Thanks Vituz
I wish Young you are in Kenya today to watch as church leaders lie through their teeth on National TV stations and crusades. I pity their followers. These church leaders do not even fear God.
I do respect office and status in society but when one is taking advantage or misusing the same office, I treat the guy like a retarded creature. If enough of us do the same, no leader would dare misuse our trust. Get it.
Our undoing is worshiping leaders who amass wealth by stealing, grabbing and murdering by denying citizens medical services and poor roads. If you can't see that, you are part of the problem.
Revival church leaders today are all out to lie to their faithful about the Proposed Constitution. I believe the Catholic church is also on the No campaign but lies will take them nowhere. Am ashamed as a Catholic that my Archbishop can say No to the Proposed Constitution on the bases of Abortion while 300,000 abortions have been going on in the country with fatal cases of a considerable margin.
Deep down, I know even these men of the cloth are actually defending the tracks of land they control but what do I say, God is our shepherd but he cannot strike them dead with lighting, so you and I have to deal with them mercilessly before they devour our children.
Obako today according to Southern Research is the most trusted followed by Rao. This is how things change when you lie consistently to your enlightened citizenly.
Go overdrive in purchasing the goods when there's blood on the streets, expecially if the blood is your own