masukuma debates in a very funny way
He NEVER addresses the issues/points of contention
Do the Freeemasons exist?
2. Have the foremost Freemason Scholars written books we can read?
3. What is contained therein about their revered hand signs?Complete silence from him on this issues.
The best he can muster is the refrain of those who find thinking to be an impossible task: to cry vague "conspiracy theory" without elaborating to us (with alternative facts) why he believes so
His sources are CNN, Fox News and BBC. If CNN tells him two planes
pulverized a stone and steel building to dust yet the same impact, fire and explosion
that allegedly melted steel did not melt the paper passports and plastic IDs of the terrorists that were
found neatly arranged on the ground by the FBI after the impact, he believes it without questioning because CNN said so!