Reading posts and hearing statements from "leaders" on TV, i don't see a lot of the yes men giving reasons why i should vote yes for this draft. In fact, they are simply giving reasons why they think that i will vote no: that 1.) I am a land grabber 2.) I am a hypocrite 3.) That i am intolerant and i don't want Muslims to get married. Well, here are my reasons:
1.) The application of international law without approval by parliament. How can we say that Kenya is a sovereign country (4) (1) and come and surrender our sovereignty (145) (1) (b). Who will form this laws; US, Russia, China, Iran, Which country.
2.) That i will not be allowed to beat my own child even if he does wrong. And it will be impossible to rectify this law except through a referendum (29) (e)
3.) Abortion will be permitted through any other written law; not even an act of parliament. Written laws can even be in the form of county laws and executive laws (delegated legislation) Compare article (26) (4) and (91) (2) (e)
4.) The constitution will give women undue advantage. Why should they be favoured? Is the wife of one of the mps more "marginalized" than the 40 year old man in turkana who has just survived gunshot wounds? affirmative action is good so long as it has a time-line. How will having 40 women in the senate help the 10 pupils in nyanza who got pregnant the other day?
5.) The draft allows the media to air pornographic content without regard to public morality . Compare the current constitution article (80) vs the draft (34) (2) (a)
6.) The draft, in the wisdom of the committee of experts, places the roles of controlling drugs under the authority of the county governments Fourth schedule, part 2-13. Where will the counties get the resources to fight drugs trade? pLEASE? What was the Committee Of (leftist) Interests when this was being written?
And many others. I have 17 reasons which i oppose fully in this draft.
On Christ Alone