Njunge wrote:@mwafika,
Tried the link but i can't see nothing.Or maybe Wazua has righted things.....Anyway,it goes a long way to show how muslims are intolerant....And they expect to be respected.F them!!
They removed the smear and cleaned up the page. Moslems are decent, they represent the flip side of western madness. Can you not see that sodom and gomorrah is being foisted all over and the moral rot & collapse is resulting in a literal hell on earth, with family dissolution, child rape, serial murder, abortion, perversion being peddled as 'truth' & immorality masquerading as 'freedom'.
Can you not see its like a cloud of evil has descended and that the only people resisting this demonic madness are the moslems? They are the only bulwark preventing a global takeover, advocating moral rightness while all other peoples have already fallen on their knees in worship to neo-baal. Im not moslem but may God keep them and bless them.