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How to Deposit Money to PayPal in Kenya
#21 Posted : Thursday, May 30, 2013 4:31:15 PM
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I am the CEO, ePAY-KENYA and would like to set records straight to address this topic in which ePAY has been adversely mentioned:

1. ePAY has NEVER (since its inception) tried to portray or market itself as being representatives of Paypal in Kenya. To the contrary, all our users (and they run into thousands) are fully aware of this fact. It is common knowledge that Paypal has not found it prudent to partner with any bank in Kenya (and the rest of Africa part from South Africa) for the purpose of funds withdrawal.

2. In our 5 years of service to Kenyans who benefit from our services, we have NEVER had a single case where ePAY failed to meet its obligation towards any of our current and previous customers as we understand better the role played by the word REPUTATION in our business.

3. Some of our good customers happen to be administrators of several blogs and what they write about us is largely influenced by their experience with us as customers. Singling out Walter Akolo and accusing him of being partisan in his blog reviews without any factual evidence is in bad taste, disrespectful and more personal than objective.

4. Contrary to the impression created by Alma, I need to point out that the majority of our customers (+90%) are very well informed people who spend enough time online working and looking out for best deals among the paypal money transfer options.

5. ePAY has worked very hard to build a solid reputation. Our professional attitude is unmatched and as one of the bloggers commented, not even paypal can match our level of customer care. We work had to maintain that and are continuously working hard towards improving our services. We have never marketed ourselves as a cheaper option like many have, but a reliable and sure service provider and this remains the bedrock of our customer loyalty some of who have learnt the hard way that cheap can sometimes end up being too expensive.

6. Having captured the above points, we live in a free world where people have options. That is why we have some people choosing to fly to Nairobi from Mombasa while others choose to drive, yet there are those who will take a bus. Either of the three options will take you to Nairobi but then each comes with a different level of comfort and convenience. At the end of the day, the determining factor is affordability to the user. If Alma is comfortable doing her shopping in Ukwala because the goods are cheaper, West Gate will always be flooded with others who feel comfortable spending more on their shopping as they might be looking out for more comfort and convenience. Now that we are at it, why does Alma despise home grown solution with so much passion? What Payoneer is doing is no different from what we are doing, the only difference is that they have their offices in politically well placed territories. How else would you describe a company who can open for you a bank account in the USA with an unverified Kenyan ID? ePAY's KYC beats that of Payoneer and Paypal by far. Be fair in your assessment by addressing real issues Alma before you start condemning people by using such words as scam, spam without actually knowing their actual meaning. You have launched a scathing attack on Walter yet on his blog, he has given more 'airtime'to Payoneer card option. Have you ever asked yourself why ePAY is still in business even after the first blogs on payoneer hit the internet about 3 years ago? Those are the real issues you should be discussing on such a serious forum. 1. For some of our customers, withdrawing and getting paid within the hour is a convenience (instead of waiting for 4 days). 2. Master card ATMS are scarce. Why bother travelling so far to access such an ATM when I can craw to the next Mpesa kiosk and withdraw? May be convenience. 3. The 40k per day payoneer limitation does not work for the some of our customers whose withdrawals are way larger. Do I wait to withdraw 120k in three days or can I withdraw the same within the hour via ePAY? The answer I think is convenience. There are many others but I think I have made my point clear.

7. ePAY rates are dictated by the fee we pay the third party gateways, who tend to be extremely expensive. We can choose to partner with cheaper partners but then we are way too well informed about the good old adage, cheap can end up being very expensive.

8. Alma touched on Moneybookers (now Skrill). Again, our customers are well aware about the bank option and they (unlike you) have done their math. First of all, all withdrawals below USD 300 via a bank will attract more fees than ePAY (that is a scientific fact). What is worse is that after parting with so much to the bank, you can only access the money after 3 to 4 days (some banks even exaggerate to 5 days). Again, we are looking for convenience which comes with affordability this time.

With my 8 points, I leave it to the readers to judge who in deed is out of order. For Almy, a little background research on issues before going public is highly recommended.
#22 Posted : Thursday, May 30, 2013 4:36:35 PM
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Joined: 7/20/2007
Posts: 4,432
Stop writing a long blog.

Answer this question. Since paypal doesn't allow third parties to transact, is what you are doing legal?
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#23 Posted : Thursday, May 30, 2013 5:06:35 PM
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Joined: 7/20/2007
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Ala tena umepotea.

So your buddy tells you that someone is calling you a scam and you come and write a long letter and then disappear when 1 question is asked?

What you don't seem to understand is that it doesn't matter if you 90% of your clients are happy or if you have 1 million clients.

What matters is that you and your blogging click are passing off your service as legit even with a site lock it sign on your site. So the common Kenyan will assume that you are a legit company sanctioned by Paypal to do what you know is not true.

Let me guess what you are doing.

You have someone send the money to person A, person A then sends the funds to your Account or a number of accounts. You then transfer the funds to your gullible client. You then charge for this service.

That my friend is totally against Paypal TOS. Could that be the reason why your services were shut down sometime this year?

I have no problem with you making money how you see fit. I actually think that you have a niche there. But stop passing off your service as legit.

Just last week we had another of your ilk called Liberty Reserve shut down. It had lasted longer than yours and had more clients worldwide. I know of many Kenyans who got caught up with that scam after I had warned them against it.

So stop writing long letters trying to justify what you are doing.

It is wrong and you know it and 90% of your clients are either lazy or gullible.

If you are so sure about your services, please post your Paypal email here and I will send you payment. Then I can ask Paypal support if you are allowed to run that service of yours. You can also send it to my email if you wish. Mine is emasaa80@yahoo.com and its also my paypal email.

But please tell your blogger friend Akowally to promote only legit methods of transacting business online. You are the guys giving my industry a bad name with your quick fixes that aren't necessary and are not kosher.
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#24 Posted : Thursday, May 30, 2013 7:33:12 PM
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Alma, again you go wrong. Your reaction to my facts is based on guess work as you have put it. It is also not in order for you to describe my highly respected customers as 'gullible' and 'lazy'. I am very sure that they take their time to do more research than you do (as evidenced by your shallow reaction to the facts above). I will elaborate the following case study based on 'Legality vs 'morality'. I am sure you know many companies operating 'legally' including those pyramid schemes which had the legal mandate to operate in Kenya and we all know where their legal standing took many innocent Kenyans. I am glad you brought out the issue of Liberty Reserve as I will use it to elaborate my point. Liberty reserve, for your information operated within the legal framework of paypal and many other payment companies including Skrill and payza, just to name but a few. If you cared to read further on why Liberty reserve was shut, you will agree with me that it was an issue related to Money Laundering by the owner of the company which is based in Costa Rica. The costa Rica government is the one which cracked the whip on Liberty reserve and not Paypal, Skrill or Payza. As a result, unsuspecting customers have lost over 6 billion USD. On the other hand, you have a company by the name ePAY which like many others has identified a gap to be filled in as far as paypal withdrawals is concerned. They move in albeit lack of a formal legal agreement with paypal (a fact I disclosed in my previous post) and are able to fulfill their mandate for a period of 5 years running now and with a proven track record of not holding anyone's payment for more than 3 hours (unless there is an issue with Mpesa). Right there we have two scenarios and kindly let the readers make a choice: A Mzungu owned company with a formal legal engagement with paypal which eventually makes away with 6b USD of unsuspecting customers (Liberty Reserve) while on the other you have a company under attack by one Alma for not having a legal engagement with Paypal which has maintained its professional and moral obligation to its customers to-date without a single customer loosing a dime, a position they are determined to maintain now and in future irrespective of unfounded allegations from a by-stander, Alma (God knows his/her real name) who have never even attempted to use their service(ePAY). I leave it up to the reader to make a conclusion to this case study.
#25 Posted : Friday, May 31, 2013 12:38:26 AM
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Well put my friend...and great service you're offering in ePay-Kenya. I am always PROUD to promote your business.


Ever heard of a little word called "Technicality"? ePay-Kenya are for real and have thousands of satisfied customers.

I blog about stuff that work. I also warned guys about Liberty Reserve on my blog. Yesterday I sent out another scam alert to my mailing list. You can feel free to join and you'll always be up to date with these things.

I also believe you learned about Payoneer from me or from someone who learned from me since I was the first person in Kenya to use the US Payment Service and to blog about it. I also use ePay-Kenya to date.

From some of your points above, there are some things which you still don't have clear, especially internet marketing stuff and the definition of scam. I have done my best to help you out but will come back here at some point and give some more pointers till it sinks in. We can then continue building Wazuans' lives and making useful comments.

In fact, you've actually spammed my post which was about depositing money to PayPal but as always I've been happy to help you out.

I remember many posts on Wazua where you were against PayPal itself, maybe you're on the wrong side of things. Readers, just go to Wazua search above and check out Alma's posts on PayPal, iWriter, ePay-Kenya and other real online businesses.

Go and check out mine after that.

Look out for a scam alert post on Wazua soon. Note that I sent this Bullish Trade Scam alert that helped many Kenyans and wazuans.


Liberty Reserve = Scam (conned people off 6 billion)

ePay-Kenya = the real deal (fulfill 100% of their obligations)


#26 Posted : Friday, May 31, 2013 1:15:24 AM
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alma wrote:
You have someone send the money to person A, person A then sends the funds to your Account or a number of accounts. You then transfer the funds to your gullible client. You then charge for this service.

That my friend is totally against Paypal TOS. Could that be the reason why your services were shut down sometime this year?

I was beginning to doubt @Alma's sincerity until the CEO shouldered into this.

My payonear card is in transit to me (thanks Walter)and I have initiated the process of registering with ePay-Kenya.com.

However, doubt has been cast in my mind because the question posed by Alma above is answered with no answer hidden in a lot of "noise" from both the CEO and Alkowally, I am sorry to say.

I suspect that I shall be blacklisted by PayPal if I engage the service offered by ePay-Kenya.com and the CEO has not eased my mind.

Put my mind at ease with precise and neatly paragraphed and short posts, if you may.

#27 Posted : Friday, May 31, 2013 1:26:50 AM
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Good that you're almost getting your Payoneer card.

Waganagwa answered Alma's question in one of his posts.

Your PayPal account will not get blacklisted - they call it "limited". Google PayPal TOS to understand. Your account is totally safe, safer than if you were to send the cash to your cousin as a gift!

The way ePay-Kenya transacts your cash is not among the things that can get you limited, so rest easy on that, but feel free to make your own decision.

ePay weren't shut down at any point, they suspended their services over in-house issues that are resolved - no one lost anything. Suspending services temporarily is okay and happens all over

#28 Posted : Friday, May 31, 2013 1:35:45 AM
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Paypal Prohibited Activities

You may not use the PayPal service for activities that:

violate any law, statute, ordinance or regulation.

relate to transactions involving (a) narcotics, steroids, certain controlled substances or other products that present a risk to consumer safety, (b) drug paraphernalia, (c) items that encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct others to engage in illegal activity, (d) stolen goods including digital and virtual goods (e) items that promote hate, violence, racial intolerance, or the financial exploitation of a crime, (f) items that are considered obscene, (g) items that infringe or violate any copyright, trademark, right of publicity or privacy or any other proprietary right under the laws of any jurisdiction, (h) certain sexually oriented materials or services, (i) ammunition, firearms, or certain firearm parts or accessories, or (j) certain weapons or knives regulated under applicable law.

relate to transactions that (a) show the personal information of third parties in violation of applicable law, (b) support pyramid or ponzi schemes, matrix programs, other "get rich quick" schemes or certain multi-level marketing programs, (c) are associated with purchases of annuities or lottery contracts, lay-away systems, off-shore banking or transactions to finance or refinance debts funded by a credit card, (d) are for the sale of certain items before the seller has control or possession of the item, (e) are by payment processors to collect payments on behalf of merchants, (f) are associated with the sale of traveler’s cheques or money orders, (h) involve currency exchanges or cheque cashing businesses, or (i) involve certain credit repair, debt settlement services, credit transactions or insurance activities.

involve the sales of products or services identified by government agencies to have a high likelihood of being fraudulent.

violate applicable laws or industry regulations regarding the sale of (a) tobacco products, or (b) prescription drugs and devices.

involve gambling, gaming and/or any other activity with an entry fee and a prize, including, but not limited to casino games, sports betting, horse or greyhound racing, lottery tickets, other ventures that facilitate gambling, games of skill (whether or not it is legally defined as a lottery) and sweepstakes unless the operator has obtained prior approval from PayPal and the operator and customers are located exclusively in jurisdictions where such activities are permitted by law.

History will not remember you for your IQ. It will remember you for what you did. “Genius is 1 percent inspiration, 99 percent perspiration.” Thomas Edison
#29 Posted : Friday, May 31, 2013 1:42:56 AM
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Joined: 10/11/2009
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My friend, do not chest thump, calm down and carry on your business without generating too much heat. Your troubles may be just a fax away.

History will not remember you for your IQ. It will remember you for what you did. “Genius is 1 percent inspiration, 99 percent perspiration.” Thomas Edison
#30 Posted : Friday, May 31, 2013 7:58:58 AM
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my advice to CEO and Akowally is simple. You have a business that some Kenyans may want. However, please carry it out silently.

What you are promoting Akowally with no shame is an illegal scheme. Obviously it seems that the 6 years experience you have had online are clouded by slow internet speeds so you have yet to learn.

I give my experience to vendors in Paypal because I have more than 10 years doing business online and was there when Paypal used to promote their business through affiliates like you and would not be accepted in certain states. I still stand that there are better options than Paypal for serious business people online. The internet space is slowly opening up in the country wait a couple of years and wazua will have a forum dedicated to "Paypal limited my account".

You have decided to go into internet marketing with all your might. But I'll give you some free advice. Make sure you understand the product or service before you go around promoting it like its kosher.

Epay is only 1 email away from being shut down. Do not also lie to those using it that their accounts will not be affected. I have horror stories galore.

So please do that business of yours silently. The internet is not River Road. Ask Nation Hela who had probably the same idea as you.

That's the last I write about this topic. Especially seeing that the CEO of this company is naive enough to come and comment on such an issue in public. It's like someone who offers bangra pesa inviting the media.

Lastly, do not lie to wazuans here that being Paypal limited is fun. When you're account is limited, you have no access to your funds for 180 days. I mean doing a simple "paypal limited" search on google will show you the risk you are putting your "clients" in.

But its their choice.
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#31 Posted : Friday, May 31, 2013 9:32:57 AM
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#Alma, following statement from you is totally wrong and misplaced, but again you stated that you were guessing, so no offense. I however suggest that you stop misleading people any further with guess work. Next time try to respond to the issues raised as opposed to beating about the bush with what would otherwise be useful tips to beginners as opposed to using those 'tips' to target a specific entity. We offer many more services to Kenyans than Paypal withdrawals and therefore your prayer of 'closure of ePAY' might not just be answered yet. Stick to objective advise as opposed to dismissing entities based on a technicality. Wazuans can then take you serious.

You have someone send the money to person A, person A then sends the funds to your Account or a number of accounts. You then transfer the funds to your gullible client. You then charge for this service.
That my friend is totally against Paypal TOS. Could that be the reason why your services were shut down sometime this year?


The information is absolutely misleading and I want to assure you that not a single account has been limited by paypal for using our services. Join us 'roho safi' and you will not be disappointed. Note that Alma's conclusion about us is based on a wrong assumption. Even better, you may just google about us and am sure you will find reviews on several blogs (some of who are not Pro-ePAY). I can assure you that the only thing you will find is people complaining that we are expensive (I have explained why) and you will not come across anyone doubting our integrity. That is a more objective way of finding out more about us (from users) as opposed to reacting to a post by one misinformed Alma who claims to be an 'authority' on such matters but I highly doubt her competence.
#32 Posted : Friday, May 31, 2013 10:28:23 AM
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@Alma and all followers of the thread. Here's a summary for you

1. ePay-Kenya may not follow 100% of PayPal's detailed TOS's. You know that before you get in.

2. ePay-Kenya protects your account from limitation 100%. In case of anything, they take the fall for you.

3. The internet is not controlled. If ePay-Kenya were a scam, you'd easily pull that up from a simple Google search.

4. ePay-Kenya delivers in minutes - convenience comes at a price

5. ePay-Kenya and FreelancerKenya do not hide anything from you, we tell you the WHOLE truth, and leave you to make your own decision. If you're not cool with ePay, use Payoneer and Vice Versa

6. Look who's talking:

Walter Akolo = Owner FreelancerKenya.com - a Friendly blog that helps people to make money online (a real human being with strengths and weaknesses like you)

Caesar Waganagwa = Owner ePay-Kenya and a string of online enterprises

Alma = No one knows who he/she is

7. No hard feelings. Alma has a right to say whatever she feels. Don't follow any of us blindly.

8. Internet vs River Road, internet is worse, try Googling "KPLC sucks" for example, remember Mirfat of Tujuane. To find a company that's credible on Google search like ePay is a gem. Therefore in internet marketing you don't hide like Alma says, shout from the rooftops and be everywhere.

9. Alma herself agrees that PayPal may not be the best company and it blatantly discriminates against countries. Please please please look for alternatives if you can.

10. Yes, Alma spammed this thread (and I forgave her). This thread is on depositing money to PayPal, which she agreed what I said was accurate. Despite her spamming and outright rudeness, this post has benefited ePay (according to my site traffic analytics), FreelancerKenya (many incoming links and orders) and Wazua (return visits, possible clicks on ads, quality content) and definitely Alma in some way (expressing caution on the internet).

We all stand to win!

Quick internet marketing tips - do something legit, stand your ground and spread your wings all over, stay calm and respectable and you will sell.

#33 Posted : Friday, May 31, 2013 10:44:29 AM
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In April last year, Alma posted a very objective comment while reacting to the first post we did announcing ePAY services. I will leave it to readers to make their conclusion. Pay attention to the last sentence.

alma #18 Posted : Sunday, April 22, 2012 6:24:14 PM
Rank: Elder

The idea is great. It is helping Kenyans as our banks are still retarded.

But it would be good to warn those using the system that it is against Paypal terms. That can't be swept under the carpet. At anytime, PayPal can close those accounts.

But I still think its a risk worth taking as none of these other companies want to help Kenyans out online.

#34 Posted : Friday, May 31, 2013 10:49:16 AM
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You really should know people.

And I was wrong for endorsing your service. As you can see, when I make mistakes, I apologise and move on.

Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#35 Posted : Friday, May 31, 2013 10:59:38 AM
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Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

I can't sue you Alma, I respect you and you're a true gem in Wazua. So you're a he smile

Sorry if your PayPal account was limited at some point - I'm sure it wasn't because of ePay-Kenya, I think I vaguely remember what the reason was for.

Good to be on the record that you once endorsed ePay-Kenya, Mr. Alma!!!

#36 Posted : Friday, May 31, 2013 11:06:46 AM
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Akowally, now this is becoming a bit personal.

My advice: do not transact Paypal with a company that accepts that it is violating Paypal terms and conditions

Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#37 Posted : Friday, May 31, 2013 11:16:05 AM
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#Alma, yes indeed I know you now. Thank you for admitting that you once endorsed our services. It would also be nice to state the exact reason you stopped endorsing us because your pivot point seems to be paypal TOS which you were well aware about even before your first endorsement. That would be more useful to readers. Also next time, such disclosures are made before you are reminded, that way people can take you more serious.
#38 Posted : Friday, May 31, 2013 11:31:02 AM
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Ndugu zangu E-Pay nyie ni wachapakazi waminifu, wepesi na wenye mawasiliano kamilifu na wazi. Ndani ya saa moja huwa nimepata hela zangu kwa hela ya Kenya kutoka kwenye hela ya Dola ya Marekani. Mnatosha na mnafaa. Nani kama nyinyi? Hamna. Hamna. Hamna. Napendekeza huduma hii kwa yeyote asiyependa ukora, ulaghai na wizi kwenye mtandao. Ukiwa na E-Pay, uko salama. Hongereni!
#39 Posted : Friday, May 31, 2013 11:34:16 AM
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My endorsement of you business was based on little information. As they say, once you dig out a few things about someone, you get to know more about them.

1. You accept in public that you are doing something that is not upfront.

2. You then say that the people doing so should know better

3. You are the same people who own http://www.chuchihosting.com/ I'm sure you aren't selling web hosting to anyone on that site. This is what you've used to pretend to paypal that you are a legit business.

4. You are willing to lie to people that their accounts will never be at risk, yet you forget to mention that in your own forum that accounts can be at risk if you involve yourself in companies like yours that don't follow Paypal TOS

Avoid using service providers who subscribe directly to paypal to withdraw money locally. When paypal catches up with such a provider, your account will also be affected. https://epay-kenya.com/forum/index.php?topic=15.0

5. A quick scan of akowally's blog shows out of the numerous so called great paypal withdrawal methods he's used, only payoneer and yours remain. The others have been shut down. Probably after their accounts were limited by paypal and with clients who probably lost their funds.

Fact: Any company that violates Paypal TOS by engaging in business they expressly refuse is bound sooner rather than later to have their accounts limited
Fact: Dealing with your company for any sort of money exchange is against Paypal TOS
Fact: Your so called clients are likely to lose either their funds with you or have the accounts limited

Now those are the facts. As you say, let the people decide. eish.

Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#40 Posted : Friday, May 31, 2013 11:38:27 AM
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alma wrote:
Akowally, now this is becoming a bit personal.

My advice: do not transact Paypal with a company that accepts that it is violating Paypal terms and conditions


Pole sana man. I was responding to the post you put up and then deleted, stating you are not a she and telling me to sue you. I wish I'd used the quote option. I've been here for 5 years and thought you were a she.

Otherwise, you stand by the TOS ground and some guys will follow your advice.

We stand by the reliability, speed and credibility ground (your personal account is protected!) Especially the fact that ePay guys take the risk to help people get their hard earned cash.

We also stand by the fact that people can make their own decisions (Payoneer e.t.c.)

We all agree that there are alternatives to PayPal...me, you, CEO...

Win Win!!!
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