A few posters touched on an idea that's been near and dear to me, namely, kungojea kiangazi cha mwanzo wa mwaka halafu kuwasilisha out of season produce to the market.
A cousin of mine used irrigation kukuza sukuma wiki wakati wa kiangazi in Eld way back in 2005. People na akina brokers would troop to his kaplot to buy straight from him. He did not have to market nor transport his produce. The market found him.
My dad and uncle who are small scale commercial farmers suggested that someone with the resources and organization could grow maize by irrigation starting Sept or Oct right after harvest and deliver green maize kitu mwisho wa Jan/early Feb. Na kwa sababu mitungo haibanduliwi, yields can be as high as 150 magunia per acre. Gunia moja then was going for 3,000 Ksh so we are talking serious dough. Hata kama gharama itakuwa ya juu, and even if you might not end up getting either 3K per bag or 150 bags per acre, merely coming close on both counts appears to be a real opportunity for serious profit.
Uzuri (au ubaya) ya Wakenya ni kwamba kawaida yao mtu akitimiza kiwango fulani cha elimu, anajiambia " Haki mi siwezi fanya kitu kama hiyo. Woi ye, sa watu wakiniona ati nalima watasema aje?" Nami huku nimebeba sululu tu

Au, kama kawaida huko Kitale/Eld, nimekomboa tinga tinga.
Know anyone who's pulled something like this off?