The question 'What happens after death' is a common starting point in any individuals search for truth. That question is based on the unquestionable fact that death is a universal certainty.
When looking for answers it is important to acknowledge some facts
1. Everything in the known universe has ABSOLUTE states of being
i.e everything is either or, true or false. e.g it is either day
or night, summer or winter., you are either male or female and
so on
2. Everything in the known universe exhibits some pattern or law of
being i.e movement of cosmic bodies, the growth of a plant or an
animal,laws of physics etc These laws apply universally and
absolutely... ask the wright brothers
Try 'breaking' the law
of cause and effect for example..
What im saying is, there is no evidence in the physical universe of relativism so the logical conclusion is everything is absolute....
Everything including the truth about life's most important questions such as life after death.
If therefore there is an absolute answer or truth about these questions then it is wise for the seeker of truth to understand that there can only be ONE source of truth, outside of which is untruth.
Say for example that the question 'what happens after death' was a mathematical question e.g what is the sum of 4 and 3 and person A had a different answer from person B would both of them be right?
To find the truth we need to consult an authoritative source outside of ourselves and our opinions.
I suggest to you the authoritative absolute source of answers to life's questions is the Word of God, The Bible.