newton did not own and claim the knowledge of gravity as his own even though the publication on which you read it will claim copyrights over that publication.

But if the owner has not let it out so and wants due recognition for his work where it goes and you do not comply when you appropriate it for yourself, that is just plain wrong. Just look how the phone makers are suing themselves.

We need to lead by example. And from the front.

call it what you may - people cannot coin definition of stuff then force you to tow the line. I will not use opensource stuff because we have better proprietary. its Newton's third law - for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. the good reason i have is that its my way of expressing the rejection of imaginary laws and regimes (such as IP, Patenting e.t.c) that are meant to keep you as an African back. I refuse to acknowledge its validity.
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#53 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 12:53:03 PM
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@masukuma being original is a gift from God. And from someone who professes his faith on this forum so vehemently, its a shame to see you're admitting to being a common thief.

I also counselled you before on the use of words like "us" and "me". If you have issues being an African say so, but don't use that as an excuse to steal.

Once there was a gang called the mungiki who refused to accept the validity of simple laws of don't covet your neighbours property. I'm sure you were one of the fellows who were screaming they should be hanged.

As they say, don't throw stones, especially if you are a common thief yourself.
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
Money Whisperer
#54 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 1:47:57 PM
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Teacher! teacher! I've raised my hand. safi kama pamba. Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
essyk wrote:
Raise up your hand if you have never been guilty of plagiarism.

"Money never sleeps"
Money Whisperer
#55 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 1:59:35 PM
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Carol Mutoko is a serial plagiarist. look at this article she wrote on August 13 2012 titled "Dear Ladies, Greatness Has Been Found" http://www.the-star.co.k...reatness-has-been-found where she writes,

Covered in clothing from head to toe, except for her smiling face poking out from her hood, Attar's debut came five days after a Saudi judo athlete became the ultraconservative country's first female competitor at any Olympics. Her mother is American and her father is Saudi. She has dual citizenship. Attar wanted to represent Saudi Arabia at the Olympics as a way of inspiring women – she could have run as an American.

These are the exact words found in an article by AP (associated Press) in this US Today magazine
"Money never sleeps"
#56 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 2:07:31 PM
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Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
Money Whisperer
#57 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 2:23:12 PM
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Again look at Mutoko's article "The Women of My Generatin Kinda Blew It" dated 25th June 2012 http://www.the-star.co.k...eneration-kinda-blew-it and you get this,

Only you can decide what defines success for you, and you’ll have to decide it over and over and over again. But know this, it is the ultimate luxury to combine passion and contribution. It’s also a very clear path to happiness.

words that appear in a speech by Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's COO given during Barnard College's commencement,may 17 2011 where she said,
Only you can decide that, and you’ll have to decide it over and over and over. But if you think it’s a rat race, before you drop out, take a deep breath. Maybe you picked the wrong job. Try again. And then try again. Try until you find something that stirs your passion, a job that matters to you and matters to others. It is the ultimate luxury to combine passion and contribution. It’s also a very clear path to happiness.
Find transcript and video here http://barnard.edu/headl...erating-officer-facebook
"Money never sleeps"
#58 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 2:24:45 PM
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alma wrote:
@masukuma being original is a gift from God. And from someone who professes his faith on this forum so vehemently, its a shame to see you're admitting to being a common thief.

I also counselled you before on the use of words like "us" and "me". If you have issues being an African say so, but don't use that as an excuse to steal.

Once there was a gang called the mungiki who refused to accept the validity of simple laws of don't covet your neighbours property. I'm sure you were one of the fellows who were screaming they should be hanged.

As they say, don't throw stones, especially if you are a common thief yourself.

this is the problem - I don't consider it theft! when someone defines something as theft that I don't agree with, I am not obliged to follow it. Next time we will be forced to quote our sources when we crack jokes... Once you have written something it becomes an idea and ideas should be allowed to flow freely!

on physical property - we all have an idea of what it is... on intellectual property, WE DON'T
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Money Whisperer
#59 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 2:35:51 PM
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In the same article of June 25th Mutoko writes

I’m not suggesting you be boastful. No one likes that in men or women. However, I am stating categorically that believing in yourself is the first necessary step to coming even close to achieving your potential.

Sheryl in the commencement speech said

I’m not suggesting you be boastful. No one likes that in men or women. But I am suggesting that believing in yourself is the first necessary step to coming even close to achieving your potential.
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Money Whisperer
#60 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 2:41:52 PM
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Shame on you Shame on you Masukuma, we do have a clear knowledge of what IP is. uliza uambiwe.Cracking jokes at a party is different from publishing an article. Even when you crack a joke expecting to generate income from it, if it is not yours then acknowledge where you got it and if royalties are due pay them
masukuma wrote:
on intellectual property, WE DON'T

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