underweight wrote:@ the deal kwani who is your broker??....must you wait for the confirmation SMS? Mine is so efficient. I can place/cancel orders, adjust prices online and assess my portfolio valuation via their platform. Its so easy that it work even with an internet enabled phone. I think its time to move ehe!!
@underweight; the sms that @the deal is talking about is the one from CDSC. It's not from the broker.
Knowing our brokers, it's easy to be told that a deal has been done while the money has just been transferred to a director's personal account. Or that the deal was clinched at 12 while it was actually 11.50.
For that reason, CDSC send a transaction advice vis sms at the close of business day just to confirm the info from the broker.
Nothing is real unless it can be named; nothing has value unless it can be sold; money is worthless unless you spend it.