@ceinz - something to note. There's an options expiration on this 25th for both silver & gold. Also noticed a huge volume spike on silver as it nosedived yesterday. This vol is similar to when capitulation happened @25 after a 50% selloff. Yesterday's capitulation must have fried a lot of silver turkeys.
I think the bottom is being marked. Coincidental that gold also tests 1555. Apr contracts are telling a diff story. Let's see if March marks the reversal then back to the all time highs.
I have a sneaky feeling another MF Global is happening in the commodo market. The market nosedive feels like a raid. Soros too said he was out of gold just before the current nosedive. Too coincidental all this.
By year end this selloff have reversed...
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!