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Rape....or 3 some....or both?
#21 Posted : Tuesday, April 10, 2018 7:24:13 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 10/4/2006
Posts: 13,821
Location: Nairobi
AlphDoti wrote:
masukuma wrote:
In other news

And what was the ruling on adultery (if he was married at the time of act) or fornication (if he was not married)?

Ama this does not apply to millionaires?

Those are rules/laws for peasants !
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#22 Posted : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 8:25:32 AM
Rank: Member

Joined: 5/22/2014
Posts: 321
Location: Ndeiya
Drobos fly wrote:
Mukiri wrote:

@Drobos.. lelax omera! Imagine when they saw Jesus Christ receiving pedicure from a prostitute, or dining with a tax collector.. Binguni tunaenda! Judge not

Accusing someone of judging you is no excuse not to be told you are doing the wrong thing!
If it's wrong, it's wrong whether you like it or not! Take it or leave it, it's all up to you.

It's more than a concern when you claim to be an ardent follower of God's word but you don't seem to know the word of God since in some instances you choose your own ways over it. I'm going to lay it very, very hard and cold because it is better you never knew Christ and fell away than to know Christ and then fall away. There's a good reason the bible says that. (2 Peter 2:21)

When Jesus was at the well with the prostitute, He said your sins are forgiven, go and sin no more (John 8:11). Jesus doesn't compromise on anything there, He explicitly instructs her to sin no more failure to which would be an act of disobedience. We all know that the wages of sin is death. Mukiri you deceive yourself on that, disobedience precedes death. A repentant prostitute will have eternal life & basically anyone who repents of their wicked ways and turns to Christ, doesn't matter their past but a compromising or double-minded believer will not see the kingdom of God no matter how much you keep lying to yourself.

Now about the tax collector, Luke 19:8 says,
"Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor; and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold"

Both accounts of the prostitute and the tax collector have shown that there was a followup action of repentance (leaving their old ways and embracing a new righteous lifestyle and never returned to their old ways in a compromising instance). So your argument holds no water just a deception in you mind.

If you were reading the word of God you would know that in Gal 5:19 says, "Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God."

Lewd: (of behaviour, speech, dress, etc.) sexual in an obvious and rude way.

The bible is very clear on how someone who leads a righteous life is to conduct themselves and it has been said in Matthew 7:14, "But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it." It did not mince it's words when saying this.

If you have come across Colossians 3:8-10, then you'd know that you are actually toying in sin, nothing to relax about there.

"But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth. Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him,...."

I'm not going to beat about the bush with you and lie to you it is a joking matter, you have been asked to put off the old man and walk in righteousness. You can clearly see the responses to your comment they are not approving, they are disapproving you! Really sad that they have to point it out to you as if your conscience has been seared. You cannot please God and the world, one will have to be your master. That's shameful because you are supposed to be Christ's representative in righteousness not bring on shame upon His ways. There's only one who brings shame upon righteousness.

Let's just test whether that joke is filthy or not, imagine yourself in your church on a Sunday service and you are asked to share that in front of the entire congregation, does it edify anyone or does it bring on embarrassment and shame?

One thing, the word of God is not up for debate, if you can't follow it don't deceive others that you can occasionally compromise and still receive eternal life. You are either working out your salvation with fear and trembling and pleasing God or you pleasing man. You cannot please both on that account whether you believe it or not.

A good one. The way!!
#23 Posted : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 9:01:34 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 6/20/2008
Posts: 6,275
Location: Kenya
masukuma wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:
masukuma wrote:
In other news

And what was the ruling on adultery (if he was married at the time of act) or fornication (if he was not married)?

Ama this does not apply to millionaires?

Those are rules/laws for peasants !

Sad indeed. To see such a country preach water and drink wine!
#24 Posted : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 9:27:37 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 6/20/2008
Posts: 6,275
Location: Kenya
Mtafiti wrote:
Drobos fly wrote:
Mukiri wrote:

@Drobos.. lelax omera! Imagine when they saw Jesus Christ receiving pedicure from a prostitute, or dining with a tax collector.. Binguni tunaenda! Judge not

Accusing someone of judging you is no excuse not to be told you are doing the wrong thing!
If it's wrong, it's wrong whether you like it or not! Take it or leave it, it's all up to you.

It's more than a concern when you claim to be an ardent follower of God's word but you don't seem to know the word of God since in some instances you choose your own ways over it. I'm going to lay it very, very hard and cold because it is better you never knew Christ and fell away than to know Christ and then fall away. There's a good reason the bible says that. (2 Peter 2:21)

When Jesus was at the well with the prostitute, He said your sins are forgiven, go and sin no more (John 8:11). Jesus doesn't compromise on anything there, He explicitly instructs her to sin no more failure to which would be an act of disobedience. We all know that the wages of sin is death. Mukiri you deceive yourself on that, disobedience precedes death. A repentant prostitute will have eternal life & basically anyone who repents of their wicked ways and turns to Christ, doesn't matter their past but a compromising or double-minded believer will not see the kingdom of God no matter how much you keep lying to yourself.

Now about the tax collector, Luke 19:8 says,
"Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor; and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold"

Both accounts of the prostitute and the tax collector have shown that there was a followup action of repentance (leaving their old ways and embracing a new righteous lifestyle and never returned to their old ways in a compromising instance). So your argument holds no water just a deception in you mind.

If you were reading the word of God you would know that in Gal 5:19 says, "Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God."

Lewd: (of behaviour, speech, dress, etc.) sexual in an obvious and rude way.

The bible is very clear on how someone who leads a righteous life is to conduct themselves and it has been said in Matthew 7:14, "But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it." It did not mince it's words when saying this.

If you have come across Colossians 3:8-10, then you'd know that you are actually toying in sin, nothing to relax about there.

"But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth. Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him,...."

I'm not going to beat about the bush with you and lie to you it is a joking matter, you have been asked to put off the old man and walk in righteousness. You can clearly see the responses to your comment they are not approving, they are disapproving you! Really sad that they have to point it out to you as if your conscience has been seared. You cannot please God and the world, one will have to be your master. That's shameful because you are supposed to be Christ's representative in righteousness not bring on shame upon His ways. There's only one who brings shame upon righteousness.

Let's just test whether that joke is filthy or not, imagine yourself in your church on a Sunday service and you are asked to share that in front of the entire congregation, does it edify anyone or does it bring on embarrassment and shame?

One thing, the word of God is not up for debate, if you can't follow it don't deceive others that you can occasionally compromise and still receive eternal life. You are either working out your salvation with fear and trembling and pleasing God or you pleasing man. You cannot please both on that account whether you believe it or not.

A good one. The way!!

First of all I want to admire and applaud @Drobos for such a nice piece! He has spoken candidly and precisely. I would have said the same. It is actually the same thing I always want to tell christian friend who try to downplay the importance of being obedient to God.

Secondly, to @pastor, true we are human beings, we are susceptible to weaknesses just like everybody else, but we should not get comfortable, rather work to improve ourselves and continuously improve...

Thirdly, however, I want to say if @Drobos is honest, then I would like him to listen to my view. Brother, you have sincere attitude towards the word of God. But only one thing is missing, something very, very important: realization of who truly is Lord! Who truly is the Creator and Almighty God. You still have this confusion, thinking Jesus Christ is God Almighty... Only this one bro. I give you this counsel believing that you are comfortable to accept that you may have certain shortcomings and that you are willing to work to improve those shortcomings.

@drobos this is the truth: JESUS CHRISTGOD ALMIGHTY!!
#25 Posted : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 9:53:43 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/11/2012
Posts: 5,222
Drobos fly wrote:
Mukiri wrote:

@Drobos.. lelax omera! Imagine when they saw Jesus Christ receiving pedicure from a prostitute, or dining with a tax collector.. Binguni tunaenda! Judge not

Accusing someone of judging you is no excuse not to be told you are doing the wrong thing!
If it's wrong, it's wrong whether you like it or not! Take it or leave it, it's all up to you.

It's more than a concern when you claim to be an ardent follower of God's word but you don't seem to know the word of God since in some instances you choose your own ways over it. I'm going to lay it very, very hard and cold because it is better you never knew Christ and fell away than to know Christ and then fall away. There's a good reason the bible says that. (2 Peter 2:21)

When Jesus was at the well with the prostitute, He said your sins are forgiven, go and sin no more (John 8:11). Jesus doesn't compromise on anything there, He explicitly instructs her to sin no more failure to which would be an act of disobedience. We all know that the wages of sin is death. Mukiri you deceive yourself on that, disobedience precedes death. A repentant prostitute will have eternal life & basically anyone who repents of their wicked ways and turns to Christ, doesn't matter their past but a compromising or double-minded believer will not see the kingdom of God no matter how much you keep lying to yourself.

Now about the tax collector, Luke 19:8 says,
"Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor; and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold"

Both accounts of the prostitute and the tax collector have shown that there was a followup action of repentance (leaving their old ways and embracing a new righteous lifestyle and never returned to their old ways in a compromising instance). So your argument holds no water just a deception in you mind.

If you were reading the word of God you would know that in Gal 5:19 says, "Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God."

Lewd: (of behaviour, speech, dress, etc.) sexual in an obvious and rude way.

The bible is very clear on how someone who leads a righteous life is to conduct themselves and it has been said in Matthew 7:14, "But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it." It did not mince it's words when saying this.

If you have come across Colossians 3:8-10, then you'd know that you are actually toying in sin, nothing to relax about there.

"But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth. Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him,...."

I'm not going to beat about the bush with you and lie to you it is a joking matter, you have been asked to put off the old man and walk in righteousness. You can clearly see the responses to your comment they are not approving, they are disapproving you! Really sad that they have to point it out to you as if your conscience has been seared. You cannot please God and the world, one will have to be your master. That's shameful because you are supposed to be Christ's representative in righteousness not bring on shame upon His ways. There's only one who brings shame upon righteousness.

Let's just test whether that joke is filthy or not, imagine yourself in your church on a Sunday service and you are asked to share that in front of the entire congregation, does it edify anyone or does it bring on embarrassment and shame?

One thing, the word of God is not up for debate, if you can't follow it don't deceive others that you can occasionally compromise and still receive eternal life. You are either working out your salvation with fear and trembling and pleasing God or you pleasing man. You cannot please both on that account whether you believe it or not.

Sawa Boss... I salenda!Pray

I'm guessing as a Christian, I'll have to leave jokes =====> huko?Sad

Proverbs 19:21
#26 Posted : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 10:42:28 AM
Rank: Member

Joined: 5/22/2014
Posts: 321
Location: Ndeiya
Mukiri wrote:
Drobos fly wrote:
Mukiri wrote:

@Drobos.. lelax omera! Imagine when they saw Jesus Christ receiving pedicure from a prostitute, or dining with a tax collector.. Binguni tunaenda! Judge not

Accusing someone of judging you is no excuse not to be told you are doing the wrong thing!
If it's wrong, it's wrong whether you like it or not! Take it or leave it, it's all up to you.

It's more than a concern when you claim to be an ardent follower of God's word but you don't seem to know the word of God since in some instances you choose your own ways over it. I'm going to lay it very, very hard and cold because it is better you never knew Christ and fell away than to know Christ and then fall away. There's a good reason the bible says that. (2 Peter 2:21)

When Jesus was at the well with the prostitute, He said your sins are forgiven, go and sin no more (John 8:11). Jesus doesn't compromise on anything there, He explicitly instructs her to sin no more failure to which would be an act of disobedience. We all know that the wages of sin is death. Mukiri you deceive yourself on that, disobedience precedes death. A repentant prostitute will have eternal life & basically anyone who repents of their wicked ways and turns to Christ, doesn't matter their past but a compromising or double-minded believer will not see the kingdom of God no matter how much you keep lying to yourself.

Now about the tax collector, Luke 19:8 says,
"Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor; and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold"

Both accounts of the prostitute and the tax collector have shown that there was a followup action of repentance (leaving their old ways and embracing a new righteous lifestyle and never returned to their old ways in a compromising instance). So your argument holds no water just a deception in you mind.

If you were reading the word of God you would know that in Gal 5:19 says, "Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God."

Lewd: (of behaviour, speech, dress, etc.) sexual in an obvious and rude way.

The bible is very clear on how someone who leads a righteous life is to conduct themselves and it has been said in Matthew 7:14, "But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it." It did not mince it's words when saying this.

If you have come across Colossians 3:8-10, then you'd know that you are actually toying in sin, nothing to relax about there.

"But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth. Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him,...."

I'm not going to beat about the bush with you and lie to you it is a joking matter, you have been asked to put off the old man and walk in righteousness. You can clearly see the responses to your comment they are not approving, they are disapproving you! Really sad that they have to point it out to you as if your conscience has been seared. You cannot please God and the world, one will have to be your master. That's shameful because you are supposed to be Christ's representative in righteousness not bring on shame upon His ways. There's only one who brings shame upon righteousness.

Let's just test whether that joke is filthy or not, imagine yourself in your church on a Sunday service and you are asked to share that in front of the entire congregation, does it edify anyone or does it bring on embarrassment and shame?

One thing, the word of God is not up for debate, if you can't follow it don't deceive others that you can occasionally compromise and still receive eternal life. You are either working out your salvation with fear and trembling and pleasing God or you pleasing man. You cannot please both on that account whether you believe it or not.

Sawa Boss... I salenda!Pray

I'm guessing as a Christian, I'll have to leave jokes =====> huko?Sad

You are right @Mukiri. So noble to take positive such correction, and surrender in contrition. Again, that is the way.
#27 Posted : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 10:43:13 AM
Rank: Chief

Joined: 5/9/2007
Posts: 13,095
Njunge wrote:
kaka2za wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
hardwood wrote:
Na these ladies wako na nguvu. You are eaten by two rugby players the whole night and in the morning you are as fit as a fiddle, jumping like a rabbit and you are ready to go home. Now i know that the lady who "resisted" and told me "naogopa kuumiza hiyo kakitu yako" was just lying to me.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly ..Muhunjia!

Account hackedPray /....Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly This is so funny.
Drobos fly
#28 Posted : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 11:47:07 AM
Rank: Member

Joined: 4/24/2012
Posts: 331
Location: Vantage point
Mukiri wrote:

I'm guessing as a Christian, I'll have to leave jokes =====> huko?Sad

That's a very disappointing remark because it show you don't know how to differentiate what is a clean joke and what is simply lewd. You see the thing is, when you get to this state it means you have no spiritual guardian directing you. This means your conscience has been seared, that means the Spirit of God is not giving you the guidance you need, that means He has departed from you which means you need to re-dedicate your life to Christ once again.

You need to actively read and internalize God's word. Obeying the leading of the Spirit because once you disobey, He gives you some leeway and when you make it a habit, He departs from you and you can't tell clean from unclean because you've lost sensitivity, everything then becomes permissible to you and you wonder why suddenly others are attacking you.

David says in Psalms, "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."

It is the word of God that leads you into that which is edifying including jokes. Keep your old friends, old visiting areas and it will all be in vain because they will return you to your old ways as a dog returns to its vomit (Prov. 26:11)
Drobos fly
#29 Posted : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 11:50:37 AM
Rank: Member

Joined: 4/24/2012
Posts: 331
Location: Vantage point
AlphDoti wrote:

Thirdly, however, I want to say if @Drobos is honest, then I would like him to listen to my view. Brother, you have sincere attitude towards the word of God. But only one thing is missing, something very, very important: realization of who truly is Lord! Who truly is the Creator and Almighty God. You still have this confusion, thinking Jesus Christ is God Almighty... Only this one bro. I give you this counsel believing that you are comfortable to accept that you may have certain shortcomings and that you are willing to work to improve those shortcomings.

@drobos this is the truth: JESUS CHRISTGOD ALMIGHTY!!

I have to say this, even where I work, it is admirable the way you people pray during the entire day. Nothing stops you, you just do it. Now that's commitment & that's what most Christians lack. I try my best to commit like you guys.

Alphdoti please understand this, in every reference I have made to God's word, I don't brand you as a devil. Anyone can be influenced by the devil to do his bidding including myself but no one should be branded unworthy of God's love.

Please I'm going to pause some questions and don't feel offended but in time just think about them don't rush, you don't have to respond to them immediately, we are not in a competition, you don't have to feel be-littled or defeated... no. I am not here to compete or thump my chest against you. I just need you to consider this:

If you believe the Ahlul-Bayt as the only holy and sinless people, was Imam Ali prophesied or written about hundreds of thousands of years ago before they were born? ... No
Was Imam Ali or Imam Hussein's death or matyrdom prophesied that they were going to die as our substitute so that muslims would not face eternal hell? ... No
Did Imam Ali rise from the dead to prove that sin had no power over him if he was indeed sinless? ... No
The fact that Ali remained in his grave is proof that sin kept him there until the day of judgement

What has Allah done for you to be guaranteed heaven? In Islam it's always InshAllah I will go to heaven.
If Allah or mohammed or Imam Ali or Islam in general was merciful and filled with the grace of God, then you know for a fact guaranteed that you would go to heaven.

I really don't want to start a competitive debate and I don't want to fight you because I know you are competitive. Mine is just for your consideration. There quite a number of other issues but I'm not looking to compete or floor you no that's not my goal.

Now! Over to Jesus Christ ≠ God Almighty. What really makes it difficult for us Christians to explain this is the spirit world isn't as logically straight forward as we would want to think, for example healing of the sick, giving sight to the blind.

I actually can't explain that no matter what scientific instruments I gathered before you. The approach that you take towards it cannot capture that. This element called faith has everything to do with it and I can't explain the workings of it but I see it works, that's the truth. Here on earth, God is a fair and just God.

He will reward you accordingly. There is nothing that is impossible before Him. This means He can choose to pause as anything before anyone. He can go to the depths of the sea and interact with His creation. He can choose to appear as an ant and guide and be master amongst the ants.

He can choose to appear in the human race and bear the physical appearance of a man. It's not impossible with God, He is not limited by the physical laws that we are bound by. He effortlessly transcends them. I guess this is also part of the reason it's so difficult to explain but I bet the explanation is not enough no matter how convincing it may sound or appear. Something is missing and I totally understand that.

That's why you are where you are and I'm where I am decisively. It's all coming back to this element called faith and a witness of the Holy Spirit which unfortunately I cannot reproduce, I don't have that power as I'm only merely human. A witness may mean an actually personal visitation of the Spirit of God witnessing to you that Jesus Christ is Lord.
#30 Posted : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 1:43:54 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 10/4/2006
Posts: 13,821
Location: Nairobi
Hakuna thread ingine watu wanaweza peleka hii discussion?
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#31 Posted : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 2:19:54 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 6/20/2008
Posts: 6,275
Location: Kenya
masukuma wrote:
Hakuna thread ingine watu wanaweza peleka hii discussion?

I agree... let's take it to OTHER RELIGIOUS DISCOURSE
#32 Posted : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 4:07:50 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/11/2012
Posts: 5,222
Drobos fly wrote:
Mukiri wrote:

I'm guessing as a Christian, I'll have to leave jokes =====> huko?Sad

That's a very disappointing remark because it show you don't know how to differentiate what is a clean joke and what is simply lewd. You see the thing is, when you get to this state it means you have no spiritual guardian directing you. This means your conscience has been seared, that means the Spirit of God is not giving you the guidance you need, that means He has departed from you which means you need to re-dedicate your life to Christ once again.

You need to actively read and internalize God's word. Obeying the leading of the Spirit because once you disobey, He gives you some leeway and when you make it a habit, He departs from you and you can't tell clean from unclean because you've lost sensitivity, everything then becomes permissible to you and you wonder why suddenly others are attacking you.

David says in Psalms, "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."

It is the word of God that leads you into that which is edifying including jokes. Keep your old friends, old visiting areas and it will all be in vain because they will return you to your old ways as a dog returns to its vomit (Prov. 26:11)

I'm glad you are not my mother! I can see you beating the devil out of me everydaySad Pray

Woishe, I hope that is an acceptable joke?Sad

Proverbs 19:21
#33 Posted : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 10:09:27 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/1/2011
Posts: 8,804
Location: Nairobi
An idle question: if you are a Muslim, and you have 4 wives, can you have a five some, or even a 3 some?

What authorities justify your answer @Alph?

#34 Posted : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 11:32:20 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 11/15/2011
Posts: 4,518
tycho wrote:
An idle question: if you are a Muslim, and you have 4 wives, can you have a five some, or even a 3 some?

What authorities justify your answer @Alph?

Roflmao..Alpha come here.

Laughing out loudly
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#35 Posted : Thursday, April 12, 2018 6:40:54 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 6/20/2008
Posts: 6,275
Location: Kenya
essyk wrote:
tycho wrote:
An idle question: if you are a Muslim, and you have 4 wives, can you have a five some, or even a 3 some?

What authorities justify your answer @Alph?

Roflmao..Alpha come here.

Laughing out loudly

@tycho the answer is no. Unlike other religions, Islam came to restore honour to women. I'm sure you've come across this verse 1 Timothy 2:11 which tells you not to open your mouth mbele ya wanaume.

@essyk and what you're laughing at is your Western lifestyle which you're busy admiring, the "Westernization", which is actually a disguise form of exploitation of the women body, deprivation of honour, and degrading of soul, through those naked women sitting on billboards, naked women selling everything even chocolate bar, toothpaste, everything... You can't tell me that does not represent sexual exploitation
#36 Posted : Thursday, April 12, 2018 9:20:19 AM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 10/29/2008
Posts: 1,566
Mukiri wrote:
Drobos fly wrote:
Mukiri wrote:

I'm guessing as a Christian, I'll have to leave jokes =====> huko?Sad

That's a very disappointing remark because it show you don't know how to differentiate what is a clean joke and what is simply lewd. You see the thing is, when you get to this state it means you have no spiritual guardian directing you. This means your conscience has been seared, that means the Spirit of God is not giving you the guidance you need, that means He has departed from you which means you need to re-dedicate your life to Christ once again.

You need to actively read and internalize God's word. Obeying the leading of the Spirit because once you disobey, He gives you some leeway and when you make it a habit, He departs from you and you can't tell clean from unclean because you've lost sensitivity, everything then becomes permissible to you and you wonder why suddenly others are attacking you.

David says in Psalms, "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."

It is the word of God that leads you into that which is edifying including jokes. Keep your old friends, old visiting areas and it will all be in vain because they will return you to your old ways as a dog returns to its vomit (Prov. 26:11)

I'm glad you are not my mother! I can see you beating the devil out of me everydaySad Pray

Woishe, I hope that is an acceptable joke?Sad

Mukiri wrote:
masukuma wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
masukuma wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
It is easy to criticize the happenings of Church folk. I put up a video not long ago where TD Jakes mentioned it. If hypocrisy is your yard stick, then you ought to know that it is also present in the bar. He said something about your stripper not really caring much about you, but for your money! If it is a clean clear-cut picture you want, then you ought to be by yourself! These videos always pop up because Church folk are under constant scrutiny... Si uweke videos of your local bar, why go miles away to point out vice?

This whole thread is not on hypocrisy during religious practice but rather plain stupidity during the same. This is mainly in Africa! There is a difference!

'Wealthy Nigerian Pastors...' is a blanket statement. I'm sure there are good ones in the midst of them all. I wouldn't write about Wazuan Antichrists, when I'm only reffering to Ma-kales, ama?

'ALL Nigerian Pastors...' would be the 'blanket statement'. My statement would only be wrong if it was 0 or 1 Nigerian Pastors pulling this shit!

I don't even Know where you got the sense that I am an Anti-Christ... you could be projecting thinking because I am calling out stupidity in African Christians and making them uncomfortable - I am anti what they believe at the core. Chief... I am just Anti-Stupidity or Anti Rationality! That's why you cannot see David Oginde or T.D. Jakes on this thread... because they are not NUTS and their followers are not NUTS!!

I hear you. Sawa sawa Chief

Isuni yilu yi maa me muyo - ni Mbisuu
#37 Posted : Thursday, April 12, 2018 9:30:42 AM
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Joined: 7/1/2011
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Location: Nairobi
AlphDoti wrote:
essyk wrote:
tycho wrote:
An idle question: if you are a Muslim, and you have 4 wives, can you have a five some, or even a 3 some?

What authorities justify your answer @Alph?

Roflmao..Alpha come here.

Laughing out loudly

@tycho the answer is no. Unlike other religions, Islam came to restore honour to women. I'm sure you've come across this verse 1 Timothy 2:11 which tells you not to open your mouth mbele ya wanaume.

@essyk and what you're laughing at is your Western lifestyle which you're busy admiring, the "Westernization", which is actually a disguise form of exploitation of the women body, deprivation of honour, and degrading of soul, through those naked women sitting on billboards, naked women selling everything even chocolate bar, toothpaste, everything... You can't tell me that does not represent sexual exploitation

A muslim man denying his wives an N-some because of the book of Timothy would be a disaster in my opinion. Wanaeza mwekelea bonoko ya 'apostasy'.

And in any case, the authority is about telling the woman to shut up and follow the man. So it's up to the man to say, 'Hivi ndio kutaenda leo...'

Does the Quran have something on this...?
Cornelius Vanderbilt
#38 Posted : Thursday, April 12, 2018 10:05:25 AM
Rank: Member

Joined: 8/15/2015
Posts: 817
are there women rugby players in kenya coz i would definitely like "Rape....or 3 some....or both?"
#39 Posted : Thursday, April 12, 2018 11:16:26 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 10/4/2006
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AlphDoti wrote:
essyk wrote:
tycho wrote:
An idle question: if you are a Muslim, and you have 4 wives, can you have a five some, or even a 3 some?

What authorities justify your answer @Alph?

Roflmao..Alpha come here.

Laughing out loudly

@tycho the answer is no. Unlike other religions, Islam came to restore honour to women. I'm sure you've come across this verse 1 Timothy 2:11 which tells you not to open your mouth mbele ya wanaume.

@essyk and what you're laughing at is your Western lifestyle which you're busy admiring, the "Westernization", which is actually a disguise form of exploitation of the women body, deprivation of honour, and degrading of soul, through those naked women sitting on billboards, naked women selling everything even chocolate bar, toothpaste, everything... You can't tell me that does not represent sexual exploitation

it's very interesting that it's men (and sometimes old ugly women) who want to prevent "exploitation of the women body, deprivation of honour, and degrading of soul" - very interesting! The female body is an object of social powers and the extent to which a society falls over itself to regulate it is a measure on how open a society is.
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#40 Posted : Thursday, April 12, 2018 12:11:56 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 2/12/2008
Posts: 1,178
Very suprised by the responses here. Someone was raped and we are having a good go at her here. Including our respectable ladies Big Chick and Anjelica. Its despicable
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