Club SK
PCEA vs Kikuyu Kiama
Rank: Elder Joined: 11/5/2010 Posts: 2,459
@kaigangio, much respect. You know your stuff. Where I differ with you us when you call it a renaissance. It's not. It's just a popular trend amongst Kikuyu men of our generation. The fact that all senior politicians endorsed it as joined the kiamas could actually be the key factor driving their popularity.
I have been under immense pressure from my friends here in Nairobi to join. Some of my friends hold leadership positions in their "mwaki". Back in the village, folks can't understand why I am yet o join. Truth is,I have never found a compelling reason to join. And now the PCEA church has come to my rescue. All I have to say is that my church is against it.
And its true, the church has been struggling to get men into church. But their women are neck-deep in church matters.
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/4/2006 Posts: 13,821 Location: Nairobi
tycho wrote:@masukuma, myths are not the triffling things that you present them as.
And myths are never arbitrary.
Also know there can never be pure intersubjectivity without objectivity. Far from it -myths are some of the best things we humans have ever come up with. they guide our everyday lives and have fashioned us into the species we are today. this does not change the fact that they are MADE UP! some are important, cute but still MADE UP! Just like movies - not all myths are rated the same. some are better than others. Newer movies tend to be better than old movies as more thought has been put in and they have been developed around a more comprehensive worldview. The same thing with myths - not all myths are the same and GENERALLY speaking... myths that have had more thought put into them and developed in the context of a much more comprehensive worldview are more productive to the adherents than older parochial myths. We therefore cannot allow ourselves to be bullied into following myths that have no consequence - it's rather daft to allow yourself to do so. What is the appeal of this 'Kiama' myth? what is the threat being used to lure people into this 'Kiama' myth and propagate it?? All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
Rank: Veteran Joined: 11/4/2008 Posts: 1,289 Location: Nairobi
tycho wrote:Na free masonry ni ukristo? PCEA has linkage with that fraternity. They have never disowned it
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/4/2006 Posts: 13,821 Location: Nairobi
FundamentAli wrote:tycho wrote:Na free masonry ni ukristo? PCEA has linkage with that fraternity. They have never disowned it What is 'free masonry'? who are/were the 'Illuminati'? All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
Rank: Member Joined: 8/25/2015 Posts: 839 Location: Kite
Lolest! wrote:Quote:Picking a fight with the Kiama, at a time when traditional institutions have been on a renaissance everywhere, is scoring a stupid own goal. Stupid own goal? Is the role of the church to encourage people to fill up church without caring what they believe in? That would be a big interreligious social club! Not church. The church has one big role-pointing people to Christ. Of course people offering sacrifices to ancestors defeats this aim! ancestor in American. (ˈænˌsɛstər ; anˈsesˌtər; also, ˈænsəstər ; anˈsəstər; ˈænsɪstər ; anˈsistər) any person from whom one is descended, esp. one earlier in a family line than a grandparent Sasa what's more important than where you descended from? it's a sure thing,not a myth as @masukuma puts it, to me it's worth a goat now and then.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 7/3/2007 Posts: 1,634
Lolest! wrote:Quote:Picking a fight with the Kiama, at a time when traditional institutions have been on a renaissance everywhere, is scoring a stupid own goal. Stupid own goal? Is the role of the church to encourage people to fill up church without caring what they believe in? That would be a big interreligious social club! Not church. The church has one big role-pointing people to Christ. Of course people offering sacrifices to ancestors defeats this aim! So you think numbers don't matter? Why do you bother with all those Ministry for Christ etc stuff? "The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth." (Niels Bohr)
Rank: Veteran Joined: 7/3/2007 Posts: 1,634
FundamentAli wrote:tycho wrote:Na free masonry ni ukristo? PCEA has linkage with that fraternity. They have never disowned it Not just PCEA. Most mainstream Church Cathedrals were built by the Guild of the free Masons. That is how practically every Free Mason lodge came to be located near a Church. It was a shelter for 'watu was mjengo' "The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth." (Niels Bohr)
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/4/2006 Posts: 13,821 Location: Nairobi
Taurrus wrote:Lolest! wrote:Quote:Picking a fight with the Kiama, at a time when traditional institutions have been on a renaissance everywhere, is scoring a stupid own goal. Stupid own goal? Is the role of the church to encourage people to fill up church without caring what they believe in? That would be a big interreligious social club! Not church. The church has one big role-pointing people to Christ. Of course people offering sacrifices to ancestors defeats this aim! ancestor in American. (ˈænˌsɛstər ; anˈsesˌtər; also, ˈænsəstər ; anˈsəstər; ˈænsɪstər ; anˈsistər) any person from whom one is descended, esp. one earlier in a family line than a grandparent Sasa what's more important than where you descended from? it's a sure thing,not a myth as @masukuma puts it, to me it's worth a goat now and then. Your ancestors are not a myth - what drives your reverence to them IS! the idea that makes you subjectively deduce that 'reverence to your ancestors is worth a goat now and then' is the myth we are talking about! it's an idea... something in your head... that is why you said Quote:it's a sure thing,not a myth as @masukuma puts it, TO ME it's worth a goat now and then. - very subjective. let's test this - what happens if you don't give a goat "now and then"? what happens? All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/6/2008 Posts: 3,549
masukuma wrote:FundamentAli wrote:tycho wrote:Na free masonry ni ukristo? PCEA has linkage with that fraternity. They have never disowned it What is 'free masonry'? who are/were the 'Illuminati'? Officially on their websites and openly a bunch/brotherhood of "esoteric" (magic rituals) practitioners under worshipful masters. They built most Churches in Kenya like Anglican, PCEA in Kenya and supplied with with dogma, hymn books, structure and funds to establish and support their esoteric ideologies, several "high level" church officials are freemasons. There are about four huge branches, Grand lodge of england, website www.ugle.org.uk who are in charge of the nyerere road goons (http://www.dgleastafrica.org/), which is mostly wahindis and wazungus, attended their dinner once as a guest at KICC in the 90's, the USA the has Southern and Northern Districts which are two and three, then there are "princehall" as number four aka African masufferer freemasons also called boule, (the pointi children of these wazungus), they are also called "irregular" in the states and by some others, Freenasons more or less own the US, e.g Georgia. They were in trouble in the Kenyan court system for colluding to write judgement, one Judge AB Shah, was making all his ruling to favor them and was sacked from bench, they almost own the law in Kenya, the also fund several politicians campaigns. Meru Holiness
Rank: Veteran Joined: 4/16/2014 Posts: 1,420 Location: Bohemian Grove
Wakanyugi wrote:FundamentAli wrote:tycho wrote:Na free masonry ni ukristo? PCEA has linkage with that fraternity. They have never disowned it Not just PCEA. Most mainstream Church Cathedrals were built by the Guild of the free Masons. That is how practically every Free Mason lodge came to be located near a Church. It was a shelter for 'watu was mjengo' They also build most of the old notable buildings we have around.
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/4/2006 Posts: 13,821 Location: Nairobi
Much Know wrote:masukuma wrote:FundamentAli wrote:tycho wrote:Na free masonry ni ukristo? PCEA has linkage with that fraternity. They have never disowned it What is 'free masonry'? who are/were the 'Illuminati'? Officially on their websites and openly a bunch/brotherhood of "esoteric" (magic rituals) practitioners under worshipful masters. They built most Churches in Kenya like Anglican, PCEA in Kenya and supplied with with dogma, hymn books, structure and funds to establish and support their esoteric ideologies, several "high level" church officials are freemasons. There are about four huge branches, Grand lodge of england, website www.ugle.org.uk who are in charge of the nyerere road goons (http://www.dgleastafrica.org/), which is mostly wahindis and wazungus, attended their dinner once as a guest at KICC in the 90's, the USA the has Southern and Northern Districts which are two and three, then there are "princehall" as number four aka African masufferer freemasons also called boule, (the pointi children of these wazungus), they are also called "irregular" in the states and by some others, Freenasons more or less own the US, e.g Georgia. They were in trouble in the Kenyan court system for colluding to write judgement, one Judge AB Shah, was making all his ruling to favor them and was sacked from bench, they almost own the law in Kenya, the also fund several politicians campaigns. what about 'unofficially'? All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/6/2008 Posts: 3,549
masukuma wrote:Much Know wrote:masukuma wrote:FundamentAli wrote:tycho wrote:Na free masonry ni ukristo? PCEA has linkage with that fraternity. They have never disowned it What is 'free masonry'? who are/were the 'Illuminati'? Officially on their websites and openly a bunch/brotherhood of "esoteric" (magic rituals) practitioners under worshipful masters. They built most Churches in Kenya like Anglican, PCEA in Kenya and supplied with with dogma, hymn books, structure and funds to establish and support their esoteric ideologies, several "high level" church officials are freemasons. There are about four huge branches, Grand lodge of england, website www.ugle.org.uk who are in charge of the nyerere road goons (http://www.dgleastafrica.org/), which is mostly wahindis and wazungus, attended their dinner once as a guest at KICC in the 90's, the USA the has Southern and Northern Districts which are two and three, then there are "princehall" as number four aka African masufferer freemasons also called boule, (the pointi children of these wazungus), they are also called "irregular" in the states and by some others, Freenasons more or less own the US, e.g Georgia. They were in trouble in the Kenyan court system for colluding to write judgement, one Judge AB Shah, was making all his ruling to favor them and was sacked from bench, they almost own the law in Kenya, the also fund several politicians campaigns. what about 'unofficially'? Several different secret and unregistered groupings within, one openly tries to "rule the world" and create a one world religion, if you see the ugle website, you will notice in their rules they come out very hard against any secret/clandestine groups within them, they very aware other groups do exist and have existed in history. You can say there are some who are "clean" and ignorant, otherwise the majority are aware they are deliberately after this, 'mystical' power and money. Meru Holiness
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/4/2006 Posts: 13,821 Location: Nairobi
Much Know wrote:masukuma wrote:Much Know wrote:masukuma wrote:FundamentAli wrote:tycho wrote:Na free masonry ni ukristo? PCEA has linkage with that fraternity. They have never disowned it What is 'free masonry'? who are/were the 'Illuminati'? Officially on their websites and openly a bunch/brotherhood of "esoteric" (magic rituals) practitioners under worshipful masters. They built most Churches in Kenya like Anglican, PCEA in Kenya and supplied with with dogma, hymn books, structure and funds to establish and support their esoteric ideologies, several "high level" church officials are freemasons. There are about four huge branches, Grand lodge of england, website www.ugle.org.uk who are in charge of the nyerere road goons (http://www.dgleastafrica.org/), which is mostly wahindis and wazungus, attended their dinner once as a guest at KICC in the 90's, the USA the has Southern and Northern Districts which are two and three, then there are "princehall" as number four aka African masufferer freemasons also called boule, (the pointi children of these wazungus), they are also called "irregular" in the states and by some others, Freenasons more or less own the US, e.g Georgia. They were in trouble in the Kenyan court system for colluding to write judgement, one Judge AB Shah, was making all his ruling to favor them and was sacked from bench, they almost own the law in Kenya, the also fund several politicians campaigns. what about 'unofficially'? Several different secret and unregistered groupings within, one openly tries to "rule the world" and create a one world religion, if you see the ugle website, you will notice in their rules they come out very hard against any secret/clandestine groups within them, they very aware other groups do exist and have existed in history. You can say there are some who are "clean" and ignorant, otherwise the majority are aware they are deliberately after this, 'mystical' power and money. Most monotheistic non ethnic religions dream have an end goal to be the 'one world religion' that is why they engage in 'spreading the word' and 'have most of the world hear their message and where possible change to follow their worldview' - in that way how do these secret and unregistered groups differ from say Islam and Christianity in that front? trying to 'rule the world'? Don't we have states governed under the tenets of Islam and heck even the ISIS group tried to revive the 'good old days' of Islamic power? Which of these 'main line' groups don't have factions and hierarchies? it's quite interesting that the 'crime' others are accused of is the default behavior and desire of any group of people that dreamed of world domination! All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/6/2008 Posts: 3,549
masukuma wrote:Much Know wrote:masukuma wrote:Much Know wrote:masukuma wrote:FundamentAli wrote:tycho wrote:Na free masonry ni ukristo? PCEA has linkage with that fraternity. They have never disowned it What is 'free masonry'? who are/were the 'Illuminati'? Officially on their websites and openly a bunch/brotherhood of "esoteric" (magic rituals) practitioners under worshipful masters. They built most Churches in Kenya like Anglican, PCEA in Kenya and supplied with with dogma, hymn books, structure and funds to establish and support their esoteric ideologies, several "high level" church officials are freemasons. There are about four huge branches, Grand lodge of england, website www.ugle.org.uk who are in charge of the nyerere road goons (http://www.dgleastafrica.org/), which is mostly wahindis and wazungus, attended their dinner once as a guest at KICC in the 90's, the USA the has Southern and Northern Districts which are two and three, then there are "princehall" as number four aka African masufferer freemasons also called boule, (the pointi children of these wazungus), they are also called "irregular" in the states and by some others, Freenasons more or less own the US, e.g Georgia. They were in trouble in the Kenyan court system for colluding to write judgement, one Judge AB Shah, was making all his ruling to favor them and was sacked from bench, they almost own the law in Kenya, the also fund several politicians campaigns. what about 'unofficially'? Several different secret and unregistered groupings within, one openly tries to "rule the world" and create a one world religion, if you see the ugle website, you will notice in their rules they come out very hard against any secret/clandestine groups within them, they very aware other groups do exist and have existed in history. You can say there are some who are "clean" and ignorant, otherwise the majority are aware they are deliberately after this, 'mystical' power and money. Most monotheistic non ethnic religions dream have an end goal to be the 'one world religion' that is why they engage in 'spreading the word' and 'have most of the world hear their message and where possible change to follow their worldview' - in that way how do these secret and unregistered groups differ from say Islam and Christianity in that front? trying to 'rule the world'? Don't we have states governed under the tenets of Islam and heck even the ISIS group tried to revive the 'good old days' of Islamic power? Which of these 'main line' groups don't have factions and hierarchies? it's quite interesting that the 'crime' others are accused of is the default behavior and desire of any group of people that dreamed of world domination! This is not true, total assumptions, Judaism for example is HIGHLY EXCLUSIVE and you cant just join, which other religion has declared this? Many accept working as diverse groups with similar goals, to spread the good news, only an idiot thinks of a one world religion and excessive dogma to brainwash people, many intellectuals even Jesus understand diversity, one must be STUPID to think they can unify all religions, that's what mesmerizes people about a "one world order" group and why their influence has been declining and numbers falling and why they are trying to market themselves. Knowing God or Christ does not amount to religion, it is good news that's all. Meru Holiness
Rank: Elder Joined: 2/27/2007 Posts: 2,768
FRM2011 wrote:@kaigangio, much respect. You know your stuff. Where I differ with you us when you call it a renaissance. It's not. It's just a popular trend amongst Kikuyu men of our generation. The fact that all senior politicians endorsed it as joined the kiamas could actually be the key factor driving their popularity.
I have been under immense pressure from my friends here in Nairobi to join. Some of my friends hold leadership positions in their "mwaki". Back in the village, folks can't understand why I am yet o join. Truth is,I have never found a compelling reason to join. And now the PCEA church has come to my rescue. All I have to say is that my church is against it.
And its true, the church has been struggling to get men into church. But their women are neck-deep in church matters. You are wrong again @FRM2011. Ciama cia Athuri have always been there since time immemorial. They only got disrupted during the struggle for independence period which started from 1952 (when the state of emergency was declared) to 1960. After that Ciama cia Athuri sessions resumed. It is only recently when it they slowly started being introduced into the urban areas and this is probably where you are coming in. Anyway chief I am not here to popularise the Ciama, but mine was to point out the lies that the church is feeding her members about these Ciamas. No body forces you to enter any Kiama, this does not work like your church which will always tell you that if you don't go to church and get "saved" you will go straight to hell or if you do not tithe you are one and the same with the devil and many other such things, No. You enter Kiama and you will learn so much about yourself, your family, your lineage, how you should carry yourself as Muthuri wa Kiama, protecting your family and society values/virtues, what to do should you have marital problems and alot of other things. Like I said, you will never know anything or what goes on in there as long as you are outside. That is why more often than not people like you only see meat eating and muratina drinking. You see absolutely nothing else. A point to note, the PCEA Church has failed to detach itself from the Scottish Church traditions which do not favour the African worshipper and that is why According to the recent data, the church spirituality level is fast declining. It is fool handy for the church to start looking for scapegoats instead of internally dealing with her own shortcomings in order to pull the fast disappearing crowd back. You still have not answered my question and I repeat again...What does Muratina in Ciama cia Athuri or other Kikuyu ceremonies symbolise? ...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/4/2006 Posts: 13,821 Location: Nairobi
Much Know wrote:masukuma wrote:Much Know wrote:masukuma wrote:Much Know wrote:masukuma wrote:FundamentAli wrote:tycho wrote:Na free masonry ni ukristo? PCEA has linkage with that fraternity. They have never disowned it What is 'free masonry'? who are/were the 'Illuminati'? Officially on their websites and openly a bunch/brotherhood of "esoteric" (magic rituals) practitioners under worshipful masters. They built most Churches in Kenya like Anglican, PCEA in Kenya and supplied with with dogma, hymn books, structure and funds to establish and support their esoteric ideologies, several "high level" church officials are freemasons. There are about four huge branches, Grand lodge of england, website www.ugle.org.uk who are in charge of the nyerere road goons (http://www.dgleastafrica.org/), which is mostly wahindis and wazungus, attended their dinner once as a guest at KICC in the 90's, the USA the has Southern and Northern Districts which are two and three, then there are "princehall" as number four aka African masufferer freemasons also called boule, (the pointi children of these wazungus), they are also called "irregular" in the states and by some others, Freenasons more or less own the US, e.g Georgia. They were in trouble in the Kenyan court system for colluding to write judgement, one Judge AB Shah, was making all his ruling to favor them and was sacked from bench, they almost own the law in Kenya, the also fund several politicians campaigns. what about 'unofficially'? Several different secret and unregistered groupings within, one openly tries to "rule the world" and create a one world religion, if you see the ugle website, you will notice in their rules they come out very hard against any secret/clandestine groups within them, they very aware other groups do exist and have existed in history. You can say there are some who are "clean" and ignorant, otherwise the majority are aware they are deliberately after this, 'mystical' power and money. Most monotheistic non ethnic religions dream have an end goal to be the 'one world religion' that is why they engage in 'spreading the word' and 'have most of the world hear their message and where possible change to follow their worldview' - in that way how do these secret and unregistered groups differ from say Islam and Christianity in that front? trying to 'rule the world'? Don't we have states governed under the tenets of Islam and heck even the ISIS group tried to revive the 'good old days' of Islamic power? Which of these 'main line' groups don't have factions and hierarchies? it's quite interesting that the 'crime' others are accused of is the default behavior and desire of any group of people that dreamed of world domination! This is not true, total assumptions, Judaism for example is HIGHLY EXCLUSIVE and you cant just join, which other religion has declared this? Many accept working as diverse groups with similar goals, to spread the good news, only an idiot thinks of a one world religion and excessive dogma to brainwash people, many intellectuals even Jesus understand diversity, one must be STUPID to think they can unify all religions, that's what mesmerizes people about a "one world order" group and why their influence has been declining and numbers falling and why they are trying to market themselves. Knowing God or Christ does not amount to religion, it is good news that's all. On Judaism - I think you missed something! Quote:Knowing God or Christ does not amount to religion, it is good news that's all. it does not? that's new! what do you consider 'religion'? give me the characteristics of a religion. All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/6/2008 Posts: 3,549
masukuma wrote:Much Know wrote:masukuma wrote:Much Know wrote:masukuma wrote:Much Know wrote:masukuma wrote:FundamentAli wrote:tycho wrote:Na free masonry ni ukristo? PCEA has linkage with that fraternity. They have never disowned it What is 'free masonry'? who are/were the 'Illuminati'? Officially on their websites and openly a bunch/brotherhood of "esoteric" (magic rituals) practitioners under worshipful masters. They built most Churches in Kenya like Anglican, PCEA in Kenya and supplied with with dogma, hymn books, structure and funds to establish and support their esoteric ideologies, several "high level" church officials are freemasons. There are about four huge branches, Grand lodge of england, website www.ugle.org.uk who are in charge of the nyerere road goons (http://www.dgleastafrica.org/), which is mostly wahindis and wazungus, attended their dinner once as a guest at KICC in the 90's, the USA the has Southern and Northern Districts which are two and three, then there are "princehall" as number four aka African masufferer freemasons also called boule, (the pointi children of these wazungus), they are also called "irregular" in the states and by some others, Freenasons more or less own the US, e.g Georgia. They were in trouble in the Kenyan court system for colluding to write judgement, one Judge AB Shah, was making all his ruling to favor them and was sacked from bench, they almost own the law in Kenya, the also fund several politicians campaigns. what about 'unofficially'? Several different secret and unregistered groupings within, one openly tries to "rule the world" and create a one world religion, if you see the ugle website, you will notice in their rules they come out very hard against any secret/clandestine groups within them, they very aware other groups do exist and have existed in history. You can say there are some who are "clean" and ignorant, otherwise the majority are aware they are deliberately after this, 'mystical' power and money. Most monotheistic non ethnic religions dream have an end goal to be the 'one world religion' that is why they engage in 'spreading the word' and 'have most of the world hear their message and where possible change to follow their worldview' - in that way how do these secret and unregistered groups differ from say Islam and Christianity in that front? trying to 'rule the world'? Don't we have states governed under the tenets of Islam and heck even the ISIS group tried to revive the 'good old days' of Islamic power? Which of these 'main line' groups don't have factions and hierarchies? it's quite interesting that the 'crime' others are accused of is the default behavior and desire of any group of people that dreamed of world domination! This is not true, total assumptions, Judaism for example is HIGHLY EXCLUSIVE and you cant just join, which other religion has declared this? Many accept working as diverse groups with similar goals, to spread the good news, only an idiot thinks of a one world religion and excessive dogma to brainwash people, many intellectuals even Jesus understand diversity, one must be STUPID to think they can unify all religions, that's what mesmerizes people about a "one world order" group and why their influence has been declining and numbers falling and why they are trying to market themselves. Knowing God or Christ does not amount to religion, it is good news that's all. On Judaism - I think you missed something! Quote:Knowing God or Christ does not amount to religion, it is good news that's all. it does not? that's new! what do you consider 'religion'? give me the characteristics of a religion. Study "Irreligion" on wikipedia, you will get your answers there, i for example believe in Christ and God but lack a religion, though i support diverse ones and have been a member since we share something in common. Meru Holiness
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/4/2006 Posts: 13,821 Location: Nairobi
Much Know wrote:masukuma wrote:Much Know wrote:masukuma wrote:Much Know wrote:masukuma wrote:Much Know wrote:masukuma wrote:FundamentAli wrote:tycho wrote:Na free masonry ni ukristo? PCEA has linkage with that fraternity. They have never disowned it What is 'free masonry'? who are/were the 'Illuminati'? Officially on their websites and openly a bunch/brotherhood of "esoteric" (magic rituals) practitioners under worshipful masters. They built most Churches in Kenya like Anglican, PCEA in Kenya and supplied with with dogma, hymn books, structure and funds to establish and support their esoteric ideologies, several "high level" church officials are freemasons. There are about four huge branches, Grand lodge of england, website www.ugle.org.uk who are in charge of the nyerere road goons (http://www.dgleastafrica.org/), which is mostly wahindis and wazungus, attended their dinner once as a guest at KICC in the 90's, the USA the has Southern and Northern Districts which are two and three, then there are "princehall" as number four aka African masufferer freemasons also called boule, (the pointi children of these wazungus), they are also called "irregular" in the states and by some others, Freenasons more or less own the US, e.g Georgia. They were in trouble in the Kenyan court system for colluding to write judgement, one Judge AB Shah, was making all his ruling to favor them and was sacked from bench, they almost own the law in Kenya, the also fund several politicians campaigns. what about 'unofficially'? Several different secret and unregistered groupings within, one openly tries to "rule the world" and create a one world religion, if you see the ugle website, you will notice in their rules they come out very hard against any secret/clandestine groups within them, they very aware other groups do exist and have existed in history. You can say there are some who are "clean" and ignorant, otherwise the majority are aware they are deliberately after this, 'mystical' power and money. Most monotheistic non ethnic religions dream have an end goal to be the 'one world religion' that is why they engage in 'spreading the word' and 'have most of the world hear their message and where possible change to follow their worldview' - in that way how do these secret and unregistered groups differ from say Islam and Christianity in that front? trying to 'rule the world'? Don't we have states governed under the tenets of Islam and heck even the ISIS group tried to revive the 'good old days' of Islamic power? Which of these 'main line' groups don't have factions and hierarchies? it's quite interesting that the 'crime' others are accused of is the default behavior and desire of any group of people that dreamed of world domination! This is not true, total assumptions, Judaism for example is HIGHLY EXCLUSIVE and you cant just join, which other religion has declared this? Many accept working as diverse groups with similar goals, to spread the good news, only an idiot thinks of a one world religion and excessive dogma to brainwash people, many intellectuals even Jesus understand diversity, one must be STUPID to think they can unify all religions, that's what mesmerizes people about a "one world order" group and why their influence has been declining and numbers falling and why they are trying to market themselves. Knowing God or Christ does not amount to religion, it is good news that's all. On Judaism - I think you missed something! Quote:Knowing God or Christ does not amount to religion, it is good news that's all. it does not? that's new! what do you consider 'religion'? give me the characteristics of a religion. Study "Irreligion" on wikipedia, you will get your answers there, i for example believe in Christ and God but lack a religion, though i support diverse ones and have been a member since we share something in common. So what does the belief in Christ and God compel you to do? All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/6/2008 Posts: 3,549
masukuma wrote:Much Know wrote:masukuma wrote:Much Know wrote:masukuma wrote:Much Know wrote:masukuma wrote:Much Know wrote:masukuma wrote:FundamentAli wrote:tycho wrote:Na free masonry ni ukristo? PCEA has linkage with that fraternity. They have never disowned it What is 'free masonry'? who are/were the 'Illuminati'? Officially on their websites and openly a bunch/brotherhood of "esoteric" (magic rituals) practitioners under worshipful masters. They built most Churches in Kenya like Anglican, PCEA in Kenya and supplied with with dogma, hymn books, structure and funds to establish and support their esoteric ideologies, several "high level" church officials are freemasons. There are about four huge branches, Grand lodge of england, website www.ugle.org.uk who are in charge of the nyerere road goons (http://www.dgleastafrica.org/), which is mostly wahindis and wazungus, attended their dinner once as a guest at KICC in the 90's, the USA the has Southern and Northern Districts which are two and three, then there are "princehall" as number four aka African masufferer freemasons also called boule, (the pointi children of these wazungus), they are also called "irregular" in the states and by some others, Freenasons more or less own the US, e.g Georgia. They were in trouble in the Kenyan court system for colluding to write judgement, one Judge AB Shah, was making all his ruling to favor them and was sacked from bench, they almost own the law in Kenya, the also fund several politicians campaigns. what about 'unofficially'? Several different secret and unregistered groupings within, one openly tries to "rule the world" and create a one world religion, if you see the ugle website, you will notice in their rules they come out very hard against any secret/clandestine groups within them, they very aware other groups do exist and have existed in history. You can say there are some who are "clean" and ignorant, otherwise the majority are aware they are deliberately after this, 'mystical' power and money. Most monotheistic non ethnic religions dream have an end goal to be the 'one world religion' that is why they engage in 'spreading the word' and 'have most of the world hear their message and where possible change to follow their worldview' - in that way how do these secret and unregistered groups differ from say Islam and Christianity in that front? trying to 'rule the world'? Don't we have states governed under the tenets of Islam and heck even the ISIS group tried to revive the 'good old days' of Islamic power? Which of these 'main line' groups don't have factions and hierarchies? it's quite interesting that the 'crime' others are accused of is the default behavior and desire of any group of people that dreamed of world domination! This is not true, total assumptions, Judaism for example is HIGHLY EXCLUSIVE and you cant just join, which other religion has declared this? Many accept working as diverse groups with similar goals, to spread the good news, only an idiot thinks of a one world religion and excessive dogma to brainwash people, many intellectuals even Jesus understand diversity, one must be STUPID to think they can unify all religions, that's what mesmerizes people about a "one world order" group and why their influence has been declining and numbers falling and why they are trying to market themselves. Knowing God or Christ does not amount to religion, it is good news that's all. On Judaism - I think you missed something! Quote:Knowing God or Christ does not amount to religion, it is good news that's all. it does not? that's new! what do you consider 'religion'? give me the characteristics of a religion. Study "Irreligion" on wikipedia, you will get your answers there, i for example believe in Christ and God but lack a religion, though i support diverse ones and have been a member since we share something in common. So what does the belief in Christ and God compel you to do? To love even witch doctors and persecutors of my ancestors(not the fake love "sold" by Illuminati to brainwashed), that's all bro hakuna dogma mingi. Meru Holiness
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/6/2008 Posts: 3,549
If one can do some advanced math with symbols is that a religion? If someone does not understand what am doing does that make me religious just because i have mentioned Jesus. Is mentioning any factual aspect of the life of Jesus "religion" when he actually existed? Does believing in Keynesian economics or Freidman theory make them religions?  , are they factual? Why are they studied in university if they are not FACTUAL, they must be religions, right  What if what i read in other subjects in Bible strikes me as factual, that this figures existed, the fact that i believe this "debatable" element of my existence does not make me religious, because if the history is correct, am just a historian, just like Flavius Josephus the historian in Jesus time. What did Flavius say about Jesus? Meru Holiness
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