qw25041985 wrote:@ guru267. U want to tell me that this counter willnt reach 66.00 inthe comin days . I thats being to pesimistic. Or hav u panic sold .LOL. I chose 66.00 (1 year high) coz if it crosses this price the next stop over'll b at 74.00. Surelly things cannot b that bad. What was the expectation 1 trillion. ???? LOL. LOL
@qw25041985 first of all why did you choose this name hard name???
secondly if this counter moves up then that will be a clear inefficiency that one should take an oppurtunity to sell...
first of all the market was expecting a 7 EPS with a dividend of 2-3 bob or a dividend of 1 bob with bonus shares and that didnt come to pass...
secondly doesn't KQ earn most of its money in
Euros?? if thats the case then the weakening euro will smash next years earnings ans think about the increase in capital expenditure for the new planes...
Basically if KQ made these gains with the Euro at 1.58 to the dollar think how much they will shrink with the Euro now trading at 1.21 and heading lower...
that said what incentive is their to send this counter up???
Mark 12:29
Deuteronomy 4:16