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The truth about 1/8 plots
#41 Posted : Tuesday, April 09, 2019 1:37:36 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 1/8/2018
Posts: 2,211
Location: DC (Dustbowl County)
sparkly wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
madhaquer wrote:
You are correct, both have costs and associated risks. But now getting back to my original statement, "buying a piece of land and building your own house beats the option of going to the market to buy a ready made house. Specifically on cost and the choice to design/customize the house to your requirements."

This is complex kizungu mingi for them. They will never understand it in a million years papa. You would be surprised to learn many who are opposing you are living in bedsitters posting kicheko emoji as response. Hiyo tu. These ferras will just waste your precious time.

@Mugundaman you "buy, develop and HOLD" to quote you from another post. You are here yapping how buying and building yourself is better than buying ready made house. I expect you to give us a balanced response on the pros of buying from yoi as a developer.

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, mbradza
#42 Posted : Tuesday, April 09, 2019 1:42:43 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 1/8/2018
Posts: 2,211
Location: DC (Dustbowl County)
NewMoney wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
hardwood wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
Mara oooo service charge; who paid and did not pay. Then there is always those three or four that go "on strike" and refuse to pay service charge. What will you do to make them pay - nada.

Well, you can break their legs....


Ms Nyawira suffered a broken leg due to alleged harassment by some of her neighbours, who she claims have been harassing her after she refused to part with Sh2,500 every month for security.

“I was recently attacked by some of my neighbours just because I told them that I could not contribute Sh2,500 every month for security. The neighbourhood management has now instructed the watchmen not to open the main gate for me,” said Nyawira.
The mother of three said she was attacked by six men and women from her neighbourhood late last year after she refused to pay.

Nyawira is now forced to open the gate for herself with her broken leg, regardless of whether it is raining or not since the guards have been instructed not to open the gate for her or her family.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Nyawira is now forced to open the gate for herself with her broken leg, regardless of whether it is raining or not since the guards have been instructed not to open the gate for her or her family.

I do not agree with the violence meted on her but I 100% agree with the soft punishment of forcing her to open the gate herself since amekataa security fee. But imagine if these are the sorts of shidas you get in a gated community in membley, imagine the types of shidas you will get in apartment complexes in Lavi or Kilimani with 100+ units! You may find 30% have refused to pay and you have to resort to jambazi tactics to force them. Not worth the headache at all. Better to own your own boundaries and land and beautiful maisonette and live in total peace under the sun that gnash teeth with terrible neighbours who you are stuck with on the same mother title for life!

True, some neighbours in any gated community whether it is in DC or in the inner city will refuse to pay the service charge. I know a friend who joined hands with neighbours in Athiriver to gate their compounds together and agreed to contribute 1k per month for the shared guard, well he told me some don't pay and the problem is they don't have a management team so the stress trickles down to the ones paying. In places like Kilimani, and Lavington, the headache is always outsourced to a management team contracted by the owners, as long as you pay your share, you will never need to know what commotion is going on if any. Can you imagine how stressed that lady's neighbours had to be to the extent of hurting her??? Life is too short for that kind of drama

When Nairobi finally reaches DC, you will also be forced to start paying for service charges as well so that your shared amenities in the neighbourhood can be properly maintained, otherwise the place will deteriorate into a slum and an easy target for petty thieves. You can never escape service charges in fact, you should be very happy to pay it since it offers some guarantees which improve the quality of your life.

Laughing out loudly

You mean I will be charging myself service charge on my plots for the "shared amenities" within the boundaries of the plot? Laughing out loudly The arguments some of you apartment touters come up with are comedic at best.
Shared amenities with who, how?

#43 Posted : Tuesday, April 09, 2019 1:47:07 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 1/8/2018
Posts: 2,211
Location: DC (Dustbowl County)
Liv wrote:
hardwood wrote:
mkenyan wrote:
NewMoney wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
hardwood wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
Mara oooo service charge; who paid and did not pay. Then there is always those three or four that go "on strike" and refuse to pay service charge. What will you do to make them pay - nada.

Well, you can break their legs....


Ms Nyawira suffered a broken leg due to alleged harassment by some of her neighbours, who she claims have been harassing her after she refused to part with Sh2,500 every month for security.

“I was recently attacked by some of my neighbours just because I told them that I could not contribute Sh2,500 every month for security. The neighbourhood management has now instructed the watchmen not to open the main gate for me,” said Nyawira.
The mother of three said she was attacked by six men and women from her neighbourhood late last year after she refused to pay.

Nyawira is now forced to open the gate for herself with her broken leg, regardless of whether it is raining or not since the guards have been instructed not to open the gate for her or her family.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Nyawira is now forced to open the gate for herself with her broken leg, regardless of whether it is raining or not since the guards have been instructed not to open the gate for her or her family.

I do not agree with the violence meted on her but I 100% agree with the soft punishment of forcing her to open the gate herself since amekataa security fee. But imagine if these are the sorts of shidas you get in a gated community in membley, imagine the types of shidas you will get in apartment complexes in Lavi or Kilimani with 100+ units! You may find 30% have refused to pay and you have to resort to jambazi tactics to force them. Not worth the headache at all. Better to own your own boundaries and land and beautiful maisonette and live in total peace under the sun that gnash teeth with terrible neighbours who you are stuck with on the same mother title for life!

True, some neighbours in any gated community whether it is in DC or in the inner city will refuse to pay the service charge. I know a friend who joined hands with neighbours in Athiriver to gate their compounds together and agreed to contribute 1k per month for the shared guard, well he told me some don't pay and the problem is they don't have a management team so the stress trickles down to the ones paying. In places like Kilimani, and Lavington, the headache is always outsourced to a management team contracted by the owners, as long as you pay your share, you will never need to know what commotion is going on if any. Can you imagine how stressed that lady's neighbours had to be to the extent of hurting her??? Life is too short for that kind of drama

When Nairobi finally reaches DC, you will also be forced to start paying for service charges as well so that your shared amenities in the neighbourhood can be properly maintained, otherwise the place will deteriorate into a slum and an easy target for petty thieves. You can never escape service charges in fact, you should be very happy to pay it since it offers some guarantees which improve the quality of your life.

new apartments and gated town houses in lavington, kile etc nowadays add a clause in their lease that if you don't pay service charge despite notice then you lose the apartment/town house.

Whaaaat? How do you lose your 15m apartment due to some 10k petty cash? What if I opt not to be a member of the residents association and instead decide to employ some ferocious moran to stand at my door 24/7 at 7k each month for my security? Or employ no one and leave everything to the almighty and His guardian angels?

There is a clause that an owner of an apartment also has 1 share in the company which owns the plot of land where the apartments are built. When you come to selling your apartment or anything that requires charging of the property. The directors of the company will not sign or facilitate before you've paid all the service charges. Why trouble yourself opening the gate for yourself or disposing the garbage yourself.... And eventually these service charges will be paid?

Exactly. The perils of "service charge" in the apartment complex set ups that some of these ferras are touting as "better" than buying and building in DC Laughing out loudly Maanchap!
#44 Posted : Tuesday, April 09, 2019 4:58:37 AM
Rank: Member

Joined: 3/1/2019
Posts: 170
Location: Nairobi
MugundaMan wrote:
NewMoney wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
hardwood wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
Mara oooo service charge; who paid and did not pay. Then there is always those three or four that go "on strike" and refuse to pay service charge. What will you do to make them pay - nada.

Well, you can break their legs....


Ms Nyawira suffered a broken leg due to alleged harassment by some of her neighbours, who she claims have been harassing her after she refused to part with Sh2,500 every month for security.

“I was recently attacked by some of my neighbours just because I told them that I could not contribute Sh2,500 every month for security. The neighbourhood management has now instructed the watchmen not to open the main gate for me,” said Nyawira.
The mother of three said she was attacked by six men and women from her neighbourhood late last year after she refused to pay.

Nyawira is now forced to open the gate for herself with her broken leg, regardless of whether it is raining or not since the guards have been instructed not to open the gate for her or her family.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Nyawira is now forced to open the gate for herself with her broken leg, regardless of whether it is raining or not since the guards have been instructed not to open the gate for her or her family.

I do not agree with the violence meted on her but I 100% agree with the soft punishment of forcing her to open the gate herself since amekataa security fee. But imagine if these are the sorts of shidas you get in a gated community in membley, imagine the types of shidas you will get in apartment complexes in Lavi or Kilimani with 100+ units! You may find 30% have refused to pay and you have to resort to jambazi tactics to force them. Not worth the headache at all. Better to own your own boundaries and land and beautiful maisonette and live in total peace under the sun that gnash teeth with terrible neighbours who you are stuck with on the same mother title for life!

True, some neighbours in any gated community whether it is in DC or in the inner city will refuse to pay the service charge. I know a friend who joined hands with neighbours in Athiriver to gate their compounds together and agreed to contribute 1k per month for the shared guard, well he told me some don't pay and the problem is they don't have a management team so the stress trickles down to the ones paying. In places like Kilimani, and Lavington, the headache is always outsourced to a management team contracted by the owners, as long as you pay your share, you will never need to know what commotion is going on if any. Can you imagine how stressed that lady's neighbours had to be to the extent of hurting her??? Life is too short for that kind of drama

When Nairobi finally reaches DC, you will also be forced to start paying for service charges as well so that your shared amenities in the neighbourhood can be properly maintained, otherwise the place will deteriorate into a slum and an easy target for petty thieves. You can never escape service charges in fact, you should be very happy to pay it since it offers some guarantees which improve the quality of your life.

Laughing out loudly

You mean I will be charging myself service charge on my plots for the "shared amenities" within the boundaries of the plot? Laughing out loudly The arguments some of you apartment touters come up with are comedic at best.
Shared amenities with who, how?

There will be shared services in any neighbourhood worth living including garbage collection, landscaping, stand-by security (not just gate guards), all kinds of cabling, security cameras, e.t.c and am not even talking about apartments here DC guy. Good luck provisioning all that within the confines of your 'plot'. Of course, there is a 90% chance your DC will degenerate into a run-down neighbourhood, in which case we don't need to argue about this.
#45 Posted : Tuesday, April 09, 2019 7:13:54 AM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 4/1/2009
Posts: 1,883
hardwood wrote:
mkenyan wrote:
NewMoney wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
hardwood wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
Mara oooo service charge; who paid and did not pay. Then there is always those three or four that go "on strike" and refuse to pay service charge. What will you do to make them pay - nada.

Well, you can break their legs....


Ms Nyawira suffered a broken leg due to alleged harassment by some of her neighbours, who she claims have been harassing her after she refused to part with Sh2,500 every month for security.

“I was recently attacked by some of my neighbours just because I told them that I could not contribute Sh2,500 every month for security. The neighbourhood management has now instructed the watchmen not to open the main gate for me,” said Nyawira.
The mother of three said she was attacked by six men and women from her neighbourhood late last year after she refused to pay.

Nyawira is now forced to open the gate for herself with her broken leg, regardless of whether it is raining or not since the guards have been instructed not to open the gate for her or her family.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Nyawira is now forced to open the gate for herself with her broken leg, regardless of whether it is raining or not since the guards have been instructed not to open the gate for her or her family.

I do not agree with the violence meted on her but I 100% agree with the soft punishment of forcing her to open the gate herself since amekataa security fee. But imagine if these are the sorts of shidas you get in a gated community in membley, imagine the types of shidas you will get in apartment complexes in Lavi or Kilimani with 100+ units! You may find 30% have refused to pay and you have to resort to jambazi tactics to force them. Not worth the headache at all. Better to own your own boundaries and land and beautiful maisonette and live in total peace under the sun that gnash teeth with terrible neighbours who you are stuck with on the same mother title for life!

True, some neighbours in any gated community whether it is in DC or in the inner city will refuse to pay the service charge. I know a friend who joined hands with neighbours in Athiriver to gate their compounds together and agreed to contribute 1k per month for the shared guard, well he told me some don't pay and the problem is they don't have a management team so the stress trickles down to the ones paying. In places like Kilimani, and Lavington, the headache is always outsourced to a management team contracted by the owners, as long as you pay your share, you will never need to know what commotion is going on if any. Can you imagine how stressed that lady's neighbours had to be to the extent of hurting her??? Life is too short for that kind of drama

When Nairobi finally reaches DC, you will also be forced to start paying for service charges as well so that your shared amenities in the neighbourhood can be properly maintained, otherwise the place will deteriorate into a slum and an easy target for petty thieves. You can never escape service charges in fact, you should be very happy to pay it since it offers some guarantees which improve the quality of your life.

new apartments and gated town houses in lavington, kile etc nowadays add a clause in their lease that if you don't pay service charge despite notice then you lose the apartment/town house.

Whaaaat? How do you lose your 15m apartment due to some 10k petty cash? What if I opt not to be a member of the residents association and instead decide to employ some ferocious moran to stand at my door 24/7 at 7k each month for my security? Or employ no one and leave everything to the almighty and His guardian angels?

that is when you realise that you own property through a lease. you pay a premium lease fee aka the purchase price then thereafter you pay a yearly fee of something like peppercorn, if demanded - this is merely to create consideration. now to ensure you pay service charge and abide by the rules (nobody wants a disruptive neighbour that doesn't play by the rule to the disadvantage of the rest) they provide for the termination of the lease in the event of breach and refusal to cure the breach. heck, they remind you that even the land act provides for termination of leases. and in that instance your purchase price is gone with the lessor (mostly the management company in which all the owners have shares) taking over your property.
#46 Posted : Tuesday, April 09, 2019 7:18:11 AM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 4/1/2009
Posts: 1,883
MugundaMan wrote:
Liv wrote:
hardwood wrote:
mkenyan wrote:
NewMoney wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
hardwood wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
Mara oooo service charge; who paid and did not pay. Then there is always those three or four that go "on strike" and refuse to pay service charge. What will you do to make them pay - nada.

Well, you can break their legs....


Ms Nyawira suffered a broken leg due to alleged harassment by some of her neighbours, who she claims have been harassing her after she refused to part with Sh2,500 every month for security.

“I was recently attacked by some of my neighbours just because I told them that I could not contribute Sh2,500 every month for security. The neighbourhood management has now instructed the watchmen not to open the main gate for me,” said Nyawira.
The mother of three said she was attacked by six men and women from her neighbourhood late last year after she refused to pay.

Nyawira is now forced to open the gate for herself with her broken leg, regardless of whether it is raining or not since the guards have been instructed not to open the gate for her or her family.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Nyawira is now forced to open the gate for herself with her broken leg, regardless of whether it is raining or not since the guards have been instructed not to open the gate for her or her family.

I do not agree with the violence meted on her but I 100% agree with the soft punishment of forcing her to open the gate herself since amekataa security fee. But imagine if these are the sorts of shidas you get in a gated community in membley, imagine the types of shidas you will get in apartment complexes in Lavi or Kilimani with 100+ units! You may find 30% have refused to pay and you have to resort to jambazi tactics to force them. Not worth the headache at all. Better to own your own boundaries and land and beautiful maisonette and live in total peace under the sun that gnash teeth with terrible neighbours who you are stuck with on the same mother title for life!

True, some neighbours in any gated community whether it is in DC or in the inner city will refuse to pay the service charge. I know a friend who joined hands with neighbours in Athiriver to gate their compounds together and agreed to contribute 1k per month for the shared guard, well he told me some don't pay and the problem is they don't have a management team so the stress trickles down to the ones paying. In places like Kilimani, and Lavington, the headache is always outsourced to a management team contracted by the owners, as long as you pay your share, you will never need to know what commotion is going on if any. Can you imagine how stressed that lady's neighbours had to be to the extent of hurting her??? Life is too short for that kind of drama

When Nairobi finally reaches DC, you will also be forced to start paying for service charges as well so that your shared amenities in the neighbourhood can be properly maintained, otherwise the place will deteriorate into a slum and an easy target for petty thieves. You can never escape service charges in fact, you should be very happy to pay it since it offers some guarantees which improve the quality of your life.

new apartments and gated town houses in lavington, kile etc nowadays add a clause in their lease that if you don't pay service charge despite notice then you lose the apartment/town house.

Whaaaat? How do you lose your 15m apartment due to some 10k petty cash? What if I opt not to be a member of the residents association and instead decide to employ some ferocious moran to stand at my door 24/7 at 7k each month for my security? Or employ no one and leave everything to the almighty and His guardian angels?

There is a clause that an owner of an apartment also has 1 share in the company which owns the plot of land where the apartments are built. When you come to selling your apartment or anything that requires charging of the property. The directors of the company will not sign or facilitate before you've paid all the service charges. Why trouble yourself opening the gate for yourself or disposing the garbage yourself.... And eventually these service charges will be paid?

Exactly. The perils of "service charge" in the apartment complex set ups that some of these ferras are touting as "better" than buying and building in DC Laughing out loudly Maanchap!

these are mostly services that you would still need whether you have an apartment in lavington or a house deep into kajiado. the only difference is that in the shared service scenario you pay less than if you were alone. it is a pretty simple thing but most people are a little dense to think beyond, 'i am not paying rent again to a house i have already bought.' try having even a stand alone house in kilimani/kileleshwa/lavington without security and tell us just how many times you would have break ins and thefts.
#47 Posted : Tuesday, April 09, 2019 9:22:54 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 9/23/2009
Posts: 8,083
Location: Enk are Nyirobi
mkenyan wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
Liv wrote:
hardwood wrote:
mkenyan wrote:
NewMoney wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
hardwood wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
Mara oooo service charge; who paid and did not pay. Then there is always those three or four that go "on strike" and refuse to pay service charge. What will you do to make them pay - nada.

Well, you can break their legs....


Ms Nyawira suffered a broken leg due to alleged harassment by some of her neighbours, who she claims have been harassing her after she refused to part with Sh2,500 every month for security.

“I was recently attacked by some of my neighbours just because I told them that I could not contribute Sh2,500 every month for security. The neighbourhood management has now instructed the watchmen not to open the main gate for me,” said Nyawira.
The mother of three said she was attacked by six men and women from her neighbourhood late last year after she refused to pay.

Nyawira is now forced to open the gate for herself with her broken leg, regardless of whether it is raining or not since the guards have been instructed not to open the gate for her or her family.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Nyawira is now forced to open the gate for herself with her broken leg, regardless of whether it is raining or not since the guards have been instructed not to open the gate for her or her family.

I do not agree with the violence meted on her but I 100% agree with the soft punishment of forcing her to open the gate herself since amekataa security fee. But imagine if these are the sorts of shidas you get in a gated community in membley, imagine the types of shidas you will get in apartment complexes in Lavi or Kilimani with 100+ units! You may find 30% have refused to pay and you have to resort to jambazi tactics to force them. Not worth the headache at all. Better to own your own boundaries and land and beautiful maisonette and live in total peace under the sun that gnash teeth with terrible neighbours who you are stuck with on the same mother title for life!

True, some neighbours in any gated community whether it is in DC or in the inner city will refuse to pay the service charge. I know a friend who joined hands with neighbours in Athiriver to gate their compounds together and agreed to contribute 1k per month for the shared guard, well he told me some don't pay and the problem is they don't have a management team so the stress trickles down to the ones paying. In places like Kilimani, and Lavington, the headache is always outsourced to a management team contracted by the owners, as long as you pay your share, you will never need to know what commotion is going on if any. Can you imagine how stressed that lady's neighbours had to be to the extent of hurting her??? Life is too short for that kind of drama

When Nairobi finally reaches DC, you will also be forced to start paying for service charges as well so that your shared amenities in the neighbourhood can be properly maintained, otherwise the place will deteriorate into a slum and an easy target for petty thieves. You can never escape service charges in fact, you should be very happy to pay it since it offers some guarantees which improve the quality of your life.

new apartments and gated town houses in lavington, kile etc nowadays add a clause in their lease that if you don't pay service charge despite notice then you lose the apartment/town house.

Whaaaat? How do you lose your 15m apartment due to some 10k petty cash? What if I opt not to be a member of the residents association and instead decide to employ some ferocious moran to stand at my door 24/7 at 7k each month for my security? Or employ no one and leave everything to the almighty and His guardian angels?

There is a clause that an owner of an apartment also has 1 share in the company which owns the plot of land where the apartments are built. When you come to selling your apartment or anything that requires charging of the property. The directors of the company will not sign or facilitate before you've paid all the service charges. Why trouble yourself opening the gate for yourself or disposing the garbage yourself.... And eventually these service charges will be paid?

Exactly. The perils of "service charge" in the apartment complex set ups that some of these ferras are touting as "better" than buying and building in DC Laughing out loudly Maanchap!

these are mostly services that you would still need whether you have an apartment in lavington or a house deep into kajiado. the only difference is that in the shared service scenario you pay less than if you were alone. it is a pretty simple thing but most people are a little dense to think beyond, 'i am not paying rent again to a house i have already bought.' try having even a stand alone house in kilimani/kileleshwa/lavington without security and tell us just how many times you would have break ins and thefts.

@Mugundaman is very clueless for someone who claims to buy and develop real estate. The guy is a troll.
Life is short. Live passionately.
#48 Posted : Tuesday, April 09, 2019 10:21:56 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/28/2015
Posts: 9,562
Location: Rodi Kopany, Homa Bay
sparkly wrote:
mkenyan wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
Liv wrote:
hardwood wrote:
mkenyan wrote:
NewMoney wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
hardwood wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
Mara oooo service charge; who paid and did not pay. Then there is always those three or four that go "on strike" and refuse to pay service charge. What will you do to make them pay - nada.

Well, you can break their legs....


Ms Nyawira suffered a broken leg due to alleged harassment by some of her neighbours, who she claims have been harassing her after she refused to part with Sh2,500 every month for security.

“I was recently attacked by some of my neighbours just because I told them that I could not contribute Sh2,500 every month for security. The neighbourhood management has now instructed the watchmen not to open the main gate for me,” said Nyawira.
The mother of three said she was attacked by six men and women from her neighbourhood late last year after she refused to pay.

Nyawira is now forced to open the gate for herself with her broken leg, regardless of whether it is raining or not since the guards have been instructed not to open the gate for her or her family.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Nyawira is now forced to open the gate for herself with her broken leg, regardless of whether it is raining or not since the guards have been instructed not to open the gate for her or her family.

I do not agree with the violence meted on her but I 100% agree with the soft punishment of forcing her to open the gate herself since amekataa security fee. But imagine if these are the sorts of shidas you get in a gated community in membley, imagine the types of shidas you will get in apartment complexes in Lavi or Kilimani with 100+ units! You may find 30% have refused to pay and you have to resort to jambazi tactics to force them. Not worth the headache at all. Better to own your own boundaries and land and beautiful maisonette and live in total peace under the sun that gnash teeth with terrible neighbours who you are stuck with on the same mother title for life!

True, some neighbours in any gated community whether it is in DC or in the inner city will refuse to pay the service charge. I know a friend who joined hands with neighbours in Athiriver to gate their compounds together and agreed to contribute 1k per month for the shared guard, well he told me some don't pay and the problem is they don't have a management team so the stress trickles down to the ones paying. In places like Kilimani, and Lavington, the headache is always outsourced to a management team contracted by the owners, as long as you pay your share, you will never need to know what commotion is going on if any. Can you imagine how stressed that lady's neighbours had to be to the extent of hurting her??? Life is too short for that kind of drama

When Nairobi finally reaches DC, you will also be forced to start paying for service charges as well so that your shared amenities in the neighbourhood can be properly maintained, otherwise the place will deteriorate into a slum and an easy target for petty thieves. You can never escape service charges in fact, you should be very happy to pay it since it offers some guarantees which improve the quality of your life.

new apartments and gated town houses in lavington, kile etc nowadays add a clause in their lease that if you don't pay service charge despite notice then you lose the apartment/town house.

Whaaaat? How do you lose your 15m apartment due to some 10k petty cash? What if I opt not to be a member of the residents association and instead decide to employ some ferocious moran to stand at my door 24/7 at 7k each month for my security? Or employ no one and leave everything to the almighty and His guardian angels?

There is a clause that an owner of an apartment also has 1 share in the company which owns the plot of land where the apartments are built. When you come to selling your apartment or anything that requires charging of the property. The directors of the company will not sign or facilitate before you've paid all the service charges. Why trouble yourself opening the gate for yourself or disposing the garbage yourself.... And eventually these service charges will be paid?

Exactly. The perils of "service charge" in the apartment complex set ups that some of these ferras are touting as "better" than buying and building in DC Laughing out loudly Maanchap!

these are mostly services that you would still need whether you have an apartment in lavington or a house deep into kajiado. the only difference is that in the shared service scenario you pay less than if you were alone. it is a pretty simple thing but most people are a little dense to think beyond, 'i am not paying rent again to a house i have already bought.' try having even a stand alone house in kilimani/kileleshwa/lavington without security and tell us just how many times you would have break ins and thefts.

@Mugundaman is very clueless for someone who claims to buy and develop real estate. The guy is a troll.

I thought apartment owners are issued title deeds under the sectional properties act and not some piece of paper saying they own 1 share in the building. Why buy a property without a title deed, a property you cant sell unless your neighbours give you authority?
#49 Posted : Tuesday, April 09, 2019 10:46:15 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 1/8/2018
Posts: 2,211
Location: DC (Dustbowl County)
mkenyan wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
Liv wrote:
hardwood wrote:
mkenyan wrote:
NewMoney wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
hardwood wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
Mara oooo service charge; who paid and did not pay. Then there is always those three or four that go "on strike" and refuse to pay service charge. What will you do to make them pay - nada.

Well, you can break their legs....


Ms Nyawira suffered a broken leg due to alleged harassment by some of her neighbours, who she claims have been harassing her after she refused to part with Sh2,500 every month for security.

“I was recently attacked by some of my neighbours just because I told them that I could not contribute Sh2,500 every month for security. The neighbourhood management has now instructed the watchmen not to open the main gate for me,” said Nyawira.
The mother of three said she was attacked by six men and women from her neighbourhood late last year after she refused to pay.

Nyawira is now forced to open the gate for herself with her broken leg, regardless of whether it is raining or not since the guards have been instructed not to open the gate for her or her family.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Nyawira is now forced to open the gate for herself with her broken leg, regardless of whether it is raining or not since the guards have been instructed not to open the gate for her or her family.

I do not agree with the violence meted on her but I 100% agree with the soft punishment of forcing her to open the gate herself since amekataa security fee. But imagine if these are the sorts of shidas you get in a gated community in membley, imagine the types of shidas you will get in apartment complexes in Lavi or Kilimani with 100+ units! You may find 30% have refused to pay and you have to resort to jambazi tactics to force them. Not worth the headache at all. Better to own your own boundaries and land and beautiful maisonette and live in total peace under the sun that gnash teeth with terrible neighbours who you are stuck with on the same mother title for life!

True, some neighbours in any gated community whether it is in DC or in the inner city will refuse to pay the service charge. I know a friend who joined hands with neighbours in Athiriver to gate their compounds together and agreed to contribute 1k per month for the shared guard, well he told me some don't pay and the problem is they don't have a management team so the stress trickles down to the ones paying. In places like Kilimani, and Lavington, the headache is always outsourced to a management team contracted by the owners, as long as you pay your share, you will never need to know what commotion is going on if any. Can you imagine how stressed that lady's neighbours had to be to the extent of hurting her??? Life is too short for that kind of drama

When Nairobi finally reaches DC, you will also be forced to start paying for service charges as well so that your shared amenities in the neighbourhood can be properly maintained, otherwise the place will deteriorate into a slum and an easy target for petty thieves. You can never escape service charges in fact, you should be very happy to pay it since it offers some guarantees which improve the quality of your life.

new apartments and gated town houses in lavington, kile etc nowadays add a clause in their lease that if you don't pay service charge despite notice then you lose the apartment/town house.

Whaaaat? How do you lose your 15m apartment due to some 10k petty cash? What if I opt not to be a member of the residents association and instead decide to employ some ferocious moran to stand at my door 24/7 at 7k each month for my security? Or employ no one and leave everything to the almighty and His guardian angels?

There is a clause that an owner of an apartment also has 1 share in the company which owns the plot of land where the apartments are built. When you come to selling your apartment or anything that requires charging of the property. The directors of the company will not sign or facilitate before you've paid all the service charges. Why trouble yourself opening the gate for yourself or disposing the garbage yourself.... And eventually these service charges will be paid?

Exactly. The perils of "service charge" in the apartment complex set ups that some of these ferras are touting as "better" than buying and building in DC Laughing out loudly Maanchap!

these are mostly services that you would still need whether you have an apartment in lavington or a house deep into kajiado. the only difference is that in the shared service scenario you pay less than if you were alone. it is a pretty simple thing but most people are a little dense to think beyond, 'i am not paying rent again to a house i have already bought.' try having even a stand alone house in kilimani/kileleshwa/lavington without security and tell us just how many times you would have break ins and thefts.

Illiteracy is a terrible thing mbradza.
Who ever said these services (garbage collection, security) are not requisite to a plot owner?
The issue with simpletons is understanding very basic concepts eschews them.
Apartment settings and gated communities have communal agreements written into them. A plot owner in Yukos with his quarter not living in a gated community is affected by the legal implications of communal agreements (e.g. service charge in an apartment setting) HOW?? If you cannot grasp the simplicity of this concept then I better leave you and Sparkles to continue debating your little peni mbili Duni opinions till the cows come home.
#50 Posted : Tuesday, April 09, 2019 10:56:08 AM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 11/14/2006
Posts: 1,311
hardwood wrote:
sparkly wrote:
mkenyan wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
Liv wrote:
hardwood wrote:
mkenyan wrote:
NewMoney wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
hardwood wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
Mara oooo service charge; who paid and did not pay. Then there is always those three or four that go "on strike" and refuse to pay service charge. What will you do to make them pay - nada.

Well, you can break their legs....


Ms Nyawira suffered a broken leg due to alleged harassment by some of her neighbours, who she claims have been harassing her after she refused to part with Sh2,500 every month for security.

“I was recently attacked by some of my neighbours just because I told them that I could not contribute Sh2,500 every month for security. The neighbourhood management has now instructed the watchmen not to open the main gate for me,” said Nyawira.
The mother of three said she was attacked by six men and women from her neighbourhood late last year after she refused to pay.

Nyawira is now forced to open the gate for herself with her broken leg, regardless of whether it is raining or not since the guards have been instructed not to open the gate for her or her family.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Nyawira is now forced to open the gate for herself with her broken leg, regardless of whether it is raining or not since the guards have been instructed not to open the gate for her or her family.

I do not agree with the violence meted on her but I 100% agree with the soft punishment of forcing her to open the gate herself since amekataa security fee. But imagine if these are the sorts of shidas you get in a gated community in membley, imagine the types of shidas you will get in apartment complexes in Lavi or Kilimani with 100+ units! You may find 30% have refused to pay and you have to resort to jambazi tactics to force them. Not worth the headache at all. Better to own your own boundaries and land and beautiful maisonette and live in total peace under the sun that gnash teeth with terrible neighbours who you are stuck with on the same mother title for life!

True, some neighbours in any gated community whether it is in DC or in the inner city will refuse to pay the service charge. I know a friend who joined hands with neighbours in Athiriver to gate their compounds together and agreed to contribute 1k per month for the shared guard, well he told me some don't pay and the problem is they don't have a management team so the stress trickles down to the ones paying. In places like Kilimani, and Lavington, the headache is always outsourced to a management team contracted by the owners, as long as you pay your share, you will never need to know what commotion is going on if any. Can you imagine how stressed that lady's neighbours had to be to the extent of hurting her??? Life is too short for that kind of drama

When Nairobi finally reaches DC, you will also be forced to start paying for service charges as well so that your shared amenities in the neighbourhood can be properly maintained, otherwise the place will deteriorate into a slum and an easy target for petty thieves. You can never escape service charges in fact, you should be very happy to pay it since it offers some guarantees which improve the quality of your life.

new apartments and gated town houses in lavington, kile etc nowadays add a clause in their lease that if you don't pay service charge despite notice then you lose the apartment/town house.

Whaaaat? How do you lose your 15m apartment due to some 10k petty cash? What if I opt not to be a member of the residents association and instead decide to employ some ferocious moran to stand at my door 24/7 at 7k each month for my security? Or employ no one and leave everything to the almighty and His guardian angels?

There is a clause that an owner of an apartment also has 1 share in the company which owns the plot of land where the apartments are built. When you come to selling your apartment or anything that requires charging of the property. The directors of the company will not sign or facilitate before you've paid all the service charges. Why trouble yourself opening the gate for yourself or disposing the garbage yourself.... And eventually these service charges will be paid?

Exactly. The perils of "service charge" in the apartment complex set ups that some of these ferras are touting as "better" than buying and building in DC Laughing out loudly Maanchap!

these are mostly services that you would still need whether you have an apartment in lavington or a house deep into kajiado. the only difference is that in the shared service scenario you pay less than if you were alone. it is a pretty simple thing but most people are a little dense to think beyond, 'i am not paying rent again to a house i have already bought.' try having even a stand alone house in kilimani/kileleshwa/lavington without security and tell us just how many times you would have break ins and thefts.

@Mugundaman is very clueless for someone who claims to buy and develop real estate. The guy is a troll.

I thought apartment owners are issued title deeds under the sectional properties act and not some piece of paper saying they own 1 share in the building. Why buy a property without a title deed, a property you cant sell unless your neighbours give you authority?

@hardwood, you do research on many things here and you are very impressive.... Why don't you get information online on what exactly someone gets when they buy an apartment? Getting apartment title lease is not enough.... What would happen if all the apartment owners got the title to the apartment and the developer who sold the apartments to them then sold the mother land title to someone else who demands you remove your apartment from his land?

@Mugundaman, my point on service service was that for apartments in kilimani and lavington there is no saying that you won't pay.... One day you will need to sell your apartment or have a charge in it.... If you've not been paying, you will be denied service and you will have to eventually pay. But these are shared costs for security, cleaning, garbage collection gardenning, common area painting etc.

If you have built on your own plot....you incur more to get these services than those who live in the apartments.

#51 Posted : Tuesday, April 09, 2019 11:09:55 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 9/23/2009
Posts: 8,083
Location: Enk are Nyirobi
hardwood wrote:
sparkly wrote:
mkenyan wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
Liv wrote:
hardwood wrote:
mkenyan wrote:
NewMoney wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
hardwood wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
Mara oooo service charge; who paid and did not pay. Then there is always those three or four that go "on strike" and refuse to pay service charge. What will you do to make them pay - nada.

Well, you can break their legs....


Ms Nyawira suffered a broken leg due to alleged harassment by some of her neighbours, who she claims have been harassing her after she refused to part with Sh2,500 every month for security.

“I was recently attacked by some of my neighbours just because I told them that I could not contribute Sh2,500 every month for security. The neighbourhood management has now instructed the watchmen not to open the main gate for me,” said Nyawira.
The mother of three said she was attacked by six men and women from her neighbourhood late last year after she refused to pay.

Nyawira is now forced to open the gate for herself with her broken leg, regardless of whether it is raining or not since the guards have been instructed not to open the gate for her or her family.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Nyawira is now forced to open the gate for herself with her broken leg, regardless of whether it is raining or not since the guards have been instructed not to open the gate for her or her family.

I do not agree with the violence meted on her but I 100% agree with the soft punishment of forcing her to open the gate herself since amekataa security fee. But imagine if these are the sorts of shidas you get in a gated community in membley, imagine the types of shidas you will get in apartment complexes in Lavi or Kilimani with 100+ units! You may find 30% have refused to pay and you have to resort to jambazi tactics to force them. Not worth the headache at all. Better to own your own boundaries and land and beautiful maisonette and live in total peace under the sun that gnash teeth with terrible neighbours who you are stuck with on the same mother title for life!

True, some neighbours in any gated community whether it is in DC or in the inner city will refuse to pay the service charge. I know a friend who joined hands with neighbours in Athiriver to gate their compounds together and agreed to contribute 1k per month for the shared guard, well he told me some don't pay and the problem is they don't have a management team so the stress trickles down to the ones paying. In places like Kilimani, and Lavington, the headache is always outsourced to a management team contracted by the owners, as long as you pay your share, you will never need to know what commotion is going on if any. Can you imagine how stressed that lady's neighbours had to be to the extent of hurting her??? Life is too short for that kind of drama

When Nairobi finally reaches DC, you will also be forced to start paying for service charges as well so that your shared amenities in the neighbourhood can be properly maintained, otherwise the place will deteriorate into a slum and an easy target for petty thieves. You can never escape service charges in fact, you should be very happy to pay it since it offers some guarantees which improve the quality of your life.

new apartments and gated town houses in lavington, kile etc nowadays add a clause in their lease that if you don't pay service charge despite notice then you lose the apartment/town house.

Whaaaat? How do you lose your 15m apartment due to some 10k petty cash? What if I opt not to be a member of the residents association and instead decide to employ some ferocious moran to stand at my door 24/7 at 7k each month for my security? Or employ no one and leave everything to the almighty and His guardian angels?

There is a clause that an owner of an apartment also has 1 share in the company which owns the plot of land where the apartments are built. When you come to selling your apartment or anything that requires charging of the property. The directors of the company will not sign or facilitate before you've paid all the service charges. Why trouble yourself opening the gate for yourself or disposing the garbage yourself.... And eventually these service charges will be paid?

Exactly. The perils of "service charge" in the apartment complex set ups that some of these ferras are touting as "better" than buying and building in DC Laughing out loudly Maanchap!

these are mostly services that you would still need whether you have an apartment in lavington or a house deep into kajiado. the only difference is that in the shared service scenario you pay less than if you were alone. it is a pretty simple thing but most people are a little dense to think beyond, 'i am not paying rent again to a house i have already bought.' try having even a stand alone house in kilimani/kileleshwa/lavington without security and tell us just how many times you would have break ins and thefts.

@Mugundaman is very clueless for someone who claims to buy and develop real estate. The guy is a troll.

I thought apartment owners are issued title deeds under the sectional properties act and not some piece of paper saying they own 1 share in the building. Why buy a property without a title deed, a property you cant sell unless your neighbours give you authority?

You get title to your apartment plus a share in the management company which owns/ manages the common areas.

Even estates like Komarock, Buruburu, South B etc have management companies but because owners don't contribute the service charges and enforce byelaws, the estates went to the dogs.
Life is short. Live passionately.
#52 Posted : Tuesday, April 09, 2019 11:11:29 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 1/8/2018
Posts: 2,211
Location: DC (Dustbowl County)
Liv wrote:

@hardwood, you do research on many things here and you are very impressive.... Why don't you get information online on what exactly someone gets when they buy an apartment? Getting apartment title lease is not enough.... What would happen if all the apartment owners got the title to the apartment and the developer who sold the apartments to them then sold the mother land title to someone else who demands you remove your apartment from his land?

@Mugundaman, my point on service service was that for apartments in kilimani and lavington there is no saying that you won't pay.... One day you will need to sell your apartment or have a charge in it.... If you've not been paying, you will be denied service and you will have to eventually pay. But these are shared costs for security, cleaning, garbage collection gardenning, common area painting etc.

If you have built on your own plot....you incur more to get these services than those who live in the apartments.

Liv, Hakuna disagreement Kabisa with what you are saying. Sparkles and mkenyan are disputing what you are saying. The issue is not how high the cost of service charge is (does Mugundaman care whether his cost of garbage collection and security is higher than an apartment owners? Of course not). The issue is that disputes are literally inbuilt into these sorts of ownership profiles (apartments especially) because to think 100 different people will all faithfully work together bila disputes over service charge is a pipe dream. Owning ones own property without those encumbrances of being tied to cantankerous Ferras like Sparkles and mkenyan who may refuse to pay service charge at any time is something I would joyfully pay 10 times the service charge to experience alone in the comfortable boundaries of my beautiful 1/4 acre!
#53 Posted : Tuesday, April 09, 2019 11:52:13 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 9/23/2009
Posts: 8,083
Location: Enk are Nyirobi
MugundaMan wrote:
Liv wrote:

@hardwood, you do research on many things here and you are very impressive.... Why don't you get information online on what exactly someone gets when they buy an apartment? Getting apartment title lease is not enough.... What would happen if all the apartment owners got the title to the apartment and the developer who sold the apartments to them then sold the mother land title to someone else who demands you remove your apartment from his land?

@Mugundaman, my point on service service was that for apartments in kilimani and lavington there is no saying that you won't pay.... One day you will need to sell your apartment or have a charge in it.... If you've not been paying, you will be denied service and you will have to eventually pay. But these are shared costs for security, cleaning, garbage collection gardenning, common area painting etc.

If you have built on your own plot....you incur more to get these services than those who live in the apartments.

Liv, Hakuna disagreement Kabisa with what you are saying. Sparkles and mkenyan are disputing what you are saying. The issue is not how high the cost of service charge is (does Mugundaman care whether his cost of garbage collection and security is higher than an apartment owners? Of course not). The issue is that disputes are literally inbuilt into these sorts of ownership profiles (apartments especially) because to think 100 different people will all faithfully work together bila disputes over service charge is a pipe dream. Owning ones own property without those encumbrances of being tied to cantankerous Ferras like Sparkles and mkenyan who may refuse to pay service charge at any time is something I would joyfully pay 10 times the service charge to experience alone in the comfortable boundaries of my beautiful 1/4 acre!

You will not be alone, you will enjoy with thugs.

Home owners are forced to abandon their stand alone suburban houses, go back to rent in towns.



Life is short. Live passionately.
#54 Posted : Tuesday, April 09, 2019 12:00:44 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 1/8/2018
Posts: 2,211
Location: DC (Dustbowl County)
Sparkles wrote:

You will not be alone, you will enjoy with thugs.

Home owners are forced to abandon their stand alone suburban houses, go back to rent in towns.




Laughing out loudly

DC is not for weaklings like you papa. Those security challenges in Bondeni, Ngong and Nalepo from Waaaaay back in 2013/2014 were solved kitaaaaaambo. Ask my friend Reuben Matthews on the ground if y'all don't believe me. Those in Nyeri need to move en mass to DC where the face of Kenya lives peacefully nywee bila stress yoyote. DC is Kenya's most peaceful and secure county and I know that pains you bitterly Laughing out loudly . Pole Sana!
#55 Posted : Tuesday, April 09, 2019 1:19:04 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 9/23/2009
Posts: 8,083
Location: Enk are Nyirobi
MugundaMan wrote:
Sparkles wrote:

You will not be alone, you will enjoy with thugs.

Home owners are forced to abandon their stand alone suburban houses, go back to rent in towns.




Laughing out loudly

DC is not for weaklings like you papa. Those security challenges in Bondeni, Ngong and Nalepo from Waaaaay back in 2013/2014 were solved kitaaaaaambo. Ask my friend Reuben Matthews on the ground if y'all don't believe me. Those in Nyeri need to move en mass to DC where the face of Kenya lives peacefully nywee bila stress yoyote. DC is Kenya's most peaceful and secure county and I know that pains you bitterly Laughing out loudly . Pole Sana!

I have an issue with such language, which is totally irrevant and uncalled for on the subject matter.
Life is short. Live passionately.
#56 Posted : Tuesday, April 09, 2019 1:33:45 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 3/18/2011
Posts: 12,069
Location: Kianjokoma
sparkly wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
Sparkles wrote:

You will not be alone, you will enjoy with thugs.

Home owners are forced to abandon their stand alone suburban houses, go back to rent in towns.




Laughing out loudly

DC is not for weaklings like you papa. Those security challenges in Bondeni, Ngong and Nalepo from Waaaaay back in 2013/2014 were solved kitaaaaaambo. Ask my friend Reuben Matthews on the ground if y'all don't believe me. Those in Nyeri need to move en mass to DC where the face of Kenya lives peacefully nywee bila stress yoyote. DC is Kenya's most peaceful and secure county and I know that pains you bitterly Laughing out loudly . Pole Sana!

I have an issue with such language, which is totally irrevant and uncalled for on the subject matter.

Yeah, try keep it civil & mature mugundaman, we are following...
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#57 Posted : Tuesday, April 09, 2019 5:35:17 PM
Rank: Member

Joined: 7/1/2009
Posts: 263
Lolest! wrote:
sparkly wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
Sparkles wrote:

You will not be alone, you will enjoy with thugs.

Home owners are forced to abandon their stand alone suburban houses, go back to rent in towns.




Laughing out loudly

DC is not for weaklings like you papa. Those security challenges in Bondeni, Ngong and Nalepo from Waaaaay back in 2013/2014 were solved kitaaaaaambo. Ask my friend Reuben Matthews on the ground if y'all don't believe me. Those in Nyeri need to move en mass to DC where the face of Kenya lives peacefully nywee bila stress yoyote. DC is Kenya's most peaceful and secure county and I know that pains you bitterly Laughing out loudly . Pole Sana!

I have an issue with such language, which is totally irrevant and uncalled for on the subject matter.

Yeah, try keep it civil & mature mugundaman, we are following...

Good luck trying to get him to be civil. When I tried a few weeks back, he called me some rather disagreeable names that i do not wish to repeat here.
#58 Posted : Tuesday, April 09, 2019 6:29:28 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 1/8/2018
Posts: 2,211
Location: DC (Dustbowl County)
Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Yes, When you are defeated in an argument and cannot come up with even mildly credible rebuttals focus on turning the debate into an argument about "weaklings" being an insult Laughing out loudly
What else would you call someone scared about living in DC because of a nonexistent crime wave that was resolved Waaaaay back in 2014? A certified weakling of course. What else?
#59 Posted : Tuesday, April 09, 2019 7:17:10 PM
Rank: Member

Joined: 3/1/2019
Posts: 170
Location: Nairobi
MugundaMan wrote:
Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Yes, When you are defeated in an argument and cannot come up with even mildly credible rebuttals focus on turning the debate into an argument about "weaklings" being an insult Laughing out loudly
What else would you call someone scared about living in DC because of a nonexistent crime wave that was resolved Waaaaay back in 2014? A certified weakling of course. What else?

If you were smart enough you would realize that truth is relative. Nothing is absolute in this universe. Whatever works for you does not necessarily work for the rest of the world. Think about it. You are a classic case of "Dunning–Kruger effect".
#60 Posted : Tuesday, April 09, 2019 8:45:19 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 1/8/2018
Posts: 2,211
Location: DC (Dustbowl County)
NewMoney wrote:
MugundaMan wrote:
Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Yes, When you are defeated in an argument and cannot come up with even mildly credible rebuttals focus on turning the debate into an argument about "weaklings" being an insult Laughing out loudly
What else would you call someone scared about living in DC because of a nonexistent crime wave that was resolved Waaaaay back in 2014? A certified weakling of course. What else?

If you were smart enough you would realize that truth is relative. Nothing is absolute in this universe. Whatever works for you does not necessarily work for the rest of the world. Think about it. You are a classic case of "Dunning–Kruger effect".

With all due respect this is unfiltered nonsense.
Can we go back to the substantive issues; the discussion about 1/8ths and whether being stuck with 100 property owners on the same mother title is "better" than buying a plot and building in DC? Laughing out loudly
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