The receiver is not obligated to pay unsecured lenders,this is under the principal of 'buyer be ware'
If I were the depositors,I would look to see if its possible to complete the properties where one had made the deposit. If the properties are currently stalled,then maybe you could apply to participate in the receivership process,say take a 50% haircut on your deposit,then finance your property to completion,it could still possibly be cheaper than taking out a mortgage.
I see this kind of negotiated settlement all the time here,give it a crack guys and good luck.
I've noticed the youth in particular coming in to a workplace with a completely outsized notion of their own value and importance... just a thinly-veiled arrogance. May be the credit crunch induced recession is whats needed to remind us all about the value of hard work.... By Anonymous
"The purpose of bureaucracy is to compensate for incompetence and lack of discipline." James Collins