1968 Paul Ngei takes on assistant minister william Malu over control of KANU office photo courtesy (Bradley Kisia)
1901:Indian soldiers stand guard outside Government Tresury Nairobi Kenya.
African Social Welfare in Nairobi in 1945: A large amount of money was used by the colonialist to provide social services to Africans in Nairobi .
These included housing which was tackled by both the colonial government and Nairobi municipality to ensure Africans had good houses.
A majority of those who occupied these houses came directly from the reserves and huts but their care and pride in their new homes was remarkable.
A european welfare worker was also employed to help and advise housewives in these new housing estates .
Other facilities and services provided were maternity homes clinics ,Libraries recreational halls ,beer canteens and evening classes for those who wanted to study.
As they summarised it,” If an African is keen on improvement he can attend night classes and if he likes his glass of beer he can buy the native brew at the municipal beer shop.”
Inside an African beer canteen
Beer was served in bowls
African social hall
City stadium
Maternity hospital
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https://www.facebook.com/opiyo.levin"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore