@Pirate @Lolest the JV will be in a form of a partnership...my entity will be the money/operating partner while you guys will be the land partners...A lawyer will draft the partnership agreement detailing duration, profit sharing & responsibilities etc
Now lemme give an example
Suppose @pirates contribution is the land valued at Ksh3.5mn and my entity puts in Ksh15mn for a total investment of Ksh18.5mn (land + cash) and then we do a project worth Ksh40mn we can decide to share the proceeds according to what each partner contributed...
Now in this case...@pirates share of proceeds will be 19% or Ksh7.6mn (3.5/18.5=19%)
The Ksh7.6mn will represent a cool 117% return on his initial investment
So we all walk away happy...
The above arrangement would have helped me avoid a crazy land search and buying experience while I would have helped you unlock the value of your land faster...
Now if you guys are serious my email is
davismika@contrarianinvestingkenya.infoSerious emails only.