My take on the latest development is that Kebati & Murgor are just being used as scapegoats. I think the transformation Kebati instituted after taking over rubbed certain quarters the wrong way.
Kebati sacked corrupt managers and streamlined operations at the mill..He was actually hailed by the farmers the loses registered IMHO was expected given the huge CAPEX used in setting up the bottling and Ethanol Plants.
The issue of importation was blown out of proportion.What we are forgetting MSC was facing debilitating cane shortage due to poaching and given the competition the company was facing from imported sugar I would argue given its market share MSC made commercial decision by supplementing with Imported cheap sugar than just wait until cane production was increased.
This forensic Audit is just a coverup by the board to save their own ass.
' the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; 3 In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.' Colossians 2:2-3