Group Profit before Tax declines by 81% from sh.1.2bn in 2016 to ksh.231.9mn
Total Operating Income declined by 25% to ksh.2.82bn down from 3.77bn in 2016
Total Operating expenses increased by 1%
Gross non-performing loans increased to ksh.8.1bn from 5.5bn in 2016 due to slowdown in the property market and overall unfavourable macro-economic conditions.
Group's liquidity position improved to 26.03% up from 23.04% in 2016 on account of an aggressive collections strategy.
Group Total Assets declined to ksh.70bn down from 73bn
On 2nd October 2017 The Group successfully repaid the first tranche of the ksh.10bn corporate bond issued in 2010 amounting to kshs.7bn
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