Evolve wrote:@VVS, there are at least two executive directors if you have read the IM carefully. Non executive directors are 9.
Oops, you know I had read that but somehow I missed it when answering the query!
I was looking at 10.2 (Pageg 51) where only MOO is listed & not Samuel Kimani (who has ZERO shares too or so it seems!)
So there are 2 Exec directors earning 67.663mn on Page 86.
@muganda - I am not sure whether a Co. Sec is considered Exec Director or Board Member for these purposes.
I checked the 2009 Annual Report Note 10 (Page 67) & the amounts for the Group = Bank so it seems 68mn is split between MOO & SK.
The Group > Bank for Other Directors
Greedy when others are fearful. Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase Warren Buffett