the deal wrote:The GoK has an obligation to save its citizens not oil cartels set up by markets have failed even in the SA and Nam the Goverments sets the petrol pump price,tells the banks to lend at x%..removes VAT on basic goods like Unga...have the quality gone down=NO,are banks bankrupt=no probably most profitabe in Africa...this is long overdue...people cant suffer in the name of capitalism..BRAVO GOK!!!!
BULLSHIT... You are young so please read what I ask you to. I enjoy debating you but you have to read more.
1) Free markets have NOT failed. Nonsense!
Read Schumpeter's CREATIVE DESTRUCTION. There are cycles. That is part of free markets.
2) The USA is not a free market. The so-called financial crisis was precipitated by lax lending standards caused by the GOVERNMENT/POLITICAL policy of funding & supporting
Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae. What do you expect when governments step in? Warren Buffett warned about the FMs about 4 years ago...
3) S.Africa moved from a controlled economy pre-1990 where resources were allocated by race not by need or return. BTW, India controls downstream fuel prices. I read the Indian Govt spent BILLIONS 'subsidizing' the Oil Marketers (who still made losses) coz IMPORTS dont care what u sell it at!
4)Erm, what are you talking about VAT? VAT is a TAX. What has a tax got to do with quality unless u cant pass it on?
Also note the Laffler Curve...Please read what I have recommended... It will do you good!
Greedy when others are fearful. Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase Warren Buffett