The more money you invest in starting a business,the more likely it is to fail!!!
Look at the biggest businesses was start with less than US$200 for buying second hand computers....Tuskys was started with KSh7,000 in the early nineties [my salary at that time was Sh9,500 in a GoK institution]....etc
Any new business needs 3 ingridients:
A good idea for a product/service
Capital to get it started
A ready market to buy the product/service
Of these,a ready market is the most important. Capital and ideas are nothing if there is no market. I know very many businesses that were started without any capital and they are very successful today......
There is a guy who started a water delivery business during the current rationing. He made fliers and distributed to his neighbours offering to deliver the water. Got some orders. Contracted a tanker to fetch the water. Delivered to his neighbour. Was paid and then paid the tanker owner.....that was 6 months ago; today he is delivering 50,000litres to various people every day.....and he still hasn't bought a tanker!!!
Think about that!!
Behind the gardens...Behind the wall...Under the tree (Including: Red...Dark Blue...Yellow)
Nothing is real unless it can be named; nothing has value unless it can be sold; money is worthless unless you spend it.