worst mistakes..
Centum.. 4 years ago..don't remember price
KQ..refused to buy when it was 9bob..i had k in my pocket..just opened account at suntra.. later bought at 57.... sold at 77..watched it go to 126
KPLC..bought at 270...watched it fall to 140.
Jubilee..bough at 305...sold off at 250..
a mix of stocks in 2007...at pick of bull..sold entire portfolio..lost about 42%..some blunders still hurt to date..like ARM, stanchart, Access (35..stupidity at its best)
became smarter of course..learnt to spread buy..and made notes of every single thread stockmaster, MainaT, Guru, and Mukiha. some dud called "mc kende siafu" and VVS(on kq)..n njunge on mumias..and read some more..and more..
learnt of cost averaging..
Result..(best investment decisions) have
coop pre IPO
KQ (average price 32)
Mumias (average price 8.50)
BBK (ave price 48)
HFCK (ave price 19)
Kengen ..best bet.. whole bunch at 12.00!!!!
Equity..(ave price 17)
some how not trigger happy to trade..and not particular happy when a stock goes up bila explanation..especially fundamentally...meaning exits from NBK,KCB forced by managemnt playing with share register..bonus/rights/split sway valuation more to investor greed than fundamentals..
KQ exit on going.. coz i hate Naikuni..
opprtunity missed..cfc.. no matter Mukiha's thoughts on it..this is the one counter i didn't agree with him..and i let it go.. not sorry though..atleast i've learnt to keep emotions out..
hope stocksmaster does not invoice me for consultation!
..Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven...Matt5:16
- 1769 Oxford King James Bible 'Authorized Version