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NPC (Bishop Bonifes Adoyo) and Land scandal
#21 Posted : Monday, May 03, 2010 7:55:03 PM
Rank: Elder

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@uwazimtupu, I just wanted a clarification on who runs the SACCO. since you had just mentioned that on the topic but nothing on the content.
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#22 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 5:29:15 AM
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There is a fraud investigation unit at central police station. We also have a fully fledged CID office at kilimani police station. Maybe you should have the proffessionals look into it
#23 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 6:05:25 AM
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This is the problem of listening and believing everything you are told by church leaders.Now how do you want us to help you?
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt...
-Mark Twain
#24 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 7:09:03 AM
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You know, in this site we have all manner of people working in different capacities and in differnt organisations... infact, this is the best site to seek help because it is unlikely that you can know the kind of people you meet from this site.

Is the sacco registered with the umbrella body - i think its KUSCCO if am not wrong? i think if this matter is presented there, they can be of help.... I remember there a guy from KUSCCO on this site and he gave his address on another thread - cant remember which one.

Sometimes we are too quick to defend our church leaders when we know very well that there have been issues with our own churches.... we cant continue burying our heads in the sand.
#25 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 7:55:18 AM
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I am not saying that the bishop is guilty. Possibly he is hot communicating what is happening.

Church people need to carefull when dealing with 'pastors'. Not all are bad but they have this air that what they say is beyond reproach and that your guard is already down.

Remember most of they guys who lost their money in pyramids were church people roped in by they pastors.
#26 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 8:13:12 AM
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I think you people dont get it.This are spiritual matters in which you are not qualified to recieve.Faith is the substance of things hoped for,the evidence of things not seen(Heb 11.1)

Yaani this were meant to be spiritual houses and by faith shall they materialise...what we have here is a brother who has fallen away from faith.

Brothers and sisters dont loose faith,since you planted the seed of faith,your houses will grow in due time and glorious shall the houses be.

The utimate goal of investing is to buy low sell high;if we re-write this core equation in psychology terms it becomes buy fear sell greed.
#27 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 8:16:31 AM
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Wendz, sure sure we are a great resource on this site, and for the same reason someone may take advantage of the popularity of the site to settle private fights with people who may not come to defend themselves here. Have you, for instance, noticed the title of the thread and the content do not tally.

Quick to defend our church leaders? We carry such a big burden of defending our political leaders I do not think we have capacity/strength to defend anyone else!
#28 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 8:53:00 AM
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Why stick around if they are ready to hgive you back your money. Make an excuse and collect your cash or sell your share. You are not boxed in their. Running public finances is a nightmare as noise must be made.
#29 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 9:17:07 AM
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I'm surprised that in a so-called deomocracy like ours, we got mawatu saying you shouldn't be raising issues. As long as uwazi has done his/er research and believes the pishop is a thief, he needs to be mulikwa'd just like other thieves
The Governor of Nyeri - 2017
#30 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 10:43:49 AM
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I wonder why vilify the poster?

what is so shocking about a pastor not being straight with land? They are human aren't they?

What exactly does a "man of God" mean? He can't steal, he can't fornicate, he can't spit, he is infallible?

the poster was not attacking NPC, he was discussing this particular "man of God".
Hata wakizima taa
#31 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 2:17:11 PM
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@ sheep, you sound so sheepish. Ati faith houses paid for with physical money? Haaaaaaaaiiii
#32 Posted : Tuesday, May 04, 2010 2:25:35 PM
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I don't think the author accused the Church of anything, its Bishop Adoyo who is on the spot light!
#33 Posted : Wednesday, May 05, 2010 6:01:18 AM
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Another catho priest was in court after faked letters of authority were used to sell his late brother's car(420K) and control assets valued at 1.x millions. No way of knowing if he did the faking or he was just used...and am not going to judge, this matter is in court - the judge will rule after reviewing evidence.

These Servants of the people and of God, are men and women - flesh and bones, they are prone to the same errors as we all are. My bet is the Pastor in question is not fully aware of the true game being played at here - as per the post. I wont be the judge.

Let's not be hasty to judge. I would feel as bitter if not worse if I was so taken for a ride, and would vent somehow - the fact that @Uwazi... vented here is not reason to vilify him.

If anyone else is in this project, talk to @Uwazi and you guys find a way to have this heard by people who can investigate and pursue this to the end.
#34 Posted : Wednesday, May 05, 2010 7:37:02 AM
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I see you are not into satire.
The utimate goal of investing is to buy low sell high;if we re-write this core equation in psychology terms it becomes buy fear sell greed.
#35 Posted : Tuesday, October 19, 2010 8:14:53 PM
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Have the church people stooped this low. May the almighty have mercy on his people.
#36 Posted : Wednesday, October 20, 2010 2:59:37 AM
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What the f*** is this shit? Npc is one of the few reputable churches left standing and even then you want to slander its name? The mere fact that they would undertake aggressive expansion of their church shows you that they invest the money they get well. How about fighting the pastors who build massive houses for themselves in Runda before you come after well intentioned shepherds of the Lord?
#37 Posted : Wednesday, October 20, 2010 7:19:29 PM
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did you get transparency after this post?
I care!
mjuaji wa stocks
#38 Posted : Thursday, October 21, 2010 9:36:35 AM
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@uwazimtupu.....not everyone buys a plan for a project in good faith.

Some people buy and end up being trouble makers just like in most committees!

I dont see why you still want to remain in this project......get out.....i respect bishop Adoyo and the entire NPC and i cant take your arguement to be plain truth....

Probably ulitaka ku-have your own way....lakini ilipokataliwa sasa unaleta nyef nyef!!

By the way......you should always have your opinion in terms of investing.....have your own research....it appears if you have some other projects you point out...karen....THEN WHY DID YOU INVEST IN THIS???

Why are you fooling wazuans?

I know that managing public projects at times cause innocent people to be blamed........I WILL ONLY BELIEVE THIS IF THE PROJECT IS OVER AND YOU ARE DENIED YOUR ALLOCATION.....

Hii ingine ni porojo.....

I lost quite a big chunk of money ...... in one of the pyramids..... i cant blame my pastor since he didnt force me to invest.....

He shared the investment opportunity......i researched and had a personal opinion and i invested.......i had my first harvest and re-invested....I LOST!!

Grow up my brother......if for example i buy a stock in the NSE and the company goes bankrupt and close the door.....ama my broker goes bankrupt.....Now you want me to blame NSE?? Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you
God gave me the power to make wealth ... Blessed the work of my hands & enabled be A SELF MADE BILLIONAIRE ...... TO GOD THE FATHER OF MY LORD JESUS CHRIST; BE THE GLORY NOW & FOREVER MORE!

#39 Posted : Thursday, October 21, 2010 9:55:57 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 8/11/2010
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sheep wrote:
I think you people dont get it.This are spiritual matters in which you are not qualified to recieve.Faith is the substance of things hoped for,the evidence of things not seen(Heb 11.1)

Yaani this were meant to be spiritual houses and by faith shall they materialise...what we have here is a brother who has fallen away from faith.

Brothers and sisters dont loose faith,since you planted the seed of faith,your houses will grow in due time and glorious shall the houses be.

"In my fathers house are many mansions...."

Adoyo sure is not my father. And he is no ones' father except his biological children. Is it another case of the shepherd cheating the sheep? Ati seed money?

Plant the miracle seed preaching! I thought the circle of people who attend that NPC, you know, with their exposure, are not easily duped in this regard.....ati plant your seed of faith!

Na hiyo seed ikuwe pesa, pesa, pesa! Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
#40 Posted : Thursday, October 21, 2010 7:48:43 PM
Rank: Elder

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@YesuWangu, Adoyo preaches no such thing...please read the allegation properly.
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