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Huduma ID
#21 Posted : Thursday, January 24, 2019 12:33:54 PM
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Joined: 5/4/2011
Posts: 116
FRM2011 wrote:

Really ? We are discussing this ?? To be done by Jubilee ?? The idiots who don't even know how many KMs of tarmac they have done since they came to power. The clueless thieves who couldn't deliver laptops to kids ?? Our DCI doesn't have a DNA lab but we want to have a national DNA database.

Yenyewe ruling Africans is easy. Just throw a distraction and they will be lost discussing it for a year as you continue to loot.

Am also abit pessimstic , we cannot even manage a simple thing like traffic control with street lights only without cops stepping in , and that is low tech, i wonder who is pushing this thing.
"Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers."
•Socrates (470?-399 BC)
#22 Posted : Thursday, January 24, 2019 1:37:42 PM
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Joined: 10/3/2008
Posts: 106
sequencing DNA for all kenyans is not a simple task both interms of
cost involved and the levels of skills required. In addition itsnt not
the best option to go plus who will be responsible in securing this sensitive
Researcher would be very happy to exploit these kind of data for comparisons.
Either its hype or there is more to this. in the best case scenarios this kind of bio data/ information should only be collected for convicted criminals
One's first step in wisdom is to question everything - and one's last is to come to terms with everything
#23 Posted : Thursday, January 24, 2019 3:12:53 PM
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mburuke wrote:
sequencing DNA for all kenyans is not a simple task both interms of
cost involved and the levels of skills required. In addition itsnt not
the best option to go plus who will be responsible in securing this sensitive
Researcher would be very happy to exploit these kind of data for comparisons.
Either its hype or there is more to this. in the best case scenarios this kind of bio data/ information should only be collected for convicted criminals

DNA sequencing is a stretch for the Kenyan gaarment. I think the furthest they can go is to have a repository of bio metrics data
If Obiero did it, Who Am I?
#24 Posted : Thursday, January 24, 2019 5:34:45 PM
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Swenani wrote:
mburuke wrote:
sequencing DNA for all kenyans is not a simple task both interms of
cost involved and the levels of skills required. In addition itsnt not
the best option to go plus who will be responsible in securing this sensitive
Researcher would be very happy to exploit these kind of data for comparisons.
Either its hype or there is more to this. in the best case scenarios this kind of bio data/ information should only be collected for convicted criminals

DNA sequencing is a stretch for the Kenyan gaarment. I think the furthest they can go is to have a repository of bio metrics data

@swenani, when someone gets knocked by a vehicle along say Jogoo road, cops from the nearest police station (Buruburu) will be called, write their report and take the body to City morgue. Two days later, a family will be combing all police stations, hospitals and morgues looking for a "missing person". This plays out all the time. A digitized police OB would solve this problem. I don't think it would cost Kes 50M. A young JKUAT graduate can fix this instantly. It is so basic but our leaders are so incompetent and clueless to fix it.

We have been reforming land registration in Kenya since 2003. And yet a guy was able to go to a bank, borrow 150M with his land as security. Later printed another title deed and had the legal charge at the lands registry deleted. Borrowed again, repeated the process and borrowed again for the 3rd time. Now COOP, Equity and CBA are fighting in courts who has the right to sell the land in question.

The Jubilee government cannot handle even the repository of bio-metrics data. Hopelessly incompetent.
#25 Posted : Thursday, January 24, 2019 5:41:03 PM
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Joined: 2/26/2012
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FRM2011 wrote:
Swenani wrote:
mburuke wrote:
sequencing DNA for all kenyans is not a simple task both interms of
cost involved and the levels of skills required. In addition itsnt not
the best option to go plus who will be responsible in securing this sensitive
Researcher would be very happy to exploit these kind of data for comparisons.
Either its hype or there is more to this. in the best case scenarios this kind of bio data/ information should only be collected for convicted criminals

DNA sequencing is a stretch for the Kenyan gaarment. I think the furthest they can go is to have a repository of bio metrics data

@swenani, when someone gets knocked by a vehicle along say Jogoo road, cops from the nearest police station (Buruburu) will be called, write their report and take the body to City morgue. Two days later, a family will be combing all police stations, hospitals and morgues looking for a "missing person". This plays out all the time. A digitized police OB would solve this problem. I don't think it would cost Kes 50M. A young JKUAT graduate can fix this instantly. It is so basic but our leaders are so incompetent and clueless to fix it.

We have been reforming land registration in Kenya since 2003. And yet a guy was able to go to a bank, borrow 150M with his land as security. Later printed another title deed and had the legal charge at the lands registry deleted. Borrowed again, repeated the process and borrowed again for the 3rd time. Now COOP, Equity and CBA are fighting in courts who has the right to sell the land in question.

The Jubilee government cannot handle even the repository of bio-metrics data. Hopelessly incompetent.

There's nothing like Jubilee govt. Civil servants are the same irrespective of who leads govt.
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
Angelica _ann
#26 Posted : Thursday, January 24, 2019 5:53:34 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 12/7/2012
Posts: 11,910
murchr wrote:
FRM2011 wrote:
Swenani wrote:
mburuke wrote:
sequencing DNA for all kenyans is not a simple task both interms of
cost involved and the levels of skills required. In addition itsnt not
the best option to go plus who will be responsible in securing this sensitive
Researcher would be very happy to exploit these kind of data for comparisons.
Either its hype or there is more to this. in the best case scenarios this kind of bio data/ information should only be collected for convicted criminals

DNA sequencing is a stretch for the Kenyan gaarment. I think the furthest they can go is to have a repository of bio metrics data

@swenani, when someone gets knocked by a vehicle along say Jogoo road, cops from the nearest police station (Buruburu) will be called, write their report and take the body to City morgue. Two days later, a family will be combing all police stations, hospitals and morgues looking for a "missing person". This plays out all the time. A digitized police OB would solve this problem. I don't think it would cost Kes 50M. A young JKUAT graduate can fix this instantly. It is so basic but our leaders are so incompetent and clueless to fix it.

We have been reforming land registration in Kenya since 2003. And yet a guy was able to go to a bank, borrow 150M with his land as security. Later printed another title deed and had the legal charge at the lands registry deleted. Borrowed again, repeated the process and borrowed again for the 3rd time. Now COOP, Equity and CBA are fighting in courts who has the right to sell the land in question.

The Jubilee government cannot handle even the repository of bio-metrics data. Hopelessly incompetent.

There's nothing like Jubilee govt. Civil servants are the same irrespective of who leads govt.

We know what happened after Ngilu tried to streamline lands' registry in the process helped someone escape kaburus.

The current one in lands knows nothing at all. That is Ruto for you Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins - cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later - H Geneen
#27 Posted : Friday, February 01, 2019 3:52:44 AM
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Joined: 2/26/2012
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You have 45 days to register. And the list of the required data is long not just the usual stuff, but it will include your plots and parcels of lands, wives, parents, children, industry you work in, cars planes telephone(s),fingerprints (no
DNA), permanent and current address, level of education, etc.

The forms will be online, they are serialized so you can't photocopy or print several copies. Once filled you may present them to the Assistant Chief.

You will not leave with a card.

15 days for the pilot program from Feb 15.

Mass reg 45 days from Mar 15th
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#28 Posted : Friday, February 01, 2019 4:16:04 AM
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Big brother is here with us my brodas. This is just a clever way for the government to increase mass surveillance on its own citizens in the name of "fighting terrorism" After so called Nyumba Kumi flopped they have now decided on strong arm tactics. How will this process stop terrorism? It can't. A terrorist walking in from Somalia without a scrap of documentation or DNA in government databases will be stopped by this how?
#29 Posted : Friday, February 01, 2019 7:29:27 AM
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this govt is starting so many projects ..nothing to write home about.. another hot air
punda amecheka
#30 Posted : Friday, February 01, 2019 2:05:01 PM
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So Kenyans living in the diaspora will have to travel back to see their assistant chiefs like we did for E-passports?
Mark 12:29
Deuteronomy 4:16
#31 Posted : Friday, February 01, 2019 5:53:58 PM
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Joined: 3/19/2013
Posts: 344
These people don't think these things through do they? Have they considered the logistics of this project kwanza ati pilot program to run from Feb 15th. Why so soon. Why not prepare well?

And what does my Ethnicity on my ID have to do with anything?
What about those in the diaspora. I can't imagine the pain of having to look for all this info then deal with the embassy people who are just the worst at doing the simplest things.

Thank God my attempts to get the ID in December were not successful since it looks like Id have had to repeat the whole damn process!!!

In case you were wondering why I wasn't successful in December ... it was because this same huduma center that will be handling all our info was closed for ID services from mid December to maybe the second week of January. How does that make sense?

Arghgh I am so irritated.
#32 Posted : Friday, February 01, 2019 5:58:29 PM
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This directive is against the constitution and should be halted by the courts ASAP.

1. It can be shown that such an integration of data implies that citizens will be subject to products that they haven't solicited.

2. Such actions contradict the foundations of the bill of rights and the implied status of pre-political rights. The state serves the citizens, not the other way round.

Notice that the cs was talking about convenience of carrying documents; as if that's what burdens the citizen the most.

Here's a question to the apologists: Give a use case that demands retinal scans on Wanjiku.

#33 Posted : Friday, February 01, 2019 6:31:48 PM
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guru267 wrote:
So Kenyans living in the diaspora will have to travel back to see their assistant chiefs like we did for E-passports?

Wondering the same. So early last year I obtained a renewed pp valid for 10 years. Then this E-passport things comes up, and I am supposed to apply for it to replace my freaking new pp. That sucked. Now another injunction to get another another ID that invalidates my existing ID. I don’t know whether things are being thought well thro, and why the rush! Why do the masses have to foot the inconvenience bill all the time?
First time in history we can save the human race by laying in front of the TV and doing nothing. Let's not screw it up
#34 Posted : Friday, February 01, 2019 7:21:57 PM
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Sansa wrote:
These people don't think these things through do they? Have they considered the logistics of this project kwanza ati pilot program to run from Feb 15th. Why so soon. Why not prepare well?

And what does my Ethnicity on my ID have to do with anything?
What about those in the diaspora. I can't imagine the pain of having to look for all this info then deal with the embassy people who are just the worst at doing the simplest things.

Thank God my attempts to get the ID in December were not successful since it looks like Id have had to repeat the whole damn process!!!

In case you were wondering why I wasn't successful in December ... it was because this same huduma center that will be handling all our info was closed for ID services from mid December to maybe the second week of January. How does that make sense?

Arghgh I am so irritated.

Where did you get that? On the form, there is nothing about Ethnicity just the normal details on your ID. By the way, you will NEED your ID, Birth Certificate and NSSF NHIF NEMIS and all those gvt issued cards. I think the Ethnicity question comes in during census. Its typical across the world. We need to know if Ogieks are now extinct.

As at yesterday, those in the diaspora will fill in the forms online and get the Huduma number once they return at their Assistant Chief's office. At the office you return your form - the attache there will verify your docs and take your 10 finger prints.

After finishing you walk out with just what you brought in DO NOT EXPECT a card
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#35 Posted : Saturday, February 02, 2019 12:56:13 AM
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Apricot wrote:
guru267 wrote:
So Kenyans living in the diaspora will have to travel back to see their assistant chiefs like we did for E-passports?

Wondering the same. So early last year I obtained a renewed pp valid for 10 years. Then this E-passport things comes up, and I am supposed to apply for it to replace my freaking new pp. That sucked. Now another injunction to get another another ID that invalidates my existing ID. I don’t know whether things are being thought well thro, and why the rush! Why do the masses have to foot the inconvenience bill all the time?

Sharrap. Stop these darn complaints and comply. Where do you think 'people' will eat from?

60% Learning, 30% synthesizing, 10% Debating
#36 Posted : Monday, February 11, 2019 5:32:22 PM
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In other news

Make sure your grand/parents have visited the various vituos.

"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#37 Posted : Monday, February 11, 2019 6:38:27 PM
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Posts: 344
I can just imagine all the old tu-cucus waiting for hours while some very slow government worker messes up their details in the system. I have no faith in this our government.
#38 Posted : Monday, February 11, 2019 6:52:55 PM
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Sansa wrote:
I can just imagine all the old tu-cucus waiting for hours while some very slow government worker messes up their details in the system. I have no faith in this our government.

I really do not know who comes up with these arrangements. Why not have a station at the Assistant Chief's office? Most of our senior citizens will find it such a bother to get to these vituos.
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#39 Posted : Monday, February 11, 2019 8:37:20 PM
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murchr wrote:
Sansa wrote:
I can just imagine all the old tu-cucus waiting for hours while some very slow government worker messes up their details in the system. I have no faith in this our government.

I really do not know who comes up with these arrangements. Why not have a station at the Assistant Chief's office? Most of our senior citizens will find it such a bother to get to these vituos.

But that's the point.People must EAT.
Every project is scandalous.Give this one time to simmer.

Tucucus will be told internet is down everyday till they give up.
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#40 Posted : Monday, February 11, 2019 9:24:54 PM
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For no reason at all, start a WhatsApp rumour that the new Huduma ID is the 666 mark of the Beast that one cannot buy or sell without the Huduma ID card proving our allegiance to Satan's political system
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