Rank: Elder Joined: 6/23/2009 Posts: 13,551 Location: nairobi
maka wrote:whiteowl wrote:obiero wrote:lochaz-index wrote:hisah wrote:Othelo wrote:mwekez@ji wrote:Taking this with a pinch of salt. BD have a way of misreporting Yes, those figures dont look real hata kama. Yes the figures are quite bizarre and that math doesn't add up. That's why I expected HF to respond if at all they have a functioning PR desk... Silence means? The figures only make sense if the 20m initial award is assumed to have been the right value back in the year 2000 when it was auctioned and the subsequent court interest rate of 26% applied on it for 15years to date plus compounded incidental costs. Otherwise the reporter must have goofed somewhere. To determine the validity of a thread on wazua.. U must return to the source... This award is grossly inapplicable. Even if HF made a mistake at the start, how many lives would be affected if the award is implemented. Utilitarianism would have to be considered in application of the law the law is an ass Let them pay.This thing of ignoring court orders must stop. Court interest has no fetters HFCK will side step this case. If not, then the bank will bleed HF 90,000 ABP 3.83; KQ 414,100 ABP 7.92; MTN 23,800 ABP 6.45