livie wrote:Thanx @Horto and @nmukiha for your responses.
I got the shares at the time they had an IPO last.
Please indulge me on the meaning of "bonus split"
How many did you buy and how many do you have now?
Bonus: Reserves are converted into shares which are given to shareholders and the appropriate rate, eg, "two
FOR every one held". The PAR value [na usiulize hiyo ninini!!!] remains unchanged but the share capital increases by the same
Split: Existing shares are sub-divided into smaller ones, eg, each share now becomes two shares, the we say it is a "a one
TO two" split. The par value drops by the same
fraction but the share capital remains unchanged.
Nothing is real unless it can be named; nothing has value unless it can be sold; money is worthless unless you spend it.