Lolest! wrote:Isnt their future bright with new PM Abiy? The Oromo are pacified and there's peace with Eritrea.
Wonder how it'll go if PM switches to democracy
Never been there but want to visit. I hear we get visa free entry. How is the place for a Kenyan tourist?
Make hotel reservatiin before travelling.
Ask hotel to send shuttle to fetch you from airport
In Addis stay at Bole area or Kasanchis
Should you be an adult male and you decide to loiter around your hotel, you will be approached by a guy 'who works at your hotel and he saw you; thanks for being our guest'. 'there is a graduation celebration for my niece around the corner lets go for you see our culture'. My advice: go with the guy. Report your findings to @Swenani IF you ever return.
An unaccompanied Kenyan male is an endangered species. Read your marriage vows before going and upon return. Naf said.
English is not well spoken.
Buy shoes and leather goods. cheap, wonderful quality
take Tej and report the aftermath here
Pretend to like injera.
Google 'battle of Adowa' and ooze lyrical in conversations.
Avoid their police
Avoid their male youth
do you need more tips?