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A rose by any other name...
#21 Posted : Tuesday, December 01, 2009 5:54:55 PM
Rank: Administration

Joined: 11/19/2009
Posts: 679
@waria, @ondiek thank you for your comments
@half_empty soon hopefully

Welcome to Wazua
#22 Posted : Tuesday, December 01, 2009 6:25:37 PM
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Joined: 6/5/2008
Posts: 174
Wazua , are there some investors who refused to sponsor sk because of the name? Do you know that some of the 'serious' bloggers who 'left' sk may be actually dead? We are all mortals.what was wrong with green? Did you consider and explain to your sponsors the impact of ignoring opinion of majority of sk members on name change? Didnt the sponsors know that they will be marketing to the bloggers?are you and your sponsors able to compromise on name and colour to save this site? im sure your sponsors are reading about these two most contentious issues here and if you approach them they can have them sorted and we go back to business as usual .you get your $$, they get business from skerians and we blog happily.save these 2 issues ,sky is the limit for SK.
For bookkeeping and bank loan interest recalculation try us:niando.becia@gmail.com
#23 Posted : Tuesday, December 01, 2009 6:47:34 PM
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Joined: 11/19/2009
Posts: 679
@niando - compromise is necessary. Our post meant to explain the reasoning [flawed or otherwise] that necessitated the change.

On restrictiveness of name stockskenya, name was crafted in 2006 at the onset of site. Discussion then was purely stocks. Currently though stocks remains a heritage; much more was being discussed in SK.

Most concerning was the adulteration of discussions as site lost identity in the eyes of new visitors. If we hope to x10 the number, we must keep different constituencies pure thus uphold the brand.

Thank you for being a part of Wazua
#24 Posted : Tuesday, December 01, 2009 7:25:23 PM
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Joined: 10/6/2009
Posts: 164
Wazua, I dig you cannot continue subsidizing and still hang on, its a cut throat business world out there.

So much opinion for a place we do not have to pay to post. Ladies and gentlemen, its 09 someone has to put food on the table just like you do. Quit whining, suck it up and soldier on.
#25 Posted : Tuesday, December 01, 2009 7:59:16 PM
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Joined: 11/13/2008
Posts: 1,565
@Administrator -

1 - "a circle of Africans sitting around the fireplace, searching for knowledge in the sunset," - The last time I looked (i.e. today) sunsets in Africa, more so those by a warm fire, are rather yellowish/purplish/crimson/reddish - that logo is.....green (however, you get 2/10 for trying to retain the SK colour).

2 - Self limiting - StocksKenya - if i am not wrong, stockskenya has morphed gradually to become SK (hence SKerians)...SK can work as much as AT&T and AK47 - why not?

3 - Focus groups (online) - where was the harm in seeking the members' opinions online? You have stated that SK was among the top ranked sites - to whom did SK owe that credit if not the members

Given the above I think the transition has been informed largely by a "text book" approach.

My two SK Naira

#26 Posted : Wednesday, December 02, 2009 4:48:52 AM
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Joined: 11/19/2009
Posts: 679
@Djinn, thank you for being a part of Wazua.
SK.com was our first choice - everything went awry when we could not get it. We did seek and factor opinions of member on many points as per the post Suggestions to SK Oversight was not seeking opinions on the name.

We too share your dream where SKerians embrace Wazuarians and judge them NOT by their colour schemes, rather by the content of their site
#27 Posted : Wednesday, December 02, 2009 6:37:59 AM
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Joined: 6/27/2008
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The following piece appeared in Business Daily in October 2007. It sheds some light on choosing and / or changing business names.


Diamond Trust Bank recently announced a change of its corporate identity, unveiling a new colour scheme and logo. The new emblem has the letters "DTB" printed prominently. Judging from the accompanying series of adverts and Press releases, it is clear that the bank would now like to be known in the public domain as DTB instead of the previous "Diamond Trust."

This was an interesting move, considering that only a few years ago, another financial institution went in the reverse direction: Housing Finance Company of Kenya changed its identity from the popular "HFCK" to "Housing Finance".

These two cases bring out a bigger question: Why would one company prefer to be known as a series of letters while another one chooses a few words? Diamond Trust Bank – sorry, DTB – is not the first company to take that route. A few months ago, the National Industrial Credit Bank officially changed its name to NIC Bank. CFC Bank (previously, Credit Finance Corporation) made a similar move in the mid 1990s.

The use of initials is not just the preserve of banks and financial institutions: there are also CMC Holdings (previously Cooper Motors Corporation, which owns CMC Motors, CMC Engineering, CMC Aviation, amongst others), AAR (Africa Air Rescue), BP (British Petroleum), to name a few.

This style of using initials is an American tradition (remember, they coined "ATM" as opposed to the British, "Cash Machine" when these gadgets became popular in the early 1980s). Europeans and Asians prefer full words (Toyota, Barclays, Vodafone, Sumitomo, Siemens etc) while in Africa and the Middle East anything goes – not quite decided yet.

However, opinion is still divided as to which is a more powerful style from a business (marketing) point of view. Some professionals argue that the human brain finds it easier to remember words because they have meaning (for example, "Housing Finance" means exactly that - a place where you go to get finance for a house - while "HFCK" is just a random selection of letters!)

Others contend that initials are more memorable because they are easier to utter and recognise than words. For example, 3M is certainly easier than "Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Corporation". It makes you wonder, "why not 2M, or 4M?" By the way, it was first abbreviated as MMM, and then people shortened that further to 3Ms, before finally officially adopting 3M.

Nevertheless, what factors would make a company change its name to initials - either officially or in branding? Three reasons come to mind: First, is when the original name is too long and the public are already using the initials. A good example is IBM (originally, International Business Machines) – by the time it became a household name in America, nobody was using the full name.

In Kenya, we also have NIC Bank - when it was given a commercial banking licence, it added the word "Bank" at the end of its (already long) original name to become "National Industrial Credit Bank". But within its core industry (motor vehicle financing), it was already well known as, simply, NIC.

Indeed even the registrar of motor vehicles would write the initials on log books to read something like "John Otieno & NIC". It is actually surprising that it took several decades for this company to realise that the public had changed its name!

The second reason that a company might find it necessary to change its name to initials is when its scope of business expands outside that initially envisaged by the original name. AAR started out as an air rescue and evacuation service provider, but, later, the business grew to become a fully-fledged health management and insurance operation.

The name "Africa Air Rescue" had to go because it was misleading. Thus, AAR Health Services was "born" and, today, there is also AAR Financial Services which finances health insurance premiums. Interestingly, some companies may take too long to realise this.

There is one that started out as a manufacturer of knitting wool - a process known as "spinning" - hence its name is Spin Knit. This company expanded to the milk processing business (Tuzo Brand) about a decade ago but it still hasn't changed its name.

The third reason is when the company name includes its country of origin and now it expands to a "hostile" nation. In some countries (and some products), national pride is so great that people will not buy from a foreigner.

Kenyans, for example might be more comfortable keeping their money in the Bank of Baroda than in the Bank of India - even though the two originate from the same country! Kenya Commercial Bank has realised this and it is now portraying itself as KCB as it expands across the boarders.

The name "KCB" may sound neutral to a Sudanese, for example, while "Kenya Commercial Bank" can be seen as the place where the "Kenyan expatriates in OUR COUNTRY keep their money - awaiting repatriation!" However, it's not very obvious why KCB re-branded its mortgage finance subsidiary, Savings & Loans, to S&L.

In view of the forgoing, East African Breweries should probably start pushing the name "EABL" forward. This company is no longer just in brewing beer, it also distils spirits and makes glasses. In addition, with time, the company may start operations outside the East African Community in a big way.

All in all, it appears as if the very large companies prefer to use initials – IMB, GMC, NCR, AT&T, BP etc. For this reason, many small companies also turn to this style hoping that it will make them look big. More often than not, however, the trick doesn't work and they end up becoming just another nondescript.

This is inverted logic. It is similar arguing that since rich people buy expensive things, then if you copy that practice you become rich! Big companies adopt initials AFTER they become successful and famous. They don't get success from the use of initials. The most powerful corporate identities in the world include Coca-Cola, Vodafone, McDonald's (which claims to be more popular than the Christian cross!), Virgin, and Toyota. All of them full names.

Another name that is also on this list is that of the company that makes "Windows". Curiously, it was founded by a guy called Gates! I bet that Bill, the founder wishes he had called it Gates Software instead of Microsoft…especially when he looks at the fame (and success) of Dell Computers.

Based on the above, will "DTB" become as fashionable as Diamond Trust? Only time will tell, but I predict it will be a difficult and expensive task. Those letters are not as easy to say as "ABC" (which, incidentally, is the corporate identity of the African Banking Corporation Ltd).
Nothing is real unless it can be named; nothing has value unless it can be sold; money is worthless unless you spend it.
Much Know
#28 Posted : Wednesday, December 02, 2009 6:53:20 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 12/6/2008
Posts: 3,549
If SK was gone, why not SKay, Eskay, ESkei,eSK, EsK, or something close. Do you know what Nokia means?, or Unilever?, Omo?.
Wazua sounds and looks a bit like Wauza.
Meru Holiness
#29 Posted : Wednesday, December 02, 2009 7:13:21 AM
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Joined: 10/6/2007
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Location: Nairobi - Kenya
@ mukiha

thanks for the article...

indeed, you are the voice of reason...

why we CANNOT afford to loose this forum..

Thank you.
When you hear what I say, you will not understand. When you see what I do, you will not comprehend
The General
#30 Posted : Wednesday, December 02, 2009 7:28:13 AM
Rank: Member

Joined: 6/3/2006
Posts: 553
That article has the many reasons why the name needed to be changed:

The name "Africa Air Rescue" had to go because it was misleading.

The name "KCB" may sound neutral to a Sudanese, for example, while "Kenya Commercial Bank" can be seen as the place where the "Kenyan expatriates in OUR COUNTRY keep their money - awaiting repatriation!"

In view of the forgoing, East African Breweries should probably start pushing the name "EABL" forward. This company is no longer just in brewing beer, it also distils spirits and makes glasses. In addition, with time, the company may start operations outside the East African Community in a big way.
wazua.co.tz ; wazua.co.ug

The third reason is when the company name includes its country of origin and now it expands to a "hostile" nation. In some countries (and some products), national pride is so great that people will not buy from a foreigner. How do you market stockskenya.com to The Tanzanians, IMPOSSIBLE

The thicker the thigh the sweeter the pie.
#31 Posted : Wednesday, December 02, 2009 8:01:20 PM
Rank: Administration

Joined: 11/19/2009
Posts: 679
The meaning of Wazua:
Swahili word as heard in the phrase 'waza na kuwazua'
Wazua means to weigh one's thoughts keenly, to discover, to find the answer
#32 Posted : Thursday, December 03, 2009 7:02:11 AM
Rank: Member

Joined: 1/9/2007
Posts: 219
May be they should name it world of stocks.com.At least lets have something to associate with SK e.g. Roiko changed to Royco.
The General
#33 Posted : Thursday, December 03, 2009 7:21:08 AM
Rank: Member

Joined: 6/3/2006
Posts: 553
@ Ray, you have a point, maybe they should rename the category "club Sk" to "Eskay" or "SK" or......

That would "kill many birds with one stone"
The thicker the thigh the sweeter the pie.
#34 Posted : Thursday, December 03, 2009 4:26:48 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 6/17/2008
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Location: Nairobi
Yeah let them have club sk changed to sk and given it's gree smooth colour!!!!
..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
#35 Posted : Thursday, December 03, 2009 5:03:01 PM
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Joined: 11/30/2009
Posts: 141
Sorry wazua admin

I had not read this post. Probably something to do with navigation....d'oh!

I can feel your pain but at the same time, I am now convinced that you never talked to anyone who has ever done any business or built a good website online.

You are trying to be everything to everyone.

google "niche marketing"

So what if nation is ahead of you or haiya? That is not your market.

Get a handle on who you wish to serve. If it is the 16yr olds who go to haiya, then by all means make such drastic changes. and try competing with alexa data.

otherwise, if you are targeting, young entrepreneurial upcoming professionals who once in a while want to let off steam, then damn your advertisers.

Case in Point

I have a site that has only 50 visitors a day. Very targeted. However, earn more than 100 dollars a day.

I wouldn't give a damn if people never went there. My market is tiny and needs my services.

Maybe you should do the same.

Best traffic is search engine traffic

That is how I found sk last year. 3 yrs online is no mean achievement and search engines gave you more love than you thought.


It will take you another year to get to the level of sk and by that time, some other genius will have been born.

I will support you....lakini

Next time, get a REAL SEO expert and stop dealing with Kenyan web designers.

I have discovered all they do is make some flashy websites that serve absolutely no economic purpose.
Hata wakizima taa
#36 Posted : Tuesday, December 08, 2009 5:01:09 PM
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Joined: 11/13/2009
Posts: 20
@ Wazua, I must say this is a very shady website! Why, oh why, did you have to change the format from that of stockskenya? Stop trying to justify the mess that you have made. I miss SK so much, I just cannot bring myself to like this site. I have decided to leave and do not plan to come back
#37 Posted : Wednesday, December 09, 2009 6:03:06 AM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 3/16/2009
Posts: 1,464
Dear Wazua,

Thank you for your consistent and timely replies to most of the queries raised by members here.

You must have noticed however that the perceived added value that you intended to add is clearly not achieveing the intended results.

As a matter of fact, people are NOT getting used to the new site.

It's your call on the way forward but I do not think the change is worth loosing most of the serious bloggers we had in SK.
Much Know
#38 Posted : Wednesday, December 09, 2009 10:13:52 AM
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Joined: 12/6/2008
Posts: 3,549
What are the numbers you add after the password if it is too short?
Meru Holiness
#39 Posted : Wednesday, December 09, 2009 11:29:55 AM
Rank: Administration

Joined: 11/19/2009
Posts: 679

The numbers are 19765

More details are here - http://www.wazua.co.ke/i...spx?sec=wazua&aid=19
#40 Posted : Wednesday, December 09, 2009 1:58:12 PM
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Joined: 5/20/2008
Posts: 1,126
Location: Nairobi
@ wazua

Always grateful for the way you respond to guys...you have not yet corrected the Opera thing...one cannot log in using the opera browser...
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