washiku wrote:Ash Ock wrote:Seriously copyright infringement!
Quote:Google confirmed the takedown request on content infringement and from the media house side, a source said that they were flagged repeatedly many times before and the YouTube channel is no more. This is permanent.
DMCA kicked into action. NTV was constantly stealing music for their shows without paying royalties.
Consequences for the multiple copyright infringements, besides losing a big chunk of cash (~280k subscribers)?
Quote:When you get more than 3 strikes, Google will actually remove all of your accounts, terminate the account and you won’t be able to create new ones.
Google also gives a way out to resolve copyright issues on the same forum:
- You have to wait for it to expire after 6 months as long as you complete Copyright School and don’t receive any additional copyright strikes
- Get a retraction from the person who claimed the video
- Or submit a counter request if it was mistakenly removed due to misidentification.
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