upon much thinking..and rethinking..
i came up with this...Kakuzi Ltd Income Statements over time
graphics on wazua do not allow tables so
column one is of market yesterday,the 2nd for 2009,the 3rd for 2008,the 4th for 2007 EPS 17.34 17.34 13.12 9.68
Rev growth 23.94% 23.94% 7.15% 8.07%
Op.Pro Growth 30.97% 30.97% 37.42% 26.94%
E Growth 37.95% 37.95% 47.66% 42.46%
Op Margin 28.80% 28.80% 27.25% 21.25%
E.margin 19.43% 19.43% 17.46% 12.60%
Price 96.00 78.00 30.00 39.75
PSR 0.94 0.76 0.36 0.52
P/E 5.54 4.49 2.28 4.10
=As of march 16 price had gone up to 96. ..rising PSR from 0.76 for every shilling of revenue to 0.94…
I think the moment PSR crosses 1.0 mark the probability to earn back investment shifts from fundamental to speculative…that price is 102.45..at that price however p/e is 5.9.. still low???
=P/E of 5.54 on march 16 means for every shs 1 worth of earnings you are paying shs 5.54… or that should Kakuzi remain earning shs 17.34 every year… it will take 5.5 years to earn back the 96 you paid for the share… of course part of the 96 is what they’ll be giving you as dividends while the rest will be retained as shareholders’ equity. Atleast we know it will most likely do better than 17.34 this year… (hope the management doesn’t get stupid to do some daft thing like bonus, rights, split etc...)
Analyzing Kakuzi Ltd’s Income Statement
What to look for;
1. Fundamentally,
• Growing revenues over time has been less than 10% generally with exception of 2009. Improved revenues in 2009 likely to remain sustainable in 2010.
• Growing operating income and earnings informs you that Kakuzi has overtime managed to reduce costs of operations as well as improve on profitability.
• Increasing operating and earnings margins indicate that management continues to improve on operational efficiency of Kakuzi Ltd as well as retain a bigger portion of revenues as profit. For the year 2009, for every Kshs1 of revenue, it managed to keep 19Cents as profit
• A Price-to-Sales ratio of 0.76 means that at the price of Kshs78.00, investors were paying Kshs 0.76 for every kshs 1 Kakuzi Ltd collected in Revenues
• A P/E of 4.5, investors are paying Kshs 4.50 for every Kshs1 of earnings
2. Technically,
• Scarcity of the share. With 19.6 million shares, Kakuzi Ltd is fairly a small company compared to the overall stock market. This limits the number of shares readily available for trade on a given day.
• Demand and Supply of the share in the market. As long as the demand of the share exceeds the supply, the share will continue to increase in price
• Liquidity of the share. The current demand of the share makes it easy to sell the share. There is always someone willing to buy. However, since fewer shareholders are willing to sell, buyers are forced to quote higher prices.
• Human behavior. As investors watch the price trend of the shares, it is easy to give in to emotion to define the decision to buy or sell the share
• Do not rely on the Income Statement alone though it is a good indicator of the performance of Kakuzi Ltd. It is important to consider the Balance Sheet and the Cash Flow Statement as well to evaluate intrinsic value of the share
• Compare the performance of Kakuzi Ltd with that of its peers as well as in relation to overall agricultural industry in Kenya
Try as much as possible NOT to act on emotion concerning action to buy or sell Kakuzi
Still a buy…as long as it’s trading under 102.00
..Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven...Matt5:16
- 1769 Oxford King James Bible 'Authorized Version