MugundaMan wrote:the deal wrote:My investment in KQ now looks like a big mistake...should have pumped the funds else where...big I'm stuck here ...anyways you reap what you sow is what they say...
Keep hope ALIVE in the casino, my braddah
I really pity those hanging on to the NSE. It will only get WORSE! Get out NOW before you get shaved even more!! This is your
KQ has been a dead man walking for years but when you say the "NSE" are you
including all NSE-listed firms?
If yes, then I am going to
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Even on the NSE one has to choose between buying stocks that are like buying land in Mau Forest vs (non-road reserve) land next to Mombasa Rd.
Greedy when others are fearful. Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase Warren Buffett