jerry wrote:@guru. What difference is there between pre-planned sale of gok rights at throw away prices and those who pre-planned PEV? There is also this cheap argument that gok can do or is free to sell her rts to whomever! Why should they deny us the right to buy rts publicly so that the 'undertakers' can have them later? We need PLO to investigate.
@jerry just because an action is unethical doesn't make it illegal..
I believe what Gova did was in the best interest of current shareholders...
Selling to institutions rather than retail guys is more likely to provide stability to the price since they usually have a long term approach rather than the speculation that is rife among retail investors...
Now the rights that lapsed belong to the eligible shareholders first and then centum and equity are next in line...
Either way.. Rights will be oversubscribed..
Mark 12:29
Deuteronomy 4:16