Kenyans! Very funny ppl. Simply because one is a leader does not shield him/her from being evil. When one is called evil, we Kenyans prefer to say it is an insult. Until we have courage enough to tell off our leaders, they will continue vomiting on our feet and we will never find it offensive enough to act. Caroline Mutoko has guts. Go girl, tell them the truth.
Def of stupid according to Encarta Dictionary:
Regarded as showing a lack of intellingence, perception or common sense
Irritatingly silly or time-wasting
Used to express anger, annoyance, or frustration
In a dazed state, e.g., from shock, fatique, or the effects of drugs or alcohol
Desire to award yourself excess remuneration without justification in reference to effort put into the work done and under consideration.
Anyway, Carol is a drama queen, and she earns her upkeep by being fearless. With her high octane presentation, she is bound to make some technical slips.
Guys, we should be thumping the hyenas, not the sheep.
Go overdrive in purchasing the goods when there's blood on the streets, expecially if the blood is your own