@raggz kingofarbitrage at gmail d o t com
Also I'm curious to know about jobs in I-Banking / Prop-trading down south. What are the chances of getting in for a non-resident?
For an Investment Analyst considering Equity (NSE:EQTY) I'd say you're thinking Treasury or IBD. The Director of the Treasury department has considerable international experience and this shows in the innovative products they've introduced (Forex Swaps & Forward Contracts) plus they've been able to snag big clients like Morgan Stanley. The only downside is Forex Trading is stressful and IMO... rather boring.
Equity's IBD has been rather quiet since inception save for the stand off with the CDSC. I'd like to think that they're putting final touches to a revolutionary business model. You'll remember that they poached most of their staff from Rencap so at least you can find comfort in knowing that you're working with a top team.
An extract of Equity Investment Bank Half Year Unaudited results (2009) Kshs. '000Total Income (2,840)Total Expenses 13,639 Loss after Tax (16,479)***Employee Costs 13,472***
It looks like they pay their staff almost too well.
Centum (NSE: ICDC) = PE and Commercial Real Estate (alternative investments)
AUM ~ 7B .....sweet
It often happens that a trader carries out a deep and complicated calculation,but fails to spot something elementary right at the first move!