Club SK
Reasons to abolish religions.
Rank: User Joined: 8/15/2013 Posts: 13,237 Location: Vacuum
hamburglar wrote:Ngalaka wrote:Just a casual observation;
The fellow who massacred people in Texas USA three days ago was a 'devout' Atheist!
A person can be good or bad, rich or poor regardless of whether or not - they are Christian, Jew, Muslim, Budhist, Animist, Agnostics, Atheist etc Of course there are "evil" atheists. Nobody is 100% clean in this world. I am not saying that atheists are exempt from their share of evil but the vast majority of atheists compared to theists are morally upright people with a conscience that does not rely on believing in a bearded man in the sky to do good. We do good because it's the right thing to do, not because some god is watching us and keeping tabs on us which he will use to either deny or give us entry into some heaven. That is the worst type of hypocrisy ever. Will atheist consider me immoral or moral if I steal food to feed a starving kid who is facing death? If Obiero did it, Who Am I?
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/20/2008 Posts: 6,275 Location: Kenya
hamburglar wrote:Ngalaka wrote:Just a casual observation;
The fellow who massacred people in Texas USA three days ago was a 'devout' Atheist!
A person can be good or bad, rich or poor regardless of whether or not - they are Christian, Jew, Muslim, Budhist, Animist, Agnostics, Atheist etc Of course there are "evil" atheists. Nobody is 100% clean in this world. I am not saying that atheists are exempt from their share of evil but the vast majority of atheists compared to theists are morally upright people with a conscience that does not rely on believing in a bearded man in the sky to do good. We do good because it's the right thing to do, not because some god is watching us and keeping tabs on us which he will use to either deny or give us entry into some heaven. That is the worst type of hypocrisy ever. So what % of atheist are evil people?
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/6/2008 Posts: 3,549
I've been a big supporter of "mainstream" in Kenya, this may survive better eventually than what is going on in the west, they do all in all carry out some key social duties when there is no conmanship, shouting, ruka rukaring, curing aids, etc Evangelicals will still encounter problems, indeed, Peter Drucker had some unreserved admiration for the salvation army and there social programs, but evangelist their style inaukora mingi sana though you can't say all, 100% etc but they lie so bluntly. Meru Holiness
Rank: Member Joined: 12/17/2011 Posts: 887
Swenani wrote:hamburglar wrote:Ngalaka wrote:Just a casual observation;
The fellow who massacred people in Texas USA three days ago was a 'devout' Atheist!
A person can be good or bad, rich or poor regardless of whether or not - they are Christian, Jew, Muslim, Budhist, Animist, Agnostics, Atheist etc Of course there are "evil" atheists. Nobody is 100% clean in this world. I am not saying that atheists are exempt from their share of evil but the vast majority of atheists compared to theists are morally upright people with a conscience that does not rely on believing in a bearded man in the sky to do good. We do good because it's the right thing to do, not because some god is watching us and keeping tabs on us which he will use to either deny or give us entry into some heaven. That is the worst type of hypocrisy ever. Will atheist consider me immoral or moral if I steal food to feed a starving kid who is facing death? Stealing is obviously immoral as well as illegal. There are obviously better channels to pursue to feed those starving children. Remember, it's not your fault that the child is starving, but don't commit a crime to solve such a situation, you can empathize and maybe even feel sorry for the child but don't steal. Look for alternative ways. There are many ways and enough resources around the world to end child hunger but people just don't care enough to solve this epidemic. Maybe if Christians would stop giving pastors 10% of their earnings to buy mansions and instead think of ways to feed these starving children with that money, just maybe we could be on to something. But unfortunately, the stupid bible tells them to give their church (read pastors) their money and they are either too lazy or too brainwashed to think outside the box and come up with ways to help the needy instead of buying kanyari a range rover or kyuna a mansion. Problem with religious people is they don't think rationally. Blind faith suppresses their common sense. That child will continue to starve as they drive past him from church on sunday morning where they were entertained by actor/conman/thug Kanyari for a fee of 10% of their monthly earnings. Very unfortunate. Sometimes I wonder why religious people are so ignorant. Does religion really dumb down people that much?
Rank: Veteran Joined: 10/29/2008 Posts: 1,566
AlphDoti wrote:Ngalaka wrote:Just a casual observation;
The fellow who massacred people in Texas USA three days ago was a 'devout' Atheist!
A person can be good or bad, rich or poor regardless of whether or not - they are Christian, Jew, Muslim, Budhist, Animist, Agnostics, Atheist etc I'm glad it is @Ngalaka who is saying this. At last you made the realization. Alhamdullillah! Mbona sikupati!, Uko na maana gani ndugu! Isuni yilu yi maa me muyo - ni Mbisuu
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/4/2006 Posts: 13,821 Location: Nairobi
'devout' Atheist? is that paradox? devout means 'totally committed to a cause or belief'... perhaps what you meant was 'a devout anti-theist'. Since you are actually an Atheist.... to all other Gods but yours! How devout can you be to not believing in Buddha? Or the Gods of the Aboriginal tribes of Australia or Traditional American Indian Gods? Perhaps - if you are anti-God's of Aboriginal tribes of Micronesia - you would be an anti-theist. All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
Rank: Veteran Joined: 1/16/2007 Posts: 1,320
@hamburglar You want to abolish religions from a religious mindset?
Rank: Elder Joined: 11/5/2010 Posts: 2,459
There is a gospel extravaganza coming up at the Citam-Karen featuring the legendary Don Moen.
The reason you are reading this here is because a group of friends, all atheists, are attending. Apparently they love Don Moen from their theist days.
For the record am not an atheist. Though my take on all religions is that they are outright frauds.
Lesson to @Ham : You can be an atheist and still find some religious stuff cool. No need for hating religious folks. What they need is love.
Lesson to religious fanatics : You don't push your faith to non-believers. You pull them to your faith. Its all about the packaging.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 1/16/2007 Posts: 1,320
FRM2011 wrote:
Lesson to religious fanatics : You don't push your faith to non-believers. You pull them to your faith. Its all about the packaging.
So in your view, all religions are frauds and here you are with advice on recruitment.
Rank: Elder Joined: 9/20/2015 Posts: 2,811 Location: Mombasa
Mtu Biz wrote:@hamburglar
You want to abolish religions from a religious mindset?
John 5:17 But Jesus replied, “My Father is always working, and so am I.”
Rank: Veteran Joined: 10/29/2008 Posts: 1,566
Ngalaka wrote:AlphDoti wrote:Ngalaka wrote:Just a casual observation;
The fellow who massacred people in Texas USA three days ago was a 'devout' Atheist!
A person can be good or bad, rich or poor regardless of whether or not - they are Christian, Jew, Muslim, Budhist, Animist, Agnostics, Atheist etc I'm glad it is @Ngalaka who is saying this. At last you made the realization. Alhamdullillah! Mbona sikupati!, Uko na maana gani ndugu! @AlphDoti, Still waiting for you to shed light on your assertions on my person. Isuni yilu yi maa me muyo - ni Mbisuu
Rank: Veteran Joined: 7/5/2010 Posts: 2,061 Location: Nairobi
Tell people they can't have something and they will want it more. Abolishing religion would have the opposite effect, not what the OP thinks...
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/1/2011 Posts: 8,804 Location: Nairobi
Angelica _ann wrote:I have always wondered why life after should be better than now. Why not now? What do we mean by 'now' and 'then'? If time is a relation among and between things then, life now, may be worse than the life to come because of what 'now' entails. We don't share a 'now' unless we create it jointly and deliberately. So, 'why not now?' Because of the relations we've created and use.
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/1/2011 Posts: 8,804 Location: Nairobi
masukuma wrote:Which one causes the other? Is the relationship between churches and poverty one of correlation or causation? Cause or Effect? Beware of simple narratives that explain complex problems I can imagine that the wealth being enjoyed now may have been caused by religion, and as a consequence of wealth, indulgence may have been caused, which then caused irreligion enjoying wealth. Now consider the 'wealth': If in the base year wealth was growing by the factor x and in subsequent years wealth grew by factors that were progressively less than x, such that by the time of appraisal the wealth factor has reduced to a factor approaching zero; wouldn't there be a case for saying irreligion causes poverty, even despite the fact that the measure of wealth is high relative to other entities? For me this implies that materialism can't be a basis of evaluating religion against irreligion. Simply because it would be met by an infinite regress clouded by uncertainty of what's to be meseaured. Finally, why is it taking some of us so long to discover that atheism has flourished most where it's been a religion? Humans can't exist without religion.
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/9/2009 Posts: 6,592 Location: Nairobi
Without religion there would be anarchy. It's only religion that's holding Kenya together right now. BBI will solve it :)
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/20/2008 Posts: 6,275 Location: Kenya
Ngalaka wrote:Ngalaka wrote:AlphDoti wrote:Ngalaka wrote:Just a casual observation;
The fellow who massacred people in Texas USA three days ago was a 'devout' Atheist!
A person can be good or bad, rich or poor regardless of whether or not - they are Christian, Jew, Muslim, Budhist, Animist, Agnostics, Atheist etc I'm glad it is @Ngalaka who is saying this. At last you made the realization. Alhamdullillah! Mbona sikupati!, Uko na maana gani ndugu! @AlphDoti, Still waiting for you to shed light on your assertions on my person. @Ngalaka, what I mean is... We see @burglar talk evil of other religions. And if he can learn from your post, he should now realize that we should not point fingers at the religions... because as much as we have bad Muslims, the Christians have bad Christians, and the atheists have bad atheists. If we take for example Hitler. He killed 6 million people, 2nd world war is the result of Hitler's activities and millions people died. He was a Christian. Of course we would not judge Jesus (peace be upon him) by the behaviour of some few bad Christians who do not represent the teachings of Jesus (peace be upon him). Similarly, we cannot blame the whole community because of some Muslims who are not representing the principles of the religion. In short, in every community there are black sheep but on the basis of these black sheep we can't say that the whole community is wrong. and i said I'm glad to see people dialogue with open mind and open heart because an open heart-mind can receive something.
Rank: Member Joined: 4/24/2012 Posts: 331 Location: Vantage point
I'm finding this post ultra silly. Look no further but in Kenya. Greed and selfishness is the cause of the malpractices and injustices widespread across the country. That is a moral issue that has nothing to do with whether you call yourself as saint or not. It is not the mouth that defines a person, it is their deeds ....anyway some people loooove idle talk and I'm not one given to such.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 10/29/2008 Posts: 1,566
AlphDoti wrote:Ngalaka wrote:Ngalaka wrote:AlphDoti wrote:Ngalaka wrote:Just a casual observation;
The fellow who massacred people in Texas USA three days ago was a 'devout' Atheist!
A person can be good or bad, rich or poor regardless of whether or not - they are Christian, Jew, Muslim, Budhist, Animist, Agnostics, Atheist etc I'm glad it is @Ngalaka who is saying this. At last you made the realization. Alhamdullillah! Mbona sikupati!, Uko na maana gani ndugu! @AlphDoti, Still waiting for you to shed light on your assertions on my person. @Ngalaka, what I mean is... We see @burglar talk evil of other religions. And if he can learn from your post, he should now realize that we should not point fingers at the religions... because as much as we have bad Muslims, the Christians have bad Christians, and the atheists have bad atheists. If we take for example Hitler. He killed 6 million people, 2nd world war is the result of Hitler's activities and millions people died. He was a Christian. Of course we would not judge Jesus (peace be upon him) by the behaviour of some few bad Christians who do not represent the teachings of Jesus (peace be upon him). Similarly, we cannot blame the whole community because of some Muslims who are not representing the principles of the religion. In short, in every community there are black sheep but on the basis of these black sheep we can't say that the whole community is wrong. and i said I'm glad to see people dialogue with open mind and open heart because an open heart-mind can receive something. With the positive spin you have given it, sounds ok... The highlighted part had stricken me as loaded though. All in all....Cheers brother. Isuni yilu yi maa me muyo - ni Mbisuu
Rank: Elder Joined: 2/26/2012 Posts: 15,980
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore .
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/7/2012 Posts: 11,910
Club SK
Reasons to abolish religions.
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