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JNP Properties & Jopa Villas Hses- Is this a con
#21 Posted : Friday, February 20, 2009 7:38:00 AM
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Am one of the clients for Jopa Villas and i have talked to their Nairobi office.I found out that they are in court with th USA bank.

My understanding is that all the deposits will be refunded once they sort things out with Opic.
#22 Posted : Friday, February 20, 2009 9:31:00 AM
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If this JP thing was advanced $7.1m and the guy vyed for a parliamentary seat in limuru which he lost,then I would suggest you dont bother calling the proprieter or his office. Seek a legal redress.......

...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#23 Posted : Friday, February 20, 2009 9:47:00 AM
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Jopa Villas was placed in receivership last year. OPIC recalled the entire loan amount after John Paul refused to meet to set a repayment plan. John Paul had collected deposits from more than 120 people for the houses but decided to divert the money to other projects which were supposed to be completed in 2006.

Those who expect a refund may have to wait for a much longer time. The total indebtedness of Jopa to OPIC is far much more than the value of the property owned by Jopa! Plus John Paul has gone to court to contest the appointment of receivers!

Best case scenario would be OPIC selling the whole project and the new owner completing the building. The depositers would then pay the balance and own their houses on completion.

Worst case scenario: The court case could drag forever! This may turn into another Halai! Plus we don't know whether John Paul sold the same house to multiple buyers! I feel sorry for the depositers!

Immorality: The morality of those who are having a better time!
#24 Posted : Friday, July 10, 2009 5:29:00 PM
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here is the evidence. JNP lives in Sacramento California The rumor is he is apparently trying to change his name. This man is a conman. He took our money and gave us nothing for it. I know people who tried to serve him and he apparently told the sherif he was not JNP but JNP son. He apparently claimed his father is the one doing business in Texas... So you tell me this is not a conman and I ask you to show me who is. I recommend we all write to Dilloit the appointed receivers and claim our share of the money. I can be reached at wasike_joseph at yahoo.com. JNP lives in Sacramento california..I will find his address and post it here... mwizi ni mwizi.. http://ea.nationmedia.co...Print/25_05_2009_004.pdf
#25 Posted : Saturday, July 11, 2009 6:47:00 AM
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Jopa Villas is under receivership? I must have escaped by the skin of my teeth. I went and demanded my 1% deposit sometime late last year (cant remember the date). Phew! Problem is they gave me back less some 8K but better that than kupoteza yote. Hope people can get their money back and better yet that JP can get nailed.

Time and chance happen to all.
#26 Posted : Saturday, July 11, 2009 10:05:00 AM
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In Real estate as in any other investment venture,it is incumbent upon the investor to carry out their own due diligence before commission of funds. This project was doomed to fail due to the imprudence with which the financing of the project was structured. I do not deem this to have been a scheme hatched up oversees with the sole intention to defraud Kenyans.It simply could not work in its format. Pole for all those who put in their funds.I hope a way is found to recover the same.

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Ken K
#27 Posted : Saturday, July 11, 2009 10:10:00 AM
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Now you know how he got his plane.
#28 Posted : Saturday, July 11, 2009 10:44:00 AM
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I realy like ur knowledge in Real Estate ..U r just good... can I have ur Email pls?.

#29 Posted : Monday, July 13, 2009 4:27:00 AM
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Thanks for the compliment. I work in the sector. You could email me on jarsofclayltd at yahoo dot co dot uk

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#30 Posted : Monday, July 13, 2009 6:02:00 AM
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@bonnyboy: Writing to the receivers demanding payment will not yield anything. As far as a receiver is concerned, you are an unsecured creditor. Receivers have no power to deal with unsecured creditors. The receiver will tell you that your claim will be dealt with after the secured creditor is paid in full.

@Mr Tea: The project was well intended. The problem came when JNP started diverting the money disbursed by OPIC. If he had stuck to the plan, he would have paid the loan comfortably as indicated by the interest generated in the houses. More than 120 people had made deposits for the houses! Greed and conmanship is what killed the Jopa Villas dream!

Immorality: The morality of those who are having a better time!
#31 Posted : Monday, July 13, 2009 6:28:00 AM
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Most infrastructural projects,due to their magnitude and colossal funding requirements,the developer needs to raise a certain proportion of equity before accessing the promised funds.JNP had secured some off shore funding which was fraught with complexities in the terms and conditions.

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#32 Posted : Monday, July 13, 2009 6:32:00 AM
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Mr Tea

Agreed. But the complexities in the JNP case were not too err ... .. complex! It was simple. We give you this 70% of the total funding required for the project, you raise the balance (which admittedly he did - don't know how), you build the houses, and repay the balance from the proceeds. If you fail to repay the loan, we secure the assets (land and buildings) and sell to recover our money! What is complex there?

Immorality: The morality of those who are having a better time!
#33 Posted : Monday, July 13, 2009 6:45:00 AM
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You grossly over-simplify matters here.Are you privy to the contract? What you have stated is an ideal situation. I have first hand knowledge but would be caught dead discussing the contract on this public forum. In a nutshell,it proved hard to execute hence the current state of affairs.
I didn't mean to come hard on you but I sometimes feel that the market place is so starved of information that all manner of conjectures are inferred leading lots of confusion.

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#34 Posted : Monday, July 13, 2009 7:02:00 AM
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Mr Tea: I'm not privy to the contract and would also not discuss it in a public forum. I may have oversimplified the issue but really that is how it should be. If he had used the money given (since you have first hand knowledge, you know that it is a huge amount) for what it was intended for, there would never have been this problem.

OPIC have come out clearly to state that JNP defaulted on 3 repayments without any explanation. He refused to provide a breakdown of how he'd spent the money already advanced. An independent review done showed that he had spent less than 15% of the money given by OPIC for the Mombasa Road project on the Mombasa Road project. At the same time he was building a huge complex in Texas.

All in all we are saying the same thing i.e. JNP is a conman. You seem to be well endowed in the Real Estate business so I will not indulge you as I know little about it. What I don't understand is why he did not exercise prudence and honour the contract.

Quick question here! Do you think that were JNP to use all the money given to complete the project, he'd have easily repaid the loan?

Immorality: The morality of those who are having a better time!
#35 Posted : Monday, July 13, 2009 7:27:00 AM
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Experience has shown that a high percentage of such off shore funded projects fail because of the poorly negotiated contracts.Their terms and conditions fail to reconcile with the reality on the ground. In real estate projects,money is paid to the contractors directly in stages upon certification by valuers(QS). The question of defaulting would not arise because even the developers equity is committed to the project a fact that is also certified by the valuer. Plus repayments are only made 6 or so months after the completion of the project.

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#36 Posted : Monday, July 13, 2009 8:07:00 AM
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'Plus repayments are only made 6 or so months after the completion of the project.'

Is that a norm or an exception? Any views on my question?

Immorality: The morality of those who are having a better time!
#37 Posted : Monday, July 13, 2009 8:39:00 AM
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If you've borrowed say $20m,its not advanced to you before hand.Thats what I've been trying to say. It is administered piece meal until the project is done. Had JNP utilized the deposits he received from would be buyers would he have completed the project?the answer is a big no. Those deposits are meant to raise one's equity for the project. Did he utilize them appropriately? Its a matter of conjecture. Did the financier meet their part of the obligation?Thats a matter for the courts to decide.

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#38 Posted : Monday, July 13, 2009 9:24:00 AM
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At the end of the Receivership,and assuming the whole property is sold - is the new owner obligated in any way to the people who had placed deposits with JP?

Obi 1 Kanobi
#39 Posted : Monday, July 13, 2009 10:42:00 AM
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The receiver is not obligated to pay unsecured lenders,this is under the principal of 'buyer be ware'

If I were the depositors,I would look to see if its possible to complete the properties where one had made the deposit. If the properties are currently stalled,then maybe you could apply to participate in the receivership process,say take a 50% haircut on your deposit,then finance your property to completion,it could still possibly be cheaper than taking out a mortgage.

I see this kind of negotiated settlement all the time here,give it a crack guys and good luck.

I've noticed the youth in particular coming in to a workplace with a completely outsized notion of their own value and importance... just a thinly-veiled arrogance. May be the credit crunch induced recession is whats needed to remind us all about the value of hard work.... By Anonymous
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#40 Posted : Monday, July 13, 2009 10:48:00 AM
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Even if the guy refunds your deposit now,what will be its real value? Assuming you had bought the houses at 3.8M,similar houses in that neighborhood are currently (Muthama Heights) going for 6.5-7M.

I know of a estate in Langata which had stalled but one of the buyers went to the selling agent and got the contacts of all the pople who had bought the houses. He called them for a meeting and the attendance was amazing. They formed a committe comprising of legal experts who wrote to the developer. They also organized site meetings with the developer every month to monitor the progress. I must say that the estate was completed and these guys are now staying in these houses.

Maybe those of you who bought these houses can try this method. You need to get the contactsof your fellow purchasers and meet on site to deliberate your way forward. You will be amazed on what you can achieve as a team.

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