Which refrigerator is the best???
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/17/2008 Posts: 23,365 Location: Nairobi
I got a SHARP fridge,3 door,and I aint complaining!!!! The chief value of money lies in the fact that one lives in a world in which it is overestimated. ..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
Rank: Veteran Joined: 7/24/2008 Posts: 781
Always buy technology.LG has innovative cooling system where air is circulated in every compartment,it has an oduor filter and a patented ionic vitamin kit to prevent loss of nutrients on storage.No other manufacturer offers such innovation. The utimate goal of investing is to buy low sell high;if we re-write this core equation in psychology terms it becomes buy fear sell greed.
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/2/2009 Posts: 26,329 Location: Masada
@sheep.......innovative technology from Xinchiang?????????Not for me. Which is more dirty,the pig or Kenyan mp? Portfolio: Sold You know you've made it when you get a parking space for your yatcht.
Rank: Member Joined: 8/14/2008 Posts: 107
meow, Its a RT27SC Silver coated nano deodorizer filter system (Silver is widely recognised for its antibacterial and sanitisation effects. SAMSUNG has coated its filter with silver to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses that can reside in filters). Anti- bacterial cross fan. UTR (Ultra Tropical Rotary) Plus™ compressor.
well,hope the entire sk family helped you to make the right choice.
face your fears live your dreams
Rank: Member Joined: 9/12/2006 Posts: 27
Lol. The principal role of a fridge is to cool your foodstuff. Period. Izo zingine ni madoido a.k.a clever marketing gimmicks. Anti-bacterial,anti-sijui what with multi vitamins this n that plus.....c'mon! U recall NEW BLUE OMO WITH POWERFOAM PLUS.....? I dont even know wat they call it 2day.
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/27/2008 Posts: 4,114
@myks; Wole Soyinka once said: 'a tiger does not have to pronounce its tigritude; it pounces'....that's something to think about.... Behind the gardens...Behind the wall...Under the tree (Including: Red...Dark Blue...Yellow) Nothing is real unless it can be named; nothing has value unless it can be sold; money is worthless unless you spend it.
Rank: Member Joined: 8/14/2008 Posts: 107
Thats bullshit.
Twasnt you I was giving the detais to.
Just take that wole soyinka sh** and ram it up u know wea. Waswahili walisema,pilipili yenya hujamanga yakuwashia nini.
Jus leave me alone. Sitaki kuchafuliana shati nawewe,and DONT dare me.
face your fears live your dreams
Rank: Elder Joined: 8/4/2008 Posts: 2,849 Location: Rupi
@Myks - How old are you? Just curious. Lord, thank you!
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/27/2008 Posts: 4,114
@myks; Obviously,you missed my point and unfortunately,you resorted to foul language. That's sad. What I meant was that you don't have to proclaim that you are an engineer to prove that you know what a thermostat is. Behind the gardens...Behind the wall...Under the tree (Including: Red...Dark Blue...Yellow) Nothing is real unless it can be named; nothing has value unless it can be sold; money is worthless unless you spend it.
Rank: Member Joined: 1/12/2007 Posts: 75
I stand corrected but this thread is all about sharing experiences on refrigerators,not throwing salvos at each other.
Indesit,made in Italy,is my choice for low power consumption,rigid and durable construction lasting long enough to make it into your will. They come with world renowned Danish made Danfoss compressors.
However,I am not sure they are still available locally. The last time I saw them on sale in Nairobi was in 2006 at Hot Point Appliances,Sarit Centre.
Rank: Member Joined: 4/16/2009 Posts: 257
In purchasing a fridge it would also be important to know the latest technology in terms of some fridges made by the old technology freon coolant which damages the ozone layer. You can check for more info on the link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refrigerator.
In God i trust.
Rank: Member Joined: 8/14/2008 Posts: 107
Am old enuff to ninii you and to make you ninii..
Am not taking s*** from you either. We gotta respect one another here.
As somebody said,this was a discussion meant to enlighten and help one of us. You and mukiha,,you shud mind your own ish business.
If you disrespect me,I disrepect you,,,if you wanna we can go all dirty.
face your fears live your dreams
Rank: Member Joined: 6/12/2009 Posts: 96
Cool down,be calm !!
Zama za Kengen IPO.... zama za mali
Rank: Veteran Joined: 7/24/2008 Posts: 781
@SK admnistrator....kazi yako ni kung'orota ng'oooo halafu siku moja unaanza ku-delete post za maana eti advertisement....this forum has become decadent and action should be taken promptly. The utimate goal of investing is to buy low sell high;if we re-write this core equation in psychology terms it becomes buy fear sell greed.
Rank: Elder Joined: 11/13/2008 Posts: 1,565
IRONY: When discussing about refrigeragtors,discussants become heated. STOOPING LOW: When you start with sophistication...'Silver coated nano deodorizer filter system' and degenerate into '???fcku#### !!!!' and lose your wits RIPOSTE: When after 'careful thought' the best riposte to a Wole Soyinka quote is a saying that could have been uttered by the Hon. Mwakwere.
ILLOGICAL SYLLOGISM: 1 - All engineers know what a thermostat is 2 - Djinn knows what a thermostat is (and can even locate one in a cars cooling system) CONCLUSION: Djinn is an engineer.
Flame away.
The problem with equality is that we desire that it be with those that have more than us rather that those that have less
Rank: Member Joined: 8/14/2008 Posts: 107
well jini, After all that crap about In Aristotle's Prior Analytics,syllogism,am convinced you are a fool. Look,I really dont care about your cheap english,or even the guys you are trying to fight for here. This forum seems to have some animals which are more equal than others. Some are allowed to insult while their cohorts standby ready to weed out the enemy. Bring it on,infact puke all of Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning here. You disrespect me I disrespect you. A monkey has teeth,you have teeth. so you are a monkey. .
face your fears live your dreams
Rank: Elder Joined: 11/13/2008 Posts: 1,565
@myks - QED. oh,do go ahead and google that and return with another puerile riposte...
The problem with equality is that we desire that it be with those that have more than us rather that those that have less
Rank: Elder Joined: 11/13/2008 Posts: 1,565
'cohorts standby ready to weed out the enemy' - now isn't someone paranoid? I hardly know him yet he thinks he is the enemy....myks - if you review the remarks here,I do not think any are attacks - rather subtle,sugar coated remarks,some in jest,others with satire....mostly diplomatic and really not malicious. We hardly know each other on SK - at least I hardly know anyone
The problem with equality is that we desire that it be with those that have more than us rather that those that have less
Rank: Member Joined: 8/14/2008 Posts: 107
Am a technician,allow me to troubleshoot and repair your ass in under one hour of unconscious operation..honey sucker.
Disrespect me I disrespect you.
Riposte is an offensive action with the intent of hitting one's opponent,oh yeah am doing exactly that and am loving it; you still a monkey.
Disrespect me I disrespect you.
Simple. Clear.
face your fears live your dreams
Rank: Member Joined: 4/16/2009 Posts: 257
I do believe we were talking about fridges,so anybody who wants to disrespect someone else is free to start a post for insults.
In God i trust.
Which refrigerator is the best???
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