Lemme hypothesize what will happen....
Bob C takes helm...investors are a bit doubtful and a slight sell off ensues....
The he goes on a PR campaign speaking with his polished english and heavy vocab...talks big words like diversification,product innovation,expansion,4G,WIMAX etc....
All of a sudden the institutional investors are highly impressed...they say he is visionary,hes young(er),more vibrant,more in-tune with modern business....
Safcon share soars to 7-8bob on this new optimism...
...Years pass,then it becomes evident,that hes just ordinary..share price stagnates,competition gets more market share...Safcom looses its lustre...
...then people discover that a brilliant CEO is as rare as a gem.
NB:This is just an imagination of high improbability...lol!
The utimate goal of investing is to buy low sell high;if we re-write this core equation in psychology terms it becomes buy fear sell greed.