Haters! I personally think the South Sudanese black is very exotic!

secondly! this would never happen! I remember story of a cook who got a dinka girl and when the family discovered... They came to the compound and told the guy - "GET YOUR OWN!", the guy decided... kwani wata do? he continued! shortly after that police and national security came for him! the other Kenyans hid him as they pleaded with the Karaos not pick him up...wapi! The National Security people said... Oh! hammtoi? No one is leaving this compound! they had to cough the guy... akaenda akafinywa kidogo akarudi... They don't think of Kenyans as tickets out!!! They actually think they are superior to us... (laughable... maybe! but they do). Perhaps if Kenyans would be comfortable in their own skins we would go places. I remember a story told by a friend of mine on how he delayed a flight from one of the cities - it was a WFP flight and Some congolese guy decided to give the boarding passes of this guy and his buddy to mzungus.... In South Sudan? The guy blew a top and went and sat kwa miguu za hiyo ndege and called the Karaos.... you can be sure hiyo ndege haikutoka hapo bila hao jamaa wawili ndani... He told me... "Me? Discriminated in the land my grand father has been buried in? Never... I would rather die!". We kenyans are too sheepish... They don't find that attractive at all! Maybe our luo brothers can sweep them off their feet but it will take alot from the rest of the people to pull of such a feat!
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!