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"I Will Not Apologize" -- Caroline Mutoko Responds to Plagiarism Claims
#21 Posted : Thursday, September 20, 2012 7:33:50 PM
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This middle aged babyless woman should have learnt a lesson from the Nancy Baraza saga.She may be headed there.
#22 Posted : Thursday, September 20, 2012 7:38:49 PM
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Whether people blew it out of proportion or not is not the issue. The issue is that she did something that is suable in many courts especially the court of online marketing.

You never copy and paste someone's work. It's just not done.

Her response to this is evidence of someone who deserves all the bile she's getting from her detractors. I for one don't care about her but that response reminds me of the kids in school who used to copy work from the kid who was Number 1 in class and copy even the spelling mistakes.

As such she has no moral authority to castigate anyone on her show about anything especially since she has just confessed that she's a die hard copycat even copying from drunks and housemaids. Again showing her disdain to people like Mcreggae and Magigi.

In internet terms we call her actions stealing. In other words she steals ideas and pretends they are her own. In other languages she would be called a thief.

She should stick to radio and really leave the online stuff alone or or sooner or later she will bankrupt that star magazine.
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#23 Posted : Thursday, September 20, 2012 7:57:03 PM
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alma wrote:
Whether people blew it out of proportion or not is not the issue. The issue is that she did something that is suable in many courts especially the court of online marketing.

You never copy and paste someone's work. It's just not done.

Her response to this is evidence of someone who deserves all the bile she's getting from her detractors. I for one don't care about her but that response reminds me of the kids in school who used to copy work from the kid who was Number 1 in class and copy even the spelling mistakes.

As such she has no moral authority to castigate anyone on her show about anything especially since she has just confessed that she's a die hard copycat even copying from drunks and housemaids. Again showing her disdain to people like Mcreggae and Magigi.

In internet terms we call her actions stealing. In other words she steals ideas and pretends they are her own. In other languages she would be called a thief.

She should stick to radio and really leave the online stuff alone or or sooner or later she will bankrupt that star magazine.

IN THE WEST! Our culture does not recognize such things - look at your school. you passed exams by ensuring that you regurgitated everything you were given WORD FOR WORD ASSURED YOU BETTER MARKS.
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#24 Posted : Thursday, September 20, 2012 8:01:10 PM
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Joined: 7/20/2007
Posts: 4,432
masukuma when "you" use words like "you", "I" would suggest "you" replace them with "I".

Some of us actually read and passed our exams without copying. Honestly Masukuma, "I" know "you" don't believe me, but people actually do pass without copying. Haki ya ngai it happens.
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#25 Posted : Thursday, September 20, 2012 8:28:23 PM
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Joined: 11/19/2007
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alma wrote:
masukuma when "you" use words like "you", "I" would suggest "you" replace them with "I".

Some of us actually read and passed our exams without copying. Honestly Masukuma, "I" know "you" don't believe me, but people actually do pass without copying. Haki ya ngai it happens.

I agree with you @ alma. and it is laughable to see some people think that something is being blow out of proportion......
#26 Posted : Thursday, September 20, 2012 9:01:25 PM
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Joined: 2/25/2009
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This is a case of pots calling the kettle black.Its also one where people are being pious(hypocritically virtuous) but thats not my argument.I applaud carol coz she didnt tuck her tail in and run,she has given all of you your biles worth."A good offence is the best defence" and thats the prudent way to deal with such haters..what did people expect her to do-resign?! So that you can get her job,house,car or what? All this domo ati just coz you want her to "apologize"..Puuuuhliz!! Spare me that load of bull.
#27 Posted : Thursday, September 20, 2012 9:11:49 PM
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famooz wrote:
alma wrote:
masukuma when "you" use words like "you", "I" would suggest "you" replace them with "I".

Some of us actually read and passed our exams without copying. Honestly Masukuma, "I" know "you" don't believe me, but people actually do pass without copying. Haki ya ngai it happens.

I agree with you @ alma. and it is laughable to see some people think that something is being blow out of proportion......

you copied (Also known as 'read', 'crammed' ,'chopped' or any other word that represented internalizing information in books to regurgitate in exam rooms)! did you ever quote your sources? its only that you did not copy in the exam room (AKA CHEATING) however if you still insist you did not do it then - MEZA WEMBE BASI!! if the original owner of the 'works' is not complaining - wewe ndio nani?
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#28 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 12:33:14 AM
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Just to be clear am not saying what she did was right.I would also be the first to tell her that she has no authority whatsoever to give relationship advice.We need to keep issues separate.
#29 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 7:36:23 AM
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Her proud personality is not helping. If it was someone less big-headed, this could have been over
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#30 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 7:45:32 AM
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rock wrote:
This is a case of pots calling the kettle black.Its also one where people are being pious(hypocritically virtuous) but thats not my argument.I applaud carol coz she didnt tuck her tail in and run,she has given all of you your biles worth."A good offence is the best defence" and thats the prudent way to deal with such haters..what did people expect her to do-resign?! So that you can get her job,house,car or what? All this domo ati just coz you want her to "apologize"..Puuuuhliz!! Spare me that load of bull.

And kwanza - apologize to who?
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#31 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 8:47:45 AM
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Joined: 8/11/2010
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“I will not apologize or respond to nonsense that tries to imply I may have borrowed something from the internet.

You did it. It is no longer a possibility.

I borrow from everything around me--cocktail parties I go to, baby showers, I borrow from drunkards, thieves, cab drivers and my housekeeper--I borrow from the lines of songs I listen to and tweets I read and even posts on Nicki Minaj’s FB wall...

That is right. You suck in everything and anything like a vacuum cleaner. GIGO.

I am no copy cat--I am the original and I’m different and that’s tough for some people to take.”

Si you just show simple peeps the iron stuff you are made of. ..... like coming up with things no one has thought of, or better still never written?
#32 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 8:53:21 AM
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Who's making the loudest noise? Kenyan men.
Majority do not have the slightest clue abt that article.
To be honest neither do I cz I never read some blogs.
But seeing the hate speech projected towards her make me wonder,why the bitterness.
What did she do to kenyan men?
They will never speak positive of her even if she educates 100 orphans.(nt saying she is) but seems as if any negative aspect presents the perfect opportunity to lash out and crucify her properly.

She did wrong.
But that is just an opportunity for people to let out stress, bitterness and anger.
calm down kenyan men.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#33 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 8:56:16 AM
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masukuma wrote:
rock wrote:
This is a case of pots calling the kettle black.Its also one where people are being pious(hypocritically virtuous) but thats not my argument.I applaud carol coz she didnt tuck her tail in and run,she has given all of you your biles worth."A good offence is the best defence" and thats the prudent way to deal with such haters..what did people expect her to do-resign?! So that you can get her job,house,car or what? All this domo ati just coz you want her to "apologize"..Puuuuhliz!! Spare me that load of bull.

And kwanza - apologize to who?

Your guess is as good as mine.Maybe the plagiarism police,wazuans,readers,listeners,online community and the world in general.
#34 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 9:04:16 AM
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masukuma wrote:
hoodrat wrote:
Simple,if you are caught stealing,apologise and maybe you will be forgiven.Her arroggance isn't helping her out in any way!

in my opinion it should not even be considered theft! next time you will be required to quote your source when you crack a joke <-- this is all mine!

In my opinion plagiarism is simply theft especially when you conveniently leave out to quote your source!
Apparently there is nothing that cannot happen today!
Money Whisperer
#35 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 9:04:49 AM
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Carol is being schupid. She has a masters degree in mass communication and she knows plagiarism in a published article is different from cutting and pasting on your facebook wall. The author of that article wrote to The Star and the management apologized and yanked the article. For a person who built her career holding leaders to account even for personal enjoyment of their lives (remember her vitriol on Martha a single woman spending quality time with another single man?), this is waaay below her. She's behaving like a silly gal who lost in a game of katola or kati.Bureee kabisa braare buree
"Money never sleeps"
#36 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 9:05:44 AM
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Joined: 8/17/2012
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I've come to learn a very important thing in life: That everyone is important in life. The excellent, AVERAGE (Yes!!) and the not so bright!! We all have our places in the society.

Let Carol also learn that the excellent can sometimes be AVERAGE and the AVERAGE can sometimes be excellent! Its life...

Oooooh and she should stop her arrogance, no one appointed her the General Manager of the Earth!!
#37 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 9:11:35 AM
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Sunny Bindra talked about leadership cults and how they retard national development.


He talked about a lady who was even evicted from a seat by a train conductor and she stood the rest of the journey.

He said the lady is Micheline Calmy-Rey, foreign minister and former President of Switzerland. He added that she is to Switzerland what Sonia Gandhi is to India.

He goes on to state:

We must applaud societies that have outgrown personality cults. We must reject the outdated concept that leaders are the only grown-ups in the land, and everyone else is a helpless child.

Kenyans are personality cult members, but even wazuans? Cannot even one leader be legitimately criticized before the cultists jump to his/her defence?

Hiyo si maendeleo.
#38 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 9:30:52 AM
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The author of that article wrote to The Star and the management apologized and yanked the article.

So why can't the same Star ask her to shut up and stop making references to that article?
This is not about the article anymore.
She's fighting back her haters and that is plain silly cz some people are idle and love engaging in a war of words.
She being a known personality needs to handle this with wisdom rather than engage her fans in exchange.
Somebody in her circle needs to tell her that but seems as if they are all blind.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#39 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 9:39:54 AM
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Joined: 6/27/2008
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masukuma wrote:
famooz wrote:
alma wrote:
masukuma when "you" use words like "you", "I" would suggest "you" replace them with "I".

Some of us actually read and passed our exams without copying. Honestly Masukuma, "I" know "you" don't believe me, but people actually do pass without copying. Haki ya ngai it happens.

I agree with you @ alma. and it is laughable to see some people think that something is being blow out of proportion......

you copied (Also known as 'read', 'crammed' ,'chopped' or any other word that represented internalizing information in books to regurgitate in exam rooms)! did you ever quote your sources? its only that you did not copy in the exam room (AKA CHEATING) however if you still insist you did not do it then - MEZA WEMBE BASI!! if the original owner of the 'works' is not complaining - wewe ndio nani?

Depends on the caliber of the teacher. Read about "3rd generation idiot syndrome".
Nothing is real unless it can be named; nothing has value unless it can be sold; money is worthless unless you spend it.
#40 Posted : Friday, September 21, 2012 9:47:57 AM
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YesuWangu wrote:
Cannot even one leader be legitimately criticized before the cultists jump to his/her defence?

Hiyo si maendeleo.

Like really??!
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