@wendz @fundaah
I am a shareholder.
No double standards...
1) Employees of ARM should be fired if they are stealing from ARM. They cant be fired by ARM for stealing from GoK. It does not sound right but legally ARM would have a problem with COTU & unions... Unions dont let ARM fire employees even if they steal unless a 'package' is negotiated.
2) Of course, the MD has to know what is happening... BUT the point is being personalized from ARM to MD... The initial question/accusation was ARM was doing it... and it is not...
3) Unlike the MD for ARM (who owns 40%+ of ARM) the minister does not have any ownership of the ministries.
4) The MD can be removed by shareholders for under-performance by the Board &/or shareholders. kibaki never fires corrupt ministers. He appoints them too... Using the logic... shouldnt kibaki resign? (Erm, I think he should have...)
Greedy when others are fearful. Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase Warren Buffett