Seeders wrote: would i be correct to assume that you are over 24 years?
Yes and I have been around for quite sometime to tell what a bad constitution can do....create hopelessness...helplessness and all those negative things ...I also know its not easy to reach the peoint we have reached trying to get a new constitution ......a whole generation has been lost through bad governce and hopelessness....knowing that you will finish your education and depend on luck to get an opportunity to exploit your talent....through concentration of resources in few areas of the country .....nepotism ...tribalism and political sycophancy... since the fight for new constitution started ...for your information ...
Im I causing fear when I say that we started fighting for new constitution in the 1980s ....and now its 2010?
were you around during Matiba ....Shikuku .... rubia ...masinde...
Why do you think the surviving guys of the infamous torture chambers ...(except Koigi of the State house night Ugali eating fame).....are endorsing the Draft ....they gave their lifes fighting bad governance....
next question?
Isaiah 65:17-Look! I am creating new heavens and a new earth, and no one will even think about the old ones anymore