I was in one of their branches and some customers were very excited about the thin sim technology....some were even testifying how efficient it was apparently some customers had been given the sim card during the pilot stage sometime back and had enjoyed the service...
The problem was with the ordinary SIM cards ...the customers were unwilling to discard their current SIM card for equitel SIM....
I think Equity success will be hinged on the ThinSIM technology...and if The regulators give it a clean bill of health after the pilot, Safaricom will be in trouble.
It is also interesting that Equitel network charges are somehow similar to safaricom 4/= across networks.
I visited one of the Equity Agents and found that the tariff guide was different from what we are being told ...the charges were escalating according to the amount withdrawn max being 225/= if you are withdrawing above 100K....I think they will review the charges once Equitel is fully rolled out.
All in all Equitel will have an uphill task to dislodge safaricom given that Mpesa success is in safeguarding the interest of its agents who eventually ensure safaricom maintains one of the most efficient and expansive distribution network.
'......to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; 3 In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.' Colossians 2:2-3